Sunday, March 24, 2013


Maybe I should start at the beginning, so that you can get some idea of who I am through this blog and my story.  I live in a pretty small city, city hall is ruled by a click, inbred group.  The mayor was in power for 23 years, so he pretty well had knocked out all opposition, he ran unopposed , I believe because of his tactics, I know I was not the first he used them on..

It began with a large large tract of land  and I walked this land with my dog summer and winter for quite a few years..I heard rumors that this large tract was going to be made into a golf course and I felt it was a waste,, not that I dislike golf, it's OK. It's just that we already have one golf course in town on prime land,, private but nonetheless it is there. This was to be a public course.  Right in town.

I met Leslie on this land while I walked and we discussed the coming golf course, we hated the idea, Leslie has already written letters to Torigian and the paper.  I had not up until this time.  We met a couple of times and discussed strategy, to enlist others to our fledgling organization. I made a video and was going to copy it and send it to several people and organizations to enlist their aid,,we wanted to buy the land and leave it fallow for the future use of Peabody and her people,,not for some rich man's ball and stick game..For all the people to enjoy.

I wrote a letter to the paper also asking for  people who were interested, I put my phone number in the paper. One of the things that was done, I had call forwarding and would come home and my phone would click click for tons of times... The call would come in and be routed out to whomever they wanted, told whatever they wished. I found out later my landlord Stuart Cumins a HUD landlord was one of the old boys network in my town, friends with Torigian. He let the boys, maintenance and Danny Mckenna into my apt.

I knew the golf course was a done deal, but Leslie had created an album of animals, vernal pools and areas that she liked.  I called her one day and asked her if she would like to make an appointment with the mayor,, show him her portfolio. She was hesitant and I thought nothing of it till later,So I made the appointment.

Cold, slushy day,we arrived at city hall.  we waited a few minutes in the outer office and we were ushered in.  Leslie to the left, I to the end and his bodyguard on my right,Torigian on the other end of the large table,  and near the door. His bodyguard,,black slicked back Portuguese hair, short ,barrel chested, good looking,, gray sharkskin suit , double breasted,,he was short 5 feet,6inches maybe.  I saw him twice after this meeting, once driving out of the down town fire station and the other on the balcony of the cabin they broke into in N.H. when they followed me there.   He combed his hair different , foreword like Moe in the three stooges.  HE THOUGHT i would not recognize him,but I did.   He was accompanied by Jeff Grayson, whom I met later , he works still at Costco in Danvers.  That is where I found out his name from his name tag.  I recognized him also, later when he ran for councilor in Peabody. I told an influential friend about him,in order  to get on the balcony, he broke into the cabin  in N.H. where they had chased me,  he did not win,,he came close to winning the councilors seat ,,but to make him feel he would win, but then his hopes would be dashed as they were.  No one wants a thief on board.  No one who would break into  someone's  home,,that's for sure.  Later I went over and asked the owner if someone had broken in that spring,,she said yes.

At the meeting,Torigian verbally went after Leslie, she being nervous Nelly, started to cry, I think he sensed the weaker one.  It was Leslie's show we were there for her appeal, I was pretty much silent, I did ask to see a map of the golf course to be, I also wanted to know who else owned the third of the  land for certain, I had heard of Eastman Gelatin. I lived down the street from EG.  Torigian confirmed EG as part owner.  EG's land would be bought by the city ten years after "The Meadows" was completed. Underneath the course , the part owned by EG was a toxic dump.

I could not figure out why Torigian went after me so hatefully, so gangbusters, I was no threat to him, part of it I figured was his ego, but when I found out about the dump everything seemed to make so much more sense..As I left his office he threatened me, Lesie lamented as we left , she was never going to do this again, as she  whined and cried. I turned and told her to shut up she was embarrassing me in front of these people and as I turned to walk out the door, Torigian stood in the doorway and blocked my way, he looked at me and said"Don't bite off more than you can chew" , I knew this was a threat but felt,,hey I live in the US of A what would my mayor,,my fucking dick head of a mayor do to me.

Two weeks later the harassment started and has not stopped since this was 15 years ago..They chased me all over the U.s. they drugged me , broke bones, stole all my money, broke items of value , I cannot replace. Made me give valuable things away, used mind control to wrap my life up into a little box and these boys did anything they wanted to do,,,ANYTHING, these weapons, these mind control, DEW weapons can do anything to their life they want to.

That is why I fear them so much,,, because these weapons these devices give those in power, the power of a nasty fucked up god,, because they can do anything to your life they want.  How can you prove it, you can't and mental illness is used as cover for whatever they want... They blame the victim.  It's all in my head,, fuck you , you pieces of wasteful shit.. I also want to put here The formula of destruction that was used against me and others it can be used against an individual as well as a country and Condeleeza Rice spoke of this formula in one of her speeches.

1. Destroy the infrastructure,, money,,home, car, job, and anything that gives you support
2. malign the reputation,,, mentally ill , pedophile, prostitute,, busy body any thing will do.
3. destroy something the person owns every day,,, it is debilitating to their ego
3. isolation for control

Next blog is about how I lost it all. apt. job, car, and savings. 

War from my perspective

War,,well what is it all about, two sides in conflict for many reasons or so it is said. I think war is primal, within our very genes. Ruled by our hormones, this testosterone which was once used to feed us, hunt for us , is now used in useless war.

War began in very ancient times as the great impulse to reproduce, only the strongest reproduced as nature intended. To pass on strong survival producing genes.  This also meant  that the male fought other males for right to reproduce, to protect land , which produced food, which attracted the females , which meant males could get laid , the strongest urge we all have. Pretty simple.. really .

Only today in our society the ancient sticks and rocks are now missiles and bombs. We can kill lots of people  instead of our very surrounding few.

These devices or war are still used to protect the land. These primal roots  are so deep we do not recognize them for what they are. Men still act as if they are living on the plains of Africa fighting for food and females.   You see money does the same thing, it provides food and females,,yes also power and control comes after that. This is primal.

Football disguised at best does this in the modern world as are all the confrontational games, a place to expel our hunting and gathering energy,,useless in today's well fed world.

So we war, making some men dead, thinning out the crowds  making other men fight, and as Proudhon stated, in his book on revolution,,," The General Idea of the Revolution".. I shall phrase it in my own words. he stated, Old men start wars , with  increased population of young men, they  fear revolution.
This concept was played out in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf war, Young Arab men were called to JIHAD, it entailed many reasons.

1. The leaders of Saudi Arabia cleaned out their ranks of young men at home who would want to revolt  2. It curried favor with the religious clerics, as the leaders were given a pat on the back to fight what the clerics  felt was a  religious threat from the U.S.. The great white satin.
3. The call to conflict also  destroyed competition for females and eased the tension for lack of jobs for young men., and in a back handed way gave the American forces something to fight and practice on to become seasoned soldiers.

 For the Arab mind is always located with sexual proclivities at the forefront.  This seems to be a constant threat, as many things in their society show. It is said when a man and woman meet and they are not related, the devil is the third person. they are considered guilty of sexual intercourse even if none has occurred, because the man and women know they re not supposed to be together alone and even thought he act has not occurred it has in their minds,,so they are guilty. Or so it is written.

my neighbor,,, father and son

I live across the street from this father and son, when I first moved here I guess the father was interested in me in a romantic way , he asked the girl next door,, our gossip  of the street to intercede on his behalf,,They became fast friends because she gossiped with him and paid attention to him and he liked that,

I was not interested in him having put that part of my life behind me, besides he smelled, I don't think a shower or bath was high on his list. Even his car stunk...not that he offered me many rides.. I made friends with his son Jeff who also was part of my group of environmentalist..

 Blair the father had 3 fender benders in a row and I suggested to Jeff he should take his keys before he killed himself. The father is 83 ish and maybe older.  He said no, he would wait till he got into an accident, now I'm sorry but I think what he hit would be important like another car full of people, so the son made me realize it was none of my business, and that is their choice, not mine, I did my duty. ,,,but he seems to be OK,,, No more accidents that I know of and Blair seemed to rub out and correct any marks on his van, I do not know if the son knew about all of them.

But this is not what I wanted to talk about. the son is gay and when his father went to Penn to attend to a relatives funeral  he had his boyfriend over and I do not mind gay people .. I mind perps and the son  ,,one night,,no moon,, I was walking up to the store and went through the back road, which the opening is right beside the father's  side of his house, he has a deck there. I could not see who was there but heard voices but kept walking and I got shot so hard in the side of my head, I almost passed out and  the son had gotten  up and the shot came from exactly where he was, then he told his friend to come on and go in the house.

I was hit so hard I froze in my steps.   This is the first suspected incident..  there were many others ,but always a doubt, I just had a hard time believing it,,, till one incident. I was walking by the gossips garage and got shot real hard in the chest,,,I mean a show stopper, and the angle was wrong for it to have come from her house,,,,, I thought it came from the gossips son who came out of the house at the moment, but the angle again was wrong...It appeared to come from in front of me, from the father's house.
I wanted to see if it came from the father's  house, I was riding my bike and pulled a fast turn as I drove by and the father was standing in the window,,,,,exactly from where the last hard shot to the chest angle came from ,,, He saw me looking at him and put whatever he had in his pocket. I have been hit from this house many many times, but failed to believe it, I have been hit so many times real hard from this house, I have finally been convinced that much of the DEW has come from this direction. this house.

I also know the son works for the feds, he has access easily to these weapons,,why this father is after me is a longer story and will add that story in short bursts to my blog as I go along.


I was a member of the NRA,, I enjoyed it, always had weapons,,, after I got married, had a sweet 22 rifle , and when on the police, used a 6-inch 38, 12 gauge shotgun, m-16 in the military and a 45. Tried various other guns as well.

Today ,,, watching The McLaughlin Group,,, one of the speakers from this magazine (U.S. News and World Report) talked about his front page,,,it said,,," Shame on you U.S".. I guess the gun control issue was taken out of a bill. I normally would think assault rifles ban would be a good thing, but knowing what I know...

 Knowing the weapons used, DEW, directed energy weapons and the capabilities of these weapons is incredible. And as my blog increases I will note the capabilities of these weapons that I have been subjected too.  I have already spoken about 2 used on the plane blog, and will tell about more as time goes on and you will fully understand why we should stay fully armed.

 I would of preferred to stay armed but when they put me in this program they got rid of all my weapons.  I had a sweet hunting bow, in N.H. I had a 2inch 38, which my stupid sister in law turned in, I had hid it  in the cabin and they went looking for it. I left it in N.H. , it was registered there,she said something strange she said the gun when she turned it in was not registered, I registered it. Fuck you Norma.
Those in power knew they were going to put me in Peabody,,I was always told that "this began in Peabody and this will end in Peabody" how sad for me. To be buried in the same fucking town as Torigian, That makes my stomach turn. I hate that bastard,I wish he never died, I wish he was still alive so I could punch that old fucker in the face that would make me happy. I don't mind his objection to my dissent, but to ruin my life over this, to quash my dissent, to drive me out of my apt. and my job, to destroy my credibility,  well he deserves a good punch in the face and I sure wish it had been me.  I wish you were alive Torigian because if anyone deserved it , you did, and do. You mean rotten prick.