I feel upset at times this community dislikes me because i ask things like,,, How do you know yo are being given nanotechnology,,, you can't see it or feel it,,, so how do you know? its bullshit,,, morgellens the same,,,, its bullshit,,,
but Ive been fighting this war so long Im sure I have PTSD and Im worn out which is what is wanted,,, they wear you down,, but I'm not given any credit,,, for instance I coined the phrase ,,, The silent Holocaust" and then this woman threw me off this list because I said that,,, she feels it is hers and thats bullshit,,
then because I ask questions about credibility of assaults,,, I want definite proof of what is said and chemtrails,,, who cares,,, get the targeting to stop then work on chemtrails....its a distraction.
focus in, derricks call last night was good all about infragard,,, a non profit,,, that surprised me,,,
InfraGard is a non-profit organization serving as a public-private partnership between U.S. businesses and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The organization is an information sharing and analysis effort serving the interests, and combining the knowledge base of, a wide range of private sector and government members.[1] InfraGard is an association of individuals that facilitates information sharing and intelligence between businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and other participants dedicated to prevent hostile acts against the United States.[2] InfraGard's mutual nondisclosure agreements among its members (individuals) and the FBI promotes trusted discussions of vulnerabilities and solutions that companies and individuals may be hesitant to place in the public domain and provide access to additional threat information from the FBI.
this is from wikipedia
I've worked on fighting this shit for 21 years,,, and no one seems to give a shit,,,Ramola interviewed me but have not heard from her since,,,, she seemed amazed at my memory of all this , but its burned into my brain,,, I forget nothing,,, I do not want to forget nothing,,,,I want this story told and told right from my perspective,,,you know,,, its gotta be told for future generations..and like the science fiction story,,, prison planet it has to be burnt in the consciousness of the future generations so they know what to look for when gov't get out of hand into a totalitarian state... so they can guard against it... guard against shit like infragard... brb Infragard.org
well well well that was interesting and it seems that infragard fills the bill as far as the organization that is responsible for our targeting,,, terrorism is high on the list and we as targets are considered in the same class as terrorists. I saved all Anthony's or most all his emails that explains this all.
The story of Barbara Guillette in real time of Directed Energy attacks on innocent people the sustainability=depopulation,Agenda 30 pre-aging imposed murder /suicide, silent holocaust program using community based agents out of the Fusion centers. The silent standing army of directed energy weapons ready at a moments notice paid by tax payers money to carry out the assaults ..you're next.I am going public others have to be aware of what govt is really doing secretly to citizens.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
heart and health
yesterday I walked quickly up to the bus stop and was very startled to feel my heart racing,,, I think it was my heart rather than a beam as has been done in the past. this pulse to the lungs and eleven days in bed constantly being pulsed and beamed I think really took a tole on me...Im going to put several notes of different subjects here for my own reference,,
Ella who was an model and has a successful Talkshoe call at 141476 and has had some very interesting guests on she is working with Duncan and Kyle is working with Duncan also on shielding. I got real pissed at him years ago... and told him in so many words,,, how dare you,, sacrifice all of us for you. Since he states he has helped work on this technology he must know how to shield from this,,, I asked him why didn't he help us he said he was under orders,, a gag order and he would go to jail,,, I said so what.? so now he's helping Ella and Kyle with shielding.
At this date we have Trump for a president,,, to me he is a distraction,,, the real work is going on behind him with those appointed to head his cabinet... Sessions lied to congress about speaking with the Russians,,, it is thought that the Russians had something to do with the election in favor of Trump..Trumo blames everything on Obama,, which to me is hysterical.
I email bill bunny and he pissed me off,,, he states he first found out about this community through Mangus Olsen, and I know I was the first to email him asking for his help. He does not acknowledge THAT At all.. piss on him,,, I'm amazed,,,, Ella an intelligent woman,, Kirk Wiebe and Bill Binney all support Trump, Melinda Fee as well. I think there all nuts,,,, Kirk said he support deregulation,,,it will loosen up jobs,,, from what I understand coal filings can now be dumped . where I got the impression it was water but that may be scare tactics.. Trump is such a lying asshole you can't pin him down to anything and he knows it,,,, then the other side fights back,,, its a real threee ring circus..
Binney and Wiebe think deregulation is a great thing and I think that is Trumps biggest asset to them. Of course Wiebe thinks abortion is from hell and I think he believes in god...Binney not to sure .
I went yesterday to the post office and sent to registered letters one to Jim Lehrer asking him to go public with dEW and what happened to me... I don't think he will , to much of it is his fault and one does not like to air dirty linen,,, I think that is why I go public,,, I have very little to hide if anything . I learned long ago not to do things that one is ashamed of and what I am ashamed of,,, I admit too.
I also sent the second registered letter to Paula Mountain of wen ham housing,,,, we spoke she said she did not get the letter from Kelly,,, not registered,,,,I mailed it myself.she said she was going to rent my apt. I could say nothing but I told her I was going to appeal so she knew I was still in the game...her letter stated the reason she did not rent to me was because of incomplete paperwork. Which was bullshit
Im surprised I have not had problems with my heart as it has been a target especially lately,, coming from above.
I noticed Dr. Katherine Horton has a list of TI who she monitors ,,, for check in because they are attacked,,, my name is not on the list... For some reason this targeting makes you stronger and healthier in some respects but then if your continuously hit it makes you worse. Ive had cancer three times since all this began I thought it was because my mother had cancer,,, not what I had thought, she had lymphoma and sarcoma,, I had breast and uterine,,,both breasts.........at different times,,, one had 70% chance of developing in the right breast,,, the left was obvious,,,, I had STD at one point in my thirties,,,, so I feel that could be from that.
Ive been reading about INFRAGARD,,, a security company works with FBI,,, will relate more on it later after I read more..
Ella who was an model and has a successful Talkshoe call at 141476 and has had some very interesting guests on she is working with Duncan and Kyle is working with Duncan also on shielding. I got real pissed at him years ago... and told him in so many words,,, how dare you,, sacrifice all of us for you. Since he states he has helped work on this technology he must know how to shield from this,,, I asked him why didn't he help us he said he was under orders,, a gag order and he would go to jail,,, I said so what.? so now he's helping Ella and Kyle with shielding.
At this date we have Trump for a president,,, to me he is a distraction,,, the real work is going on behind him with those appointed to head his cabinet... Sessions lied to congress about speaking with the Russians,,, it is thought that the Russians had something to do with the election in favor of Trump..Trumo blames everything on Obama,, which to me is hysterical.
I email bill bunny and he pissed me off,,, he states he first found out about this community through Mangus Olsen, and I know I was the first to email him asking for his help. He does not acknowledge THAT At all.. piss on him,,, I'm amazed,,,, Ella an intelligent woman,, Kirk Wiebe and Bill Binney all support Trump, Melinda Fee as well. I think there all nuts,,,, Kirk said he support deregulation,,,it will loosen up jobs,,, from what I understand coal filings can now be dumped . where I got the impression it was water but that may be scare tactics.. Trump is such a lying asshole you can't pin him down to anything and he knows it,,,, then the other side fights back,,, its a real threee ring circus..
Binney and Wiebe think deregulation is a great thing and I think that is Trumps biggest asset to them. Of course Wiebe thinks abortion is from hell and I think he believes in god...Binney not to sure .
I went yesterday to the post office and sent to registered letters one to Jim Lehrer asking him to go public with dEW and what happened to me... I don't think he will , to much of it is his fault and one does not like to air dirty linen,,, I think that is why I go public,,, I have very little to hide if anything . I learned long ago not to do things that one is ashamed of and what I am ashamed of,,, I admit too.
I also sent the second registered letter to Paula Mountain of wen ham housing,,,, we spoke she said she did not get the letter from Kelly,,, not registered,,,,I mailed it myself.she said she was going to rent my apt. I could say nothing but I told her I was going to appeal so she knew I was still in the game...her letter stated the reason she did not rent to me was because of incomplete paperwork. Which was bullshit
Im surprised I have not had problems with my heart as it has been a target especially lately,, coming from above.
I noticed Dr. Katherine Horton has a list of TI who she monitors ,,, for check in because they are attacked,,, my name is not on the list... For some reason this targeting makes you stronger and healthier in some respects but then if your continuously hit it makes you worse. Ive had cancer three times since all this began I thought it was because my mother had cancer,,, not what I had thought, she had lymphoma and sarcoma,, I had breast and uterine,,,both breasts.........at different times,,, one had 70% chance of developing in the right breast,,, the left was obvious,,,, I had STD at one point in my thirties,,,, so I feel that could be from that.
Ive been reading about INFRAGARD,,, a security company works with FBI,,, will relate more on it later after I read more..
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