Saturday, February 8, 2014

Talkshoe call I was listening to/NSA/

I am listening to a Talkshoe Ti call and it is interesting. believe it or not...ffchs

He has a special guest tonight, I disagree with some of what he says ,, other things he is right on...speaking of blue light,,,How to see or not to see the blue pulses....he's a salesman,selling bullshit. They even played the heartstrings card,,for sympathy,I could say anything,  or ask anythiing,,,, as usual those who ask to many questions are muted.

He says some people can see it,the blue pulse, others cannot. He says it depends on the frequency. I can see it and have even poorly photographed it.  I know it is photographable and if my camera can pick it up,, then anyone else can see the blue pulses, same color as the Wii base unit...highest level of laser.Blue.
Now his call is going political religious,,, boring..this guys recommended this shielding blanket,,, John says his shielding is nickel and cu+?

Earlier this guy said a billboard,, the big ones they put on buildings and along side the road,,, they are attaching voice to skull,, speakers on top of buildings to target people walking by , this is ATC devices  Woody Norris,,, is creating a nightmare,,, hearing advertisements in your head whether you like it or not..He also noted one cannot complain about noise , there is no overt noise to complain about,, noise pollution.  You hear it in your head wether you like it or not.

The white supremacists is talking about gays,and  end times,, and all that crap and  this guy  is anti gay,,, Derrick is gay!! lol I wonder if Derrick is listening. The white supremacist has taken over Derricks call ,,, so funny.....they are on a anti Muslim kick.

He is talking about a blanket he bought and how they feel the radio frequencies hit it like rain,,some sort of a blocking radio frequency blanket,,, he did not say what it was made of ,, at least I did not hear that.,,,,.this blanket is 5 cents a square inch..Sean and Barbara
 it is not  a radio frequency I think it is static electricity,,thrown out in a spray,, used as a locator... I know Peabody police have this and they used it to locate me when It  was 3 am,, and I was in a dark dark parking lot,,, the book plant over on county road. they were across the way in the school parking lot.. lobbing this spray of static electricity at me,looking for me

 I stood behind a tree to hide and the tree absorbed the spark,,, the car did not , I do not know if it went through the car but I heard the sparks hit the car and it sounded like rain on the was not raining..

I do not think this was to harass, but a LOCATOR..I do not know how the perps received feedback.

Now he is talking about his head being turned against his will, because of endorphins,,,

my head is turned by being pulsed and they can use these forces to twist muscles,,turn my head..., they pulse my neck all the time,,, its a wonder I can lift my head,,,my muscles must be full of feels like it.  Lydia said they did this to her long ago.

I have often said this technology is way far advanced than most realize,but who are you going to complain too? So far advanced it sounds like a science fiction movie, but if they can think it,it has been said  they can and will make it.

 This program is covert , the gov't will not let this go public until 50 years when we, who have had these devices used on them are all dead. No evidence . No voices in protest.
listen to this date,10 Feb.2014.

Death By Metadata: Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Reveal NSA Role in Assassinations Overseas


  • Barbara Guillette It used to be that radios were made of hardware (electronics only), had antennas that were tuned to pick up on a select few frequencies and transmitted in all direction (omni-directional). Tuning to another set of frequencies required another radio/antenna combo. Today, the radios are "software defined" (they auto-detect what frequencies are present in a geographical area and load the appropriate software to work with them), the antenna technology is advanced to the point that one antenna can transmit on a wide variety of frequencies and the signal is transmitted by the antenna from one point to another rather than in all directions. So what this means is the antenna can be aimed at a house, the radio will pick up what frequencies are present, auto tune to those frequencies, and then start picking up communications, mapping out the locations of structures in the house (walls, furniture, etc). 

    You can try this and see if it works - move through your place and move all the furniture around an inch or two and you'll likely see what I mean. It will discombobulate the system for a short while. You'll likely notice the regular schedule is thrown off and people you don't usually see will show up at your next door neighbors, etc.

    I think it's public safety/community policing/problem orientated policing
  • Barbara Guillette this above info was sent to me by another Ti,,, I think this is how some of the spying is done but not all.....does anyone else think this is how it is used with them?? I think my perps use a back scatter camera,,,, or millimeter wave,,thought that is supposed to be weak...bjg comments anyone?

i have the honor of presenting this treatise by Howdy..

Bi-Polar Love

There's nothing like the spell of a bi-polar boyfriend.  His charms conjure laughter.  He invited me over one night.  I walked into the house. So many candles!  He was Catholic.  Did someone die?   He brandished a bottle of wine.  His manic attempt at romance!  My tears of laughter streamed.  A shrine of love!  What candle factory did he rob?  He left the room and returned. He'd drawn a hot bubble bath for me.  The bathroom was full of candles. I thought “I can't get in that tub!  I'll be butt-naked when this place goes up in flames!” Love is funny.  Love is magical.


Spy Kit For The Average Citizen

The idea of our own government spying on American citizens is a bit disturbing, and SOFREP has covered this in the past. While we can acknowledge this concern, as a society we can also learn to appreciate all of the ways our government tries to keep us safe.
After spending a few years as a technical surveillance expert and over two decades as an overprotective father I’ve realized two things. First was that the repurposing of regular, readily available technology for clandestine surveillance is the way to go. Second was that technical surveillance is a must when it comes to protecting your family in these modern times.
So whether you’re a gear geek, want to protect your house, need to make sure your kids are safe or all of the above, there’s a little James Bond in you and it’s time to let him out. My goal is to give the SOFREP readers some practical advice on trade-craft that you guys can use in your everyday life.

Spy Kit For The Average Citizen

After the attacks of 9/11 the United States found themselves in a unique situation. They faced an exceptionally dynamic adversary with the ability to hide and conduct terrorist operations from locations that were denied to the U.S and her allies.
To overcome this problem the nation invested an unprecedented amount of training and resources into elite units of special operatives. These small (1-4 person), impeccably trained, and well equipped teams were able to penetrate these problem areas, get “Eyes On” the enemy, and prevent future attacks.
I happened to be an individual on one of those teams.The training we received worked well in enemy territory. However, it also proved to be amazingly effective at home when I began using it to protect what was most near and dear to me: my children. I want to pass these lessons learned to the SOFREP community.
Hero Mod Feature 3
The surfing and action sports industry has pioneered amazing equipment that can be repurposed quickly.

Gear That Would Make James Bond jealous

Unmanned drones, concealed cameras, tracking devices, night vision: we’ve been in love with this stuff since Bond used his watch as a TV monitor in the movie Octopussy.
When I first entered this cloak and dagger world of technical surveillance I assumed someone was going to hand me over a beautiful silver case, full of super cool super secret spy gear. Actually this did happen; but the gear turned out to be clunky and pretty useless. Because it was made specifically for the government, the development budgets of the equipment manufactures were small due to their inability to sell in bulk.
Since we worked in denied areas we couldn’t exactly pack our suitcases full of GPS trackers and hidden cameras. We became really good at repurposing and modifying what the government referred to as “Commercial Off The Shelf” (C.O.T.S) equipment. Translated into human speak, C.O.T.S just means you can go to the store and buy it today.
Designing, modifying and redeploying common technology to protect my team and catch the bad guys became the name of the game. Since we were using quality commercial gear and just modifying the small bits, to adapt commercial to covert, we were able to quickly produce amazing results at minimal cost.
The GOOD news is that anyone with interest can leverage common technology and repurpose it, for the protection of those we love.
The BAD news is that anyone with any interest can do exactly the same. Realizing that over 43% of registered sex offenders (with magnified interest) re-offend, we know there are plenty of other people with an “interest” so it’s up to us as citizens, parents, leaders and protectors to stay on top of all of this stuff.
2012-08-16 17.48.47
There are freaks everywhere and they’ll spend the time to counter average protection!

What You Can Do Right Now

There are plenty of “Commercial Off The Shelf” (C.O.T.S) solutions out there. Like any technology, it was all built for mass consumption; but with a little instruction and tenacity, anyone can repurpose this stuff for their own personal security.  As an added perk, it’s fun, at least for me!
Amber Color Full
Mini Alert GPS Units
These “Off the shelf” GPS trackers and transmitters are barely larger than a Chapstick. They will send their location every 5 minutes, alert you if a determined “Virtual Fence” is broken and even allow two way communication. We got one for our 9 year old in place of a cell phone. It will even allow us to call and just listen in to see if she’s okay.
Gopro Hero 3 Feature
Ruggedized Action Sports Cameras

There are plenty of ready made “Surveillance” cameras available; but I’ve found that their single use is extremely limiting. This sounds a bit nutty; but having too many power cords, cases and connection cables for too many cameras is a nightmare to keep up with. I like using action sports cameras because they fit in anywhere and the accessories are available everywhere.
Thumb TX
900 MHz ATV AM Video Transmitter
Most people don’t realize how small and how cheap these things are. It’s cool and scary at the same time. Makes you wonder how many of these are floating around. With a minor modification to the cable of an action sports Camera and a small power source. This little transmitter will keep you in the know.
Wifi Smartphone App-enabled Video Transmission
Note: There are plenty of free apps that turns your smart phone into a decent remote surveillance unit 
This will not give you the same capabilities as our GoPro project; but you can use it right now with your iOS, Android and Windows phones. It takes a little setup; but it’s free and works pretty well for immediate video surveillance.
For myself this stuff started out as part of my job and then it became a bit of a hobby. Once I got good at it and realized how effective it was on a personal level it became part of my responsibility.  There are too many dirtbags out there with nothing better to do than find new ways of invading our privacy, steeling are stuff or harming those we love.
In today’s world, technical surveillance and counter surveillance is as fundamental as putting a dead-bolt lock on your front door. Let me know what you guys think, and if there’s anything else you’d like me to cover!

About the Author

 Eric Davis is the host of Loadout Room., author at SOFREP. featured writer at and founder of the human performance company Average Frog. Eric works to repurpose and leverage the proven performance and leadership principles he learned from the SEAL Teams in everyday life. He's currently finishing his first book on "Prepping For Adventure". A book of preparedness, survival and adventure. Follow Eric on twitter at @EricDavis215 and keep up with all of his work by hitting "Like" on his personal facebook page..

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NSA whistleblower Bill Binney

I think the most startling statement, at least the words that jumped out at me, was when Bill, and yes we do communicate, and yes he asked me to call him Bill,,,is when he said,,

," NSA has been collecting all this information for ten years"

this predates Obama and points right to the Bush/Cheney admin,,Obama is just continuing to carry the ball of the powers that be, enjoy the interview, Bill is a nice person.  bjg