I don't understand how some people can hate people who are black or brown,,, I know I am a contradiction, I want all the Mexicans to go back to Mexico, to make their country work, not work here for us.
I think i have to explain myself , I do not dislike their culture,,, matter of fact I liked it very much. i was learning Spanish till I found out they dissed English and wanted to take over the country. Most parts anyway,,,it was an eye opener for me to go below Tijuana,,,I learned much and came to appreciate my country even more.. Yes that kind of poverty and lawlessness was totally a shock. Main street was still dirt, old cars dilapidated downtown, you know I might have liked that.
To see a motorcycle cop (again with the motorcycle cop) on a trumped up charge ,of drinking in public or in the street,something like that, it probably was arranged with the clerk in the store,, he asked for a bribe, right there on the street I was astounded. We were on the front porch of a store,not the street street or so we thought, in the middle of the store he had a fountain of tequilas, so he offered us a drink,, we took it , 6 of us,little paper cups,,,Thank goodness the husband of one could speak Spanish, he got us off for 20 bucks apiece, the cop said he was gonna take us to jail.. We had no choice. He asked for 60, so our Spanish husband dickered over our future.. He knew the game,,, we as stupid Americans had no clue... We would have ended up in a fist fight or in jail... They call it "mordida,,little bite." A common technique. I'm sure it still goes on today.
Anyway,,,,,I feel threatened,,, years ago a Spanish girl told me that her people were gonna take over the U.S ,,outbreed us, whites. The last census proves her claim as correct, The Mexicans are in every hovel in the US.
We worked together and she became very angry with me, she was having her second out of wedlock child, living on the dole, but working as an assistant. I don't know if she was any good or not. I do not think she lasted. I suggested an abortion and she got mad, very angry with me to the point she defaced the large Father Christmas statue worth a lot of money bought at my own expense and I had put it in our dental clinic's window , for I dressed our windows. She slashed the face,, crosswise in an x right across the nose, boy they love their knives don't they.? Noted for their knives.
I do not think she understood my feelings, a young women with two children no help,,,I was there, It was not fun and she was doing it by choice. She told me her leaders in her community told everyone to have lots of babies, in the future these children will take over the country. Out vote us. The last census proves whites will soon be a minority.
So she took his words literally and got pregnant, with her second. I knew nothing of this takeover so to me i was giving her good advice from my experience,, a hard life for all of us,, my girls and me. It was at the time when the Spanish were pissed off because we were going to make English the national language, see I think the Spanish want that for themselves. Me thinks they protested to much.
Otherwise why object? It would mean legal stuff is in English that's all. gov't. Otherwise we would do and print what we wanted in what language we wanted, well to the Spanish this was a great big insult. To fucking bad,, our country is based on English roots and language,, I think that is why it is great and safer than any where else in the world to live, we accept our laws and live by them,,,,,We found this is the best way to develop and support a country...No?
I repeat.
They refused to speak English, they were insulted when we wanted to make English the legal language, they got highly insulted,,to fucking bad,,, your constitution is written in English, your civil rights in English, your bill of rights,,, our law, all English and you cannot change the Constitution it is your gold. Our gold. It holds us all together so in order for you to get the real flavor of the documents you must read it in the original language as with any important document. So you all better learn English,,,
I do feel threatened,,, that parade in LA told us what your intentions are and were. You had acres of flags,,, all Mexican,, not one US flag. I think that got a lot of peoples attention. You were not loyal to the US but Mexico,, we get it. So what do you want us to do,,,or feel after seeing this. We give you our wonderful,,, lawful, infrastructure, gov't ,country and ,you want us to give it up easily to you, Most of you are uneducated,,you do not value education as much as we do, for you are nothing without it. So I have always felt and Alexis De Tocqueville stated as well, so I am in good company, if you wish to know about your gov't, your country , it's beginnings , you should read this book. I am in love with the author, he calls to me in his words all through the past, he is intuitive, gentle, intelligent, thoughtful, wise beyond his years, and he loved us Americans he saw so much good in us. His family had almost been wiped out by the French Revolution, they were Guillotined. I am supposed to be related to the inventor through marriage,, a joke I'm sure but it is my one claim to fame.. So I support the relationship. The bad is part of our lives as well.
Anyway as Americans we accept America, an assimilation, this is a big problem within the UK now, the Muslims wish to take over the country as well if not destroy it and raise in it's ashes as a Sharia world,they give us threee choices,, so it was stated in a documentary by radical young Muslims, join them or be destroyed is basically what they all said,
try living under Sharia or Mexican Law,,go ahead,,,you will have eye openers as well and we will fight for what we own and have given to the world ,,a great thing,,,Democracy
having to live with a rag around your head all day and can't drive a car,,,go ahead..live under Sharia Law.. Some women like it. Not me.. Always to obey someone cuz he has a set of balls,,,fuck you, well not me, sorry I make my own decisions about my life..This is my life,,not yours,, MINE. mIne mine mine. Understand fool?
I have been keeping tabs on Turkey,,supposedly a Democracy, but Erdegon is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and is a fundamentalist. Many in the country do not like where Turkey is going, I watch because is a despot? Or is the people our of step. Who is right, is it or is it not a democracy and does Erdegon's action reflect a democracy or another type of state a hidden despotic state. Interesting...do the people speak or does the gov't control?
Thoughts for the day.