today or rather this morining I put a board ouitside my window,,, Sousa can see my window clearly from his upstairs window... It was a pulse, but it was about eight to ten inches long and it was about my little finger width, not as small as a pencil,,, it had a corscrew around it,,, so it kinda looked like a drill bit. , I have seen this as big as a house and as small as tiny,, this is what is being used as a drill, They drilled my mucles to make them weak,,, very painful,, they used this at its most biggest as I left Leo's house paying for my car,, I have had this drill my cheek,,, and my rotator cuff around my right arm and I think this is what is used on the back of my left leg...just like a drill going into your flesh... I think this is military for what else could it be?
It came into my darkened room not to dark and I do not remember color or light attached. This is only one of the weapons used, over the years they have been refined... I sent txt to Bud,,, told him about Kevin Sousa, and he is responsible for the harsh pulses hitting the house,,, I also told him I want to know what technology he is using,, because I also told him I know he knows.... We shall see..