What is chauvinistic,,,
chauvinism |ˈ sh ōvəˌnizəm|
exaggerated or aggressive patriotism : public opinion was easily moved to chauvinism and nationalism.
• excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for one's own cause, group, or gender : a bastion of male chauvinism.
ORIGIN late 19th cent.: named after Nicolas Chauvin, a Napoleonic veteran noted for his extreme patriotism, popularized as a character by the Cogniard brothers in Cocarde Tricolore (1831).
ok,,, I live in a neighborhood with all men in their 40's, some younger, older,,, dumb,, some not so dumb but close.. This neighborhood is a republican conservative place and these young men feel I am a busybody, a troublemaker, and they are also chauvinistic..insecure in their manhood.
I do not have a penis therefor I am woman and should mind my p's and q's that is what is behind the abortion, cultural thing. The men in the US want to go back to when women were housewives and that was it. If you did not have a penis you did not rule the roost. That is another reason why this harassment has gone on so long..Chauvinism,,,
The men are ignoring the value women have,,, deTocqueville saw it,, within the book Democracy in America.. my book of expertise, he said women were the cornerstone of a society,,we are the glue and hold society together,,tempering male dominance and warlike tendencies,,,
I interpreted this book with my own slant on words he spoke so many years ago. Others saw the value in what I said and what he said.
He was brilliant and funny. The more I read him the more you get to know the man. I wish I could of met him,,his family were Guillottind and I am supposed to be related to that man who invented the Guillotine through marriage. Or so the family says,,, legend begins. My claim to fame.
but to get back to these men in my neighborhood,,, ,, the old man Blair was in the military, I think there is one other several streets over who pulses the house from that distance who has been in the military....That's it,,, no one else,, Just me. and I also was a cop for San Diego , reserve but we did everything the cops did ,,,they loved us we did all their work for them , everything. Plus watched their back when they worked as single.
It was fun and I learned a lot, I'm a good shot,,, so when these idiots on this street because of low self esteem , look at me and feel I cannot wield a hammer or nail or do their jobs ,,think again boys...
I am so glad my husband never underestimated my ability to do anything. We worked together on many occasion. I learned much about tools and cars and fixing stuff, the men hear like Bud are all dumb and want the women dumber so they feel good about their manhood. Sounds like the Muslims,or dumbing down society to me,,,so afraid of women,,, Fuck you all and I do not mean that in the sexual sense either..