To whom it may concern,
No I am not at present under the care of a psychiatrist, because I am terrified of docs especially psychiatrists,, in the nineties, I went to MGH for help complaining of being hit with a taser, this was the beginning of my harassment, the hospital drugged me , tied me up , and threw me in incarceration for a week and a half,,till they requested a doc name of Walcott , who worked for gov't , to interview me for violent tendencies, part of the HUD,Operation Safe Home program,,A covert program by gov't, to incarcerate and evaluate anyone appearing at emergency rooms complaining of harassment by directed energy weapons. DEW.
I am non violent, this was done because I had protested the building of a golf course in our town of Peabodys. Underneath the golf course was a toxic dump, it was owned by a local corporation, Eastman Gelatine, who wanted it buried, saving them millions in clean up, this dump is uphill from our water supply and toxic dumps have a tendency to move. I spoke with the man who buried it.
The mayor was using a gov't program called Operation Safe Home by HUD as a dumping ground for anyone he wished, I lived in a HUD complex, his name was Peter Torigian of Peabody. He is now dead. I often wondered if there was a kickback of sort from the corporation to the mayor , but this is sheer speculation.
His family continues the vendetta. A vendetta is until the victim is dead. I happen to have the misfortune of living on the same street of his daughter and her family. The harassment and sabotage continues to this day and lately has increased.
I smoke pot to alleviate the high intense stress this causes me. This family also has access to DEW,directed energy weapons and uses them, acoustics, laser, microwave. My body shows the effects. They also have access to Through the wall radar,,called Back Scatter Camera to monitor my actions. The man on the other side of my house is their loyal lapdog and will do anything this family requests. Including 24/7 harassment. This is high intensity harassment, I am a whistleblower. I have been recommended to see Doc Augston, but he is gone for the summer. I cannot wait, I grow and this family will make sure I lose my home by reporting me....I have had cancer three times also, real or imposed by these devices mentioned in the NYT magazine, 23 March 03 article,, The sound of things to come. These devices will mock any medical malady, from cancer to mental issues.
I suggest you read this with a critical eye, not only is this voices in the head, but the pulse of this device can be used as a weapon as well, like getting hit with an invisible fist, through walls, the military grade which our police depts. are being outfitted with as the military winds down in the mideast, this military technology does go through walls, and if anyone deserves to be certified it is me. I take no meds as I am scared of side effects as well. I am not allowed to exercise, or go out of the house, if so I am severely pulsed, more like a beating than anything else. Sleep deprivation, constant pulsing, coming out of no where, at any time, this is done with drive-bys, severely debilitating.
Thank you for your time.
Barbara Guillette