well this room I'm living in this one tiny room,, I like it,,, it takes care of all my needs,,, across the small hall is two bathrooms,,, 4 and 3,,,, when I first applied for my key I was told I would get the key to bathroom 4, that is the one directly across from me,,,, directly across from my door and I sit a little to the right of the door... I have been pulsed from this area and when I left to go to the store after being pulsed for a while,,, and catching it on film,,,, I noticed the bathroom door was closed and it will atomatically lock,,, 4 people have keys to the bathrooms I use both,,, why not but only have a key to bathroom that is down the hall no. 3,,, now four is locked I do not have access and this is where the pulsing is coming from,,, as I entered my room coming back from the store I heard the bathroom door close and the harassment start. so this device is locked into the bath.... the big guy who got really hit the other night has a key to it,,,, so he is part of it,,,,I also got a notice yesterday and mailed it yesterday from the Lynnfield elderly housing , I was on the top of the list... I would love to move out of this miserable cabal of a town,,,, Peabody I have because of the people here come to hate it...
I also decided some of these people on these calls are nuts,,, or slightly off,,, or something,,,,I argue with Frank all the time ,, he is so far off base and Horton who seemed so stabile is going off base too, being mind controlled by the perps...frank gets constant v2k,,, I get constant harassment as a woosh of energy goes through my head with the little sparks of light as well, I am going to take a walk later when I am woken up... maybe head for the woods Ive been trying to get up to my lock up to get my bike and go for a ride that I would like....go punch buddy out. ttyl