David Diachisin who works for the city,,, and his controller is Rick Nelson,,,Torigian now dead' son in law,,he married one of the fice daughters who all went to private schools on the taxpayer dime I might add. Rick is a deputy fire chief, was his reward for marrying the boss's daughter. David's father was a Lt. and both extremely loyal to the boss, carrying out anything of his wishes.
Now I wonder what those would be.?? huh? Anyone,,,? Anyone?
Sitting on the couch getting really hit on the side of the leg nearest to David's house and as I looked up saw the sparkle come across my lawn and felt it burn..He has his camera on me at all times the through the wall camera and as soon as he saw me look up stopped. Now back to Rick the dick.
Rick thinks his father in law created the elderly bus in Peabody, but the idea came from Gov. Dukakais he started THE RIDE.. Oh yeah the Ride bus driver last time picked me up at Market Basket,name of Tony,, big guy,,very Italian. Now my concern with this is,,,, Tony works for The Ride,,Tony is and knows all about Peabody. and now all about me.. , Rick does not want me to have access to any transport... Rick would like to have The Ride kick me off as well. We shall see.
We discussed Torigian and got into it,,he told me never to start a fight I cannot finish,,,well for one thing I didn't know I was in a fight. I though I had a right to speak out ,,,that I thought 2 golf courses in our town for a rich man's game with a stick and a ball tied up just to much land..I was thinking of starting a fund to buy the land all of it and keep it for ALL the citizens of Peabody to use, what about a municipal swimming pool with hefty fees like the Y, that could be converted to skating in winter, sleigh rides.. hayrides,, lots of things for families to do..
This is my thinking. Or a private wood preserve,promote animals to live there,,I mean a wild animal park with hefty fees.. Why not..It could of been so many things beside a golf course..For Everyone. Ok,, or just woods...woods within a town is so unusual.. Usually they are all built up. the only reason this was fallow is because ,,because,, i have no idea.
Oh well, I felt it my duty to speak out and make a good effort as to what I wanted to do..I knew it was a done deal. I didn't realize I was risking my life and limb, or that I was disloyal to Napolean.. his nickname.
Leslie bowed out at the city hall meeting..I never do this again,,I;m quitting.. he terrified her on walking in the room.. Crying, she's a nervous nelly anyway.
Maybe she got lucky for Torigian never went after her,,just me. Don't know why,,i think he felt threatened by me..
So now I called the Peabody Elderly center and put my name on the list for the market tomorrow,,I wonder if they will break in and break stuff as they have done in the past. Or beat the shit out of me tonight like they did this morning..I will still try to get some pics of what they are doing..
I will never give up to these fucking death squad Nazis.