tony lutz was raised in tanners court a tall good looking boy,,,he joined the military and moved back to the courts after....
When Danielle and I were out front and they fixed my car,,,we were directed to go out front and start it up,,,Danielle was in the line of fire and caught the subliminal suggestion to start it up also,,we both spoke out at the exact same moment,, " start it up " so I did,then we both turned and looked back at Tony Lutz's window,,,stared a few moments,,,,this happened early on my criminal harassment,,, he was also the one who shot me through the heart,,and I felt my heart start to quiver,,,it did straighten out after a few seconds,,but I thought I was a goner with that one,,,I had to sit down on the curb to recover and when I could walk again I went home,,,I think,,not sure about that I know I was waiting for a ride somewhere......Tony from what I understand is now in a wheel chair having fallen off a roof onto a curb and breaking his back,,,,I am not responsible for this,,,everyone has a choice and i have found those that hurt me,,,suffer for it,,,for some reason their lives turn to takes time but karma does catch up with them ,,maybe because of their actions,,this is a real thing in their lives,,,not mine.. I never try to hurt anyone, and violence is not my nature,,it bothers me to think of hurting someone and I cannot go to that area,,I find it very distasteful to even think about it,,,well not always I get a warm glow to think I could do something violent,,,,but thats as far as it goes,,,,I will protect myself...that I will do and have done..Donald got popped in the eye, when he grabbed me drunkenly around the bathrobe and ripped it picking pregnant me up by the throat,,,I have no recollection of hitting me,,,a blank,,,I have tried to recall the moment and no matter what I do cannot...I guess I did it though he danced around the room yelling "she hit me in the eye" She hit me in the eye" covering his eye with both hands...He never touched me again,,,him dancing around the room is so funny,,,even today I laugh about ti,,,,,,bad move to fuck with someone who is pregnant,,,nothing more dangerous than a pregnant woman with cub,,,I waited five fucking years for this baby,,,nothing was gonna stop me,,from having it,,,it was even longer because Donald and I never used birth control,,,all the time I were dating ,,five years before we got married,,,,I expected too and a couple of time I was late,,,,,,but not until 1969,,,a magical year for all,,, did I get pregnant,,,snowstorms did it,,,two huge snowstorms,,, one at the beginning of the week the other at the end,,,oh yeah this winter is to be bitter cold all winter,,,,,fuck I was so enjoying the mild winters,,,,it was great while it lasted...I better put some money away for oil,,,,
so tony ended up in a wheel chair,,, that is pretty bad,,,,Frazier stopped the pulsing to my house,,when I was told the cops went over to ask him about it,,,,this is from Dick Jarvis on you make the call,,cctv,,,he was the one I home,,,,so Fraser stopped and I do not think ever did it again, but the guy behind him did and I looked up his name and address and forgot it,,,but he is military,,,,his house can be seen through Frazier right side yard,,,on MacArthur circle...