Please read this blog post in reference to this picture as well a better discription and explanation as to what happened.
THE GLASS BOX/another device.
This is a poor drawing of the two devices I have seen,,,the top creates a waveform, the two knobs I believe are north and south poles the charge is built up on one and released, creating a waveform, the cover was Plexiglas's or glass, there were a lot of other components within the box, I suggested them by the 3 horizontal lines. All metal, this was put on the other side of my room in a motel, back to back rooms on one floor. I was subjected to this waveform all night,,my pets reacted to it as well.
The bottom device I saw in N.H. on a woman's table through her well lit window. I sensed a frequency coming from her home and followed it from where I was staying , up one house across the street, when I approached the house still in deep shadow I stood outside and observed this device on the table, no one was present . The top third of the device had a green screen, the whole device was approximately 8 inches long by 6 inches wide made of black plastic and in the upper third was the green screen., I did not see any buttons on it .
As I stood there about 15 feet outside the window in deep deep shadow, the woman I had come to know and had been friendly, Victoria ,entered the light over the table,
looked at the screen, jumped up and slammed down the shade,she never looked outside the window....,evidently she saw my presence on the screen, I can think of no other reason for her actions.
Afterward her children were warned not to speak with me and to run toward the house. These people started out as friends and as with most Ti's they were converted into perps by using a negative narrative about me.