My butt was bleeding yesterday,,,,and today it was irradiated again, oNe never knows what they are doing...james is taking pills,,, no track marks,,,but his mother told he he did have them...He came here and yelled at the window,, he really is a base creature...I let him in and he is sleeping it off....whatever it is,,, he is smoking pot all the sad,,,, danielle told me 5 to 6 kids died in peabody of heroin overdose,,,drugs of some kind she said which surprised me that she thinks they are weeding out the weak,,, that may be so,, no one ever said I was weak...James seems to be. but you know they brought him back from the dead three times so I wonder.,, some people can't handle the stress of everyday life,,,, and hide in a variety of ways...
We are being hit with the remnants of a hurricaine wind rain,,blowing,,, gonzales?? or something like that...
I have asked Lorraine if she will accompany me to *** to see if we can get some technical help,,, I also went back into ((((((((( website to see how they have upgraded their devices lots on their that can be used to harass,,,think Ill buy a few payday.. got it on my list.....
im getting pulsed in the head as we speak,,,,
Tony is being hit all the time the harder he works always at his computer and he falls asleep on thie call talkshoe technology call .His family does not believe him,,,mine does they got hit,,,,good,,,dan did not call me crazy when we started to talk and Kelly still does but she will stop,,,,they have to realize that is out there and what can happen...
I have to start pretaring them ,,to start making plans for whatever.. I have no idea what I am going to tell james but if he does not straighten up he will be one of the first to go...He will be weak...
oAh yeah a couple of cops got killed in canada by muslims,,,converts to islam , new converts to islam,,,shot the cops dead,,, we had one happen here in the US,,, he managed to escape and he went through the circle they put up to contain him, he was spotted by a woman..I think it is all the true and false strories on the web about police brutality,,,, it is starting,,, on the boots on the ground level..
I think I will try to document this,,,,I also made a startement on facebook that was taken down, that the reason the cops are killing people and beating them up is to incite a riot,,,revolution? in order to justify that they keep their military equipment,,,, seems like the Muslims are trying to cause a rift,,but they will be hunted and suspect now,,everywhere,,,could it be the christians behind all this ? You never know...I think the cops are all on high alert,,,pity that..
I don't kow what to think this is escalating and will probably blow up in our face.... I guess I have to prepare everyone,,,talk to them...about food and weapons,,,
our water has a terrible smell to it,,, the hurricaine has roiled up the water...stinky..I boil my coffee for twenty minutes,,,,and drink bottled coke,,diet not the best thing but better than nothing,,,,
20 oct 14 Jeffrey putney left for work, pulsing the house with intense. White light as he rounded the corner of staccia's property.