This is a program,,, in DC in order to get rid of a program they defund it,,,,,I do not see this happening do you? That is what we , as all ti's should be doing,,, asking congress and our rep to defund this program,,if they do it,,,well we win, if not we see where they stand. and hopefully with the defunding our targeting will stop.. Who knows? One can hope,,but somehow I doubt it, once someone or some entity grabs power like this, it is very hard to wrest it away,,,Power is giddy and it corrupts the person, that is why all those in power steal, they are corrupted by the system. I'm sure those men and women who went to congress,,many were not thieves, but the temptation was to great, the power of these weapons are to great as well...
In the future their will be three classes of people
1. Those who use these devices
2. Those who can and are eligible to use these devices, but refuse such as the fundementalists
3. And those who cannot afford, make , or are not welcome to use these devices.
Someone else said that, but I cannot remember who,, and when I do remember I shall post it here,,