I WANTED TO write about being interrogated,,, When all this targeting first began,,, I was sleep deprived so I was a mess, I slept deeply and when every I could,,, I was interrogated while asleep, woken and would know I was being asked questions,,,
I was also told that the pulses I receive all the time would be a necessity, that without them I would die , that these pulses have taken the place of my natural ability to produce energy,,
I was also told by many TI’s that they have had their minds read,,, and I do not believe that because of the interrogation I have been subjected to, my perps told me about a old lover I had,, I never told anyone, but they perps knew his name and sent me a pic of him,
I do not believe in satellite targeting,,, If anything I would believe a drone easier,,,, they can fly silent. satellite is more harder for me to believe, I would think high end targets maybe got satellites targeting like Tom Lee st,ates.
I have been hit in the throat,,, many times with pulses, making me make noise and gasps,,, air expulsion getting ready for sleep or waking me up… time, they will do it several times… Blair and Jeffrey schietroff. Across the street, he’s hitting my knees and ankles…like his dad with his bad knees.
Enhancement,,,, pulsed to the point of exploding and then asked questions about events,,, your events? or other events? can't remember.