I walked back the cart I had borrowed from in front of this house,, it was a grocery cart then I went to my lock up , to throw away some stuff I left by the trash container,,
(evidently we are supposed to throw away whatever we bring in , I broke my cute little table I loved and threw away the round lamp shade) and was supposed to throw away... charlie must of thrown it away for me,,, I was so exhausted trying to get some clothes out of my lock up,, I couldn't go back the same day I spent it in bed...
then I walked up to tasty food to see Savory and get a egg sandwich,, I was real hungry..she was on her day off and the sandwich was good.
As I came out of tasty, I have to walk by the fire station and about six firemen were standing by the open door staring at me, talking and pestering at me,, almost afraid,,, really strange reaction, they walked quickly away from me as well,,,, including Nelson..he was there,,,,. they all ducked inside and before I could pull out my camera,, they walked to the back of the dept.. looking over their shoulder at me, talking , gesturing , he's got the whole dept up in arms over me,,,,,,
As I walked by I walked up on their ramp and waved,,, one of them waved back at me...
I think what prompted this was as I walked over to my lock up two fire vehicles were put in front of me ,, so they would get my attention..it was a set up,,,,. One was a suv the other was a regular car,,one parked on one side of the street right next to where I would walk,,, right next to me,,,
, I had been choking a little and tripped and as I did , some spit come out of my mouth and hit the fire suv... oh well accident happen,,, I think it was a set up and I became angry unreasonable so.... for me to do something and strike out in anger. tripping solved that.....I was choking and still am...
They harass me and have for years.. within a week of moving in here,,65 Main St. , the fire dept showed up,,, the knights of columbus had put up a reward poster on their door for someone who tried to start a fire in a sink,,, well to my way of thinking you put a fire OUT in a sink,,, not start it....they were all upset about the water treatment plant going up in flames....I was sick in bed for 11 fucking days,,, peeing my pants and drinking water and the bathroom was my excursions... fun......
They felt the treatment plant fire was my fault because someone on the internet saw what I was writing and burnt it up,,, one of the guys who was asleep outside,, who worked for Peabody local gov't,,, fell asleep in his car,, I stopped and asked him what started the fire...he said bird poop and his intensity halogen lights... that 'll do it,,, but the cops and fire dept feel it gave them more of an edge on the war on terror,,, so they could apply for more high tech devices from the feds.... I bet. It gave these assholes a reason for existence.
Peter Torigian with Start Cumins put my name on this list , one to shut me up and the other Stuart as a favor to his old boy network friend. I'm still on it, I get hit all the time. pulsed all the time... with varying degrees of intensity,,, sometimes I think they miss me on purpose because if they hit me they would kill me. my neighbors hate me as well...the vibration goes from below me I think it's Robert Pierce's apt. he's right below me,,,, him and his girlfriend were very aggressive,, he also helped me a couple of times carry stuff upstairs,, at least once probably so he could say he was not the aggressor.
I bought some burts bees for everyone,, love the stuff,,,, a exercise rubber band, a book for james on diet... Ornish's and some things for my iPod.... nothing big ,,I bought james a drill set ,, of deWalt if he loses it he's dead,,, 179, and he paid this kid 400 for an old van,, and the kid cheated him so his dad and him are going over and get his money back...I told him not to do it,, but maybe next time he'll listen to me... I finished the hat for Ali and mended the shrug I gave Savory,,, it looks like it has been caught on several things... I'm working on my shawl,, my stuff is somewhere in my lock up,,, and I'm thinking if I'm gonna stay here,,, I should bring over my coach/futon,, we shall see.
I wonder whats gonna happen this April...up by Ventura another fire broke out,,,, near UCLA and a museum? not sure,, will read again, and Trump is doing a real bad no no,,, he's gonna cause a lot of problems and lots of people are gonna lose their lives.....he's putting the US embassy in Jerusalem and somehow that will make it the capital for Israel,, instead of the city being the city for all... it's more complicated than this but you get my drift... he also shredded the Johnson amendment about separation of church and state now the church can talk politics to their flock,,, I say let them pay taxes and I will make up a T. shirt that says that...