I call it that because I do not know what it's real name is. But the pulse looks like a worm, though you can see through it, it does not move smoothly but moves with these jerky segments, and it can be fast. The diameter can also be adjusted to be as big as the street or as small as a few inches,and it vibrates, it vibrates the shit out of you ,this is what I have seen.
The first time I saw this I was at a neighbors house and I was paying off the super sport vehicle I bought from him, his name was Leo Durocher now deceased. Rich Nelson Torigian's son in law lived a few houses down from Leo. As I left Leo's house having made my payment I looked to my left and this swirl in the air came at me and was aimed at the middle of the street. I stared at it and wonder what to hell was that? It came from Rich Nelson's house and as it approached me it got bigger and bigger till it filled the street. In a huge big circle with these inner circles. it reached me and kept going and didn't have to much of an effect, I think because it was so big.
Later I saw this pulse in a tighter form, coming from Nelson's house over the houses and hitting mine. From passing cars and now from Jeremiah's Rathburn's house, who lives immediately across the street . This pulse is in a much tighter form, this smaller shape can do much damage as I have had this hit my knees.
I have been in bed with my legs bent and it smashed into the front of my knees several times. The right knee has been hit with what I believe could be laser as it goes right through bone and tissue leaving a hole in the muscle but not breaking the skin. My right knee has been shot right through behind the knee cap and in front about 5 inches down from the knee capon the leg, I can feel the groove in the muscle from the shot. I can also feel the entrance shot and exit from the knee cap, because it still hurts and the pain guides you to the spot. The pain is spot specific. You can even tell entrance from exit wound as the entrance hurts more than the exit and is bigger.
Basically I have been hobbled and all walking is painful. A short while ago , 4 weeks , I saw a firetruck parked outside Cherie Rathburn's house, Cherie is Jeremiah's wife and is a gossip and her mouth does not know when to stop. Her husband Jeremiah is a huge guy but she does not think much of his courage. She speaks of him disdainfully.
After the firetruck visited, (Rick Nelson is a deputy fire chief, he married one of Torigian's ugly daughters,he owes his job to that marriage) I started getting hit with this vortex worm only in a tighter more painful size, It hits me as I lie in bed and this is a straight shot form Cherie's house , namely her garage and she knows exactly where my bed is , she visited when I first moved here and was friendly. This vortex worm hits me in the knees as I have my knees bent lying on my side and this causes the knees to swell up, They injured the right one more than the left one. Every night I get hit in the knees causing me to walk as if I am a cripple which I pretty much am, compliments of high technology and Rick Nelson. May he rot.
So that is the situation today as I type this,