I worry about him,,,he can be charming, aggressive,,, he's lost a lot of weight he looks good,,,he is long waisted and that is not really obvious when he is skinny he is built just like his grandfather .. He also has the Irish curse,,, Kelly has it too, but then so does Danielle,,, drug culture the big pharma did well.. with inoculating us with drugs as good.
I think James has ADD and the drugs are self medication.
I think James is a nice person,, he just has had to take any route he knew how,, like black children he has very little education..Devin also skated through school doing nothing,,, until he was isolated. The isolation , finally, after trying everything got him on the right track,,, I wish they had done the same with James and Adam,,, both bright,, but lacking education...
We just had a big blow up in the house,,, Kelly was drunk and pissed off about yesterday,,, James has been working long hours.. and also doing drugs , he always start his cycle like this, he gets broke, ,, he can't get the drugs,,, so he gets straight or as straight as he can,,, so he works a couple of weeks , gets paid,,, then he buys drugs,,, gets fucked up, loses his job,,,no money , no drugs,, this is the cycle I see.
no girlfriend either. but what girl wants a druggie except another druggie!
He is known about town as having drug problems and deals,,,, he got angry when I told him that, but it is true...I told him an other truth, all kinds of people do drugs, but their sneaky about it., for years, he just gets some money and goes till he's broke then ...
The reason others get away with drug shit is they keep quiet about it, he's all noise and crashing into things,,, we think he resembles a Down Syndrome person when he's fucked up ,,no offense meant to Down Syndrome,, but you do have a look and he has the look when he is fucked up..
He likes this job,,,shirt tie,,, but today he came home early ,,, something to do with drugs,,,pot.He hasn't told me about it yet and I hope he is truthful
Anyway back to Kelly,,she has been drinking and I guess she is going to a shrink to find out why,,,I can tell you why,,, because she does things she is not happy doing,, being mean is one of them, especially to me...she professes love,, but actions speak louder than words,,, we spoke at the washer and she said I was a burden,, and all the neighbors hate me ,,, because I called sherrie a Kike,, that never happened. All of it was manipulated anyway by the perps...mind control is very real in my life,,,
anyway she wants both James and I to leave,, Jillian even got involved in it,,,,Im tired so I will finish the dialogue later.
I know he's fucked up but I can't see him living under a bridge but I don't know how to break his cycle ,,, maybe rehab is a good idea. I will speak to him about that.. Lots of thought,,
Oh yeah very importamt....