11 NOv 19
When I first moved into peabody housing I had two of those imposed dreams… one ,,I was being fucked by a Faun, you know half man half goat…in my bedroom,, woke up with the image in my head and my head on the mattress with my ass in the air…on my knees… 2. I heard Kelly Dixon calling me from inside my head…1986-7….21 Tanners Ct pre fire.
The point being this standing army was already being set up,,,,Ipswich,,, states that they never had this until I moved here and they are wrong ,,,these devices were always here. They did not know about them… now they do…they can’t blame me. I am doing nothing,,, no weapon, I call out in my sleep when I am pummeled. They hit/pulsed someone last night,,, Judy? I think she started screaming and she can scream… the perp stopped…but he hit her on purpose. I felt most of it go from John/ next door?bedroom..or the next apt. go under me and hit Judy… that’s how wide some of these pulses can be.. they all seem to have a aura…
All labs working with microwave and laser have to have a faraday to protect those around them.. I think this is radar and RF,,,,