I think the powers that be cannot have Bernie win. All elections are a set up, I really realized that when I ran for mayor in our town. The tricks they play! They had groomed our present mayor to come in after Bonfanti. He was gonna run against Bonfanti but he was told to wait and he did and he won the next one , Bonfanti retired, I ran against Bonfanti.
I knew and wrote about Bettoncourt winning before he won. I mentioned it on "you make the call" local CCTV
The rich are Afraid of Bernie because he'll make changes in our favor, the common man, the rich can't have that, they lose power and even if Clinton mentioned DEW , it went nowhere ,, the state secret is , we need to test these weapons on real live situations, to see how they effect real people, that justification for all of this testing , then it went to whistleblowers , activists, dissidents and of course the mentally ill or so called were targets. If you were under a docs monitoring then you were considered safe but if you knew what the govt. was doing , and refused then you were stalked. Mind control. Whistleblowers activists , dissidents were attacked under HUDS operation safe home using DEW, this was in the 90's then after Snowden and Manning and of course Assange whistleblowers went mainstream ,, went public but the DEW was not used on them, other means we're used, jail, exile, and jail. No DEW needed and the govt did not want to go public with the use of DEW on humans, it would give the targeted to much evidence against the govt. To sue them and have evidence for their claims.
I don't any of the candidates for president. Except Bernie