Thursday, December 24, 2015

Mikes call and some thoughts on targeting,

I WANTED TO write about being interrogated,,, When all this targeting first began,,, I was sleep deprived so I was a mess, I slept deeply and when every I could,,, I was interrogated while asleep, woken and would know I was being asked questions,,,

I was also told that the pulses I receive all the time would be a necessity, that without them I would die , that these pulses have taken the place of my natural ability to produce energy,,
I was also told by many TI’s that they have had their minds read,,, and I do not believe that because of the interrogation I have been subjected to, my perps told me about a old lover I had,, I never told anyone, but they perps knew his name and sent me a pic of him,
I do not believe in satellite  targeting,,, If anything I would believe a drone easier,,,, they can fly silent. satellite is more harder for me to believe, I would think high end targets maybe got satellites targeting like Tom Lee st,ates.

I have been hit in the throat,,, many times with pulses, making me make noise and gasps,,, air expulsion getting ready for sleep or waking me up… time, they will do it several times… Blair and Jeffrey  schietroff. Across the street, he’s hitting my knees and ankles…like his dad with his bad knees.
Enhancement,,,, pulsed to the point of exploding and then asked questions about events,,, your events? or other events? can't remember.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

19 Dec. 15

This could be a changing the world moment as one other person has mentioned to me,, he thinks this is the most game changing event  (/911,) and he may be right,,, I have long stated this has become  a totalitarian state. Or at least headed for one, and others have come to this conclusion as well... So here we are a totalitarian state..Everything electrical including our bodies and minds are up for grabs...

Thursday, December 17, 2015

17 of DEc. 2015 DD's son, and being pulsed

I have spoken before of being pulsed,,, of blue balls with indistinct kinda lacy like outside perimeters,,, I am having a hard time because of the constant pulsing to recall a lot,,, my memory is failing me,,, no memory,, no crime,,, I guess this is why I am trying to document all this ,,, The Sousas all of them are involved much harassment from their house all the time..
now to get back to the EMP pulses that float through my room at various speeds...I asked Tony Poland about that and he said the balls were emp pulses and the blue was how they effected the air around them as the EMP  traveled through it,,that is why they appear to have color and go through walls, it drops the color on one side of the wall and then picks color up on the other side of the wall. appearing to go through which is did,,, The EMP did... just to clarify. usually the blue balls float through at various speeds the smaller the pulse the more intense blue the faster it goes....and yesterday I saw something quite new.  the pulse of blue was so intense it was circled by purple,,, I mean this if it had hit me outright,, well I wouldn't be writing this today,,, why,,, because I took a walk around the lake with cody off his leash for the first time and we met a perp with a very aggressive wired haired fox  terrier,, this dog humped cody and cody just stood there, I think he's gay,,, I belted the other dog with my leash and he got off of course the owner was ineffectual...his comment,,, he's not aggressive,,,I said no he's not, totally unaggressive..., they Cody turned and growled and the other dog was just as aggressive,,, little fucker,,,anyway it went well the perps wanted to see how aggressive Cody was and if it was ok to leave him off the leash,,, Cody listens to me,,, he knows,, I mean business. I also feed him the best Kilbasi sausages and he loves them. The walk besides the perp was uneventful except they got my achilles heel again.As they are doing right now,,, these people either can go this low underground and pinpoint the Achilles tendon,,,or they have some sort of a node they maybe put in the couch, or the wall or on the other side of the fence.That is a possibility......
Anyway when I got hit with this from David's side it hit Jillian, she told her parents about it,,, whining and crying in her room....not really crying just whiny wah, anyway I txt her and asked her why she was crying ,,,,, I asked her if she was ok,, and she said back Why wouldn't I be? and I answered which now has been removed,,,, because  you were crying to your parents...I have noticed since this new modem bud put in much more interference things disappearing,,, difficult to post,, to Facebook, it is erased, it disappears,, so I think this upgrade made it easier for someone to manipulate my iPod,, which is what I like to use most of the time,,,,
Oh yeah the Diachision kid pulsed me as he left and of course my security camera is erased for yesterday its on a continuous loop,,, Im sure I would of seen the pulse yesterday morning but the perps are not giving me any channce to acquire any evidence at all...AT today that happened yesterday,,, the 16,  I sent another message to her, in answer to her stated why wouldn't I be ok
I said because I heard you crying and complaining to your parents,, "why were you crying", she will deny it or lie about it,,, but not tell me the truth,, she has outright lied before so I will not be surprised, she is under strict  orders from her parents not to mention anything about the pulsing. You see she has used it for years,,,,to wake me up when she wants to come down here for something, usually breakfast,I have known this for a long time, when bud and kelly acquired this technology, she was right there I heard them,,,she took the device and pulsed me at full ,, she almost killed me,,, kelly took it away from her. but both kids have used it,, I thought for a long time it was the xbox and now going back in my memory I don't think so..this is a device made especially for this purpose,, maybe from Yaikus. ? one wonders,,,

 these pulses also can be shot out of a vehicle ,, 13:19, 17 December 2015 and it has a delay,,, and it comes out of the back of the Sousa black Suv, and curves and hits my house. Just happeed. I get hit constantly,, since court....the perps don't want anyone to get this stuff in court,,, this is out right genocide... yup genocide.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

15 dEc. 15,, weird dates Ken Rhodes audiospotlight

ever since I took David Diachision to court for harassment the harassment,, the DEW has gotten worse,, he notified the network again,,, of the security company assigned to this area I know have all kinds of drive by, pulsing from everywhere and anytime,,, pulsing to my head knocking me over,,, sparks, burning,, achilles tendon swollen unable to walk , vibratory pulses to the gut... that my wake up call.
Ken Rhoeades an other Ti,, bought a audio spotlight who gave it to Pete Santilli,,,4500$ this is the device that pulses voices in your head,,, V2K, he said he asked a lot of Ti if they wanted to use it five years ago,,, on Dickhead Derricks call... I never heard of it,,, but I called him and chewed his ass out and asked him to ask for it back,,, he refused,,, he said it would embarrrass Pete Santilli, because he was always broke and he thought Pete sold it on ebay..fuck,,, almost within my grasp and gone like smoke,,, i wish I had this when I went to court for David...fuck so pissed,,, this community is indeed full of stupid dumb fuck assholes. Rhodes got pushed down the stairs and pulsed and his wife insisted he go to the doc they ate up 11, 000 $ of his money....they are draining him.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

22 Nov. 15

James is working with his father that is a good thing he has a girl friend,, tall rangy and good looking,,, name of Jessica,,,Jess,, a tough flower but delicate. I really really like her..shes a brat like james and she feels he is her soul mate,,,
bud has kidney stones and is such a wimp he went to hospital a couple of times for them I hope they were so very painful..
Devin is pulsing me from upstairs with the xbox controller... and the harassment from the neighbors ,,,when they are active upstairs,, is less if not at all.
Our  lawn from David Diachisins house is all brown you can see where the pulses go into the ground,,, to hit me I am sub level..
For a while I was getting hit 24/7,, but now I have some relief..
There was an incident I remembered in my life I forgot about that I wanted to enter it here ,, but its gone again,, hopefully I will remember it,,
Thanksgiving is thursday and I always looked forward to it,,, cooking my turkey but I gave mine to James and Jess.a nice small butterball.
I think I will buy a smaller one for me.its getting colder,, but so far no snow...just rain,, it seems the months are moving forward a month at a time,,,dec is now nov. weather....etc.last year I was surprised  we got smashed with feet of snow,, and when it melted no flooding,,, I was really surprised at that... this year I think it is going to be the same, the pattern is the same,,, but more people are waking up to the fact global warming is not how warm,, its how dry...or wet... the warm makes more intense weather, the dry does also,,, the west is turning into a desert.
Jillian and I are not talking the perp saga goes on and on,,, Cherie the bitch across the street , told he boyfriend and his father about me,, this was after I took David DiachIsin to court for I asked her who said and what was said and she refused,,, so I told her to shut to fuck up about it,,, Bud got upset I could hear him,, anything to diss me,,,and he has Devin join in,,,
I told her she has much bigger things to be worried about,, like her mother running around drunk and naked all summer and her father growing pot so the states have to come and pull them out,,but I think that doc who you applied for a marijuana license reported us,,, he asked me if I was already growing and I said yes...but then you never know.
I think the states are doing two things supplying pot but taking names,,, I don't care,,,fuck em.
I had the strangest dream and usually when they are that strange they are implanted,, it was about Judy Anderson of the PBS newshour,,, she was in a room with me with all kinds of people she sat opposite me and I wanted to ask her some questions and she would not answer my call and then hid under a blanket... I thought that strange and I think after a while I left...she acted dead under the blanket not moving or anything,, it was really weird.
James is off Heroin and I could and do do cartwheels,,, I know that many go back on but he seems ok..I still worry about him and tell him often he will lose to much he has gained if he does,,, the only thing that keeps dancing before my eyes is how dirty and filthy and awful he looked when he first moved in with me,, his desperation, for money to fill his habit...I am so proud of him,,, he has conquered a great evil... that tried to kill him several times.only because of advances in medicine to counter the overdose effects saved his life otherwise he would be a cold corpse in the ground instead of being Jess's soulmate..

He does want children and is the most gentle of persons around them,,, his great gentleness surprises even me. I wish him all the happiness in the world.. He is a nice person  to hug,,, I love hugging him,,, he is a huggy bear.
I have not seen Adam in over a year,,, he is doing his own thing,, Danielle and I have not spoken either since her jeep was sabotaged. by perps...the perps have pretty much cut me off from family,, and I do go not for my safety but for theirs...more later

Sunday, November 15, 2015

15 nov. 15 Kelly devin and bud,,

Bud fucked around on Kelly with this bimbo from work,, so Kelly freaked out and told me that she had an infection from this,,, I guess the lady in question gets around.
the other night,,, I txtd bud about the drain spout and how he should put it up before the rain and snow comes as the water seems to be dripping inside, I can hear it,,, so he txted me back and said he will do it but he has been in hospital.. I ignored that,,, he txted he had kidney stones,,, I asked if it was gonareha,  Kelly txtd back lol and it was kidney stones,,, 
that night I got hit all night,, from buddy,,,
I didn't do anything,
last night I slept well until around 7ish when DEvin started playing his xbox above my bed,,, when he plays this I get pulsed, with the microwaves,,, a friend of mine measured the output and it was minor,, but I think when your asleep it makes a difference. I feel a slight bump during the day usually on my feet,, I think the microwave hits the ceramic tile and bounces up.... but when your asleep your in a different state. 
its like a freight train going through your head...
Kelly is again siding with Bud,,, she always stated that she was here to take care of her family...I was not considered family...
cherie's son Jared also told Jillians boyfriend about my blog I guess and she said she was embarrassed . I told her what did they say and who said it otherwise shut to fuck she finally told me,, Jared was telling her what his mother said about me to jills boyfriend...I asked jill if it was about her mother being drunk and naked in the neighborhood,, or bud growing pot in the back yard that the staties came and took away.? she kinda shut up with that one....
I spoke with Mike mason a musician because what I get hit with seems as if it acoustic,,, or microwave,, its hard to tell because I have never been hit with microwave or acoustic before ... 

 I heard Devin go into Jills room and ask her to come downstairs to turn on the breakers, its the only way  to get him to stop....and she wouldn't so he woke up his mother who came down screaming that she had been watching a movie and I turned it off, which is not true,, she was asleep. so she banged on my door and screamed at me to turn on the breakers and Devin played his game,,,after that  I was not hit,,,but the bitch as usual said " Oh what your getting pulsed?" She usually calls me crazy and looney. I call her a drunk and naked,,, so we are even this is what our relationship has fallen into.. this is what these weapons can do.. she has decided to be a perp.. as with buddy, and jill uses it when every she wants me to prepare her a meal... last time she wanted to bring the boyfriend down for lunch,, so she pulsed me to wake me up...shes cute too. 

mike said this is what the perps are doing,,, he also directed me to  interesting concepts

this is the link to present day technology that can put thoughts in your head and harass you,, and the pulse itself is a weapon,,,,its pricey 5000.00 ,,, 

turning everyone against everyone,,, to shut me up and cause anger and strife within the family I have known this is tactics for a long time but its hard to tell when your in it,,, or control the frequency generated anger HZ. 
so I told kelly next time she comes down to bang on my door I will be ready. and I will. if the perps want to put me away well so be it. This circus has gone on long enough...
no reply from bud or Kelly,, 
I will call Diane Moses and tell her Im leaving,, packing in storage and going on the road... so tired of my family and this might give me a chance to kill a perp...a holiday present.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I think this is what was used to throw me down the stairs and snap my ankle

Ultrasound is focused to create the shape of a virtual sphere.
Credit: Image courtesy of Bristol Interaction and Graphics group, University of Bristol, copyright © 2014
Technology has changed rapidly over the last few years with touch feedback, known as haptics, being used in entertainment, rehabilitation and even surgical training. New research, using ultrasound, has developed an invisible 3D haptic shape that can be seen and felt.
The research paper, published in the current issue of ACM Transactions on Graphics and which will be presented at this week's SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 conference [3-6 December], demonstrates how a method has been created to produce 3D shapes that can be felt in mid-air.
The research, led by Dr Ben Long and colleagues Professor Sriram Subramanian, Sue Ann Seah and Tom Carter from the University of Bristol's Department of Computer Science, could change the way 3D shapes are used. The new technology could enable surgeons to explore a CT scan by enabling them to feel a disease, such as a tumour, using haptic feedback.
The method uses ultrasound, which is focussed onto hands above the device and that can be felt. By focussing complex patterns of ultrasound, the air disturbances can be seen as floating 3D shapes. Visually, the researchers have demonstrated the ultrasound patterns by directing the device at a thin layer of oil so that the depressions in the surface can be seen as spots when lit by a lamp.
The system generates an invisible 3D shape that can be added to 3D displays to create something that can be seen and felt. The research team have also shown that users can match a picture of a 3D shape to the shape created by the system.
Dr Ben Long, Research Assistant from the Bristol Interaction and Graphics (BIG) group in the Department of Computer Science, said: "Touchable holograms, immersive virtual reality that you can feel and complex touchable controls in free space, are all possible ways of using this system.
"In the future, people could feel holograms of objects that would not otherwise be touchable, such as feeling the differences between materials in a CT scan or understanding the shapes of artefacts in a museum."

Sunday, October 25, 2015

3D invisible haptic ultrasound that can be seen and felt.

December 2, 2014
University of Bristol
Technology has changed rapidly over the last few years with touch feedback, known as haptics, being used in entertainment, rehabilitation and even surgical training. New research, using ultrasound, has developed an invisible 3-D haptic shape that can be seen and felt.
  4336   0   142   0 

Ultrasound is focused to create the shape of a virtual sphere.
Credit: Image courtesy of Bristol Interaction and Graphics group, University of Bristol, copyright © 2014
Technology has changed rapidly over the last few years with touch feedback, known as haptics, being used in entertainment, rehabilitation and even surgical training. New research, using ultrasound, has developed an invisible 3D haptic shape that can be seen and felt.
The research paper, published in the current issue of ACM Transactions on Graphics and which will be presented at this week's SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 conference [3-6 December], demonstrates how a method has been created to produce 3D shapes that can be felt in mid-air.
The research, led by Dr Ben Long and colleagues Professor Sriram Subramanian, Sue Ann Seah and Tom Carter from the University of Bristol's Department of Computer Science, could change the way 3D shapes are used. The new technology could enable surgeons to explore a CT scan by enabling them to feel a disease, such as a tumour, using haptic feedback.
The method uses ultrasound, which is focussed onto hands above the device and that can be felt. By focussing complex patterns of ultrasound, the air disturbances can be seen as floating 3D shapes. Visually, the researchers have demonstrated the ultrasound patterns by directing the device at a thin layer of oil so that the depressions in the surface can be seen as spots when lit by a lamp.
The system generates an invisible 3D shape that can be added to 3D displays to create something that can be seen and felt. The research team have also shown that users can match a picture of a 3D shape to the shape created by the system.
Dr Ben Long, Research Assistant from the Bristol Interaction and Graphics (BIG) group in the Department of Computer Science, said: "Touchable holograms, immersive virtual reality that you can feel and complex touchable controls in free space, are all possible ways of using this system.
"In the future, people could feel holograms of objects that would not otherwise be touchable, such as feeling the differences between materials in a CT scan or understanding the shapes of artefacts in a museum."

Story Source:
The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of BristolNote: Materials may be edited for content and length.

I just read a rundown on stalking

it was very good and to the point,,,he spoke of how family is used to abuse and go after the targeted and I can attest to that..
A few days ago,,, Bud was pulsed,,, I heard him call out Fuck! then he hit me, with pulses
then the next time he hit me again,,, for quite a while and constant,,,He said "There Fuck you"
thats how y perps work it,,, they hit the family first,,,then the family goes after me,,, bud and Kelly are working out,,, I wonder why ,,,what are they preparing for?
that is the technique they are using with me anyway,
This is a good rendition of what and how it started

5 hrs ·
My soul purpose is to expose uk goverment, agencies used by goverment and the police force for Targeting citizens who are on a kill list organized by the uk goverment and councils and police force, the police force use homeland security who as you should know are criminals themselves and play a big part in targeting individuals , its like a viscious loop.

Wether you want to hear it or not, i am going to keep exposing what they are not telling you as its all uk secrets.

The police when targeting individuals use alot of resources, man power and money in gangstalking as the police and councils up and down the country do this on a daily basis and at first the uk police force will follow you everywhere you go,your on a database list and you will never be set free either.

The first six months to a year, you will notice the police more and notice them acting very suspiciously towards you, even harrass you outside BUT with no one ever present to witness it, they will talk to you like a piece of shit and they will call you even a criminal to wind you up, stress etc the police are very good at, anyways the first year is designed to gangstalk you , so they write down, what times this and that, even to and from work, followed by undercover police and councils, they even use Black cabs to gangstalk to and this all is information the police will use to know where you go, what times and ways back, you will see thls of police at times and then the magic of the police force begins, it goes from gangstalking to harrassment, police outside , sirens on n off past house lots and you will be set up by police to basically go into a second mind, like as if your mind is not your own.

They use these tactics on purpose to set you up for the slaughter of electronic harrassment to torture you to death by means of, Cancer, Heart attack and to MAKE YOU commit suicide,is this possible? yes it is using a very simple programme they own and use daily, they have the power to control you at all times, you cant sleep when you want, they torture you to stay in or vice versa go out.these simple basic police n councils programme is designed to make you lose it in a very big way.

They have a tendency to use your neighbours at ALL TIMES at first and your neighbours you believe are gangstalking you, voice to skull technology is then implimented by police to either harrass you so severe that they have you put in a mental hospital as part of the start of the programme, you then become so cloned into these thoughts all day everyday and what once was your life, has dissapeared before your eyes without you knowing it as you never experienced it before, thats where they turn up the good cop bad cop roiutine and this is the simple but clever effect you will ever experience and that goes on for first two years, your perps will play with you alot

Your neighbours could be for harrassment or gangstalking or to have you set up by police to go in to a mental hospital but one thing, even though no mattwe how realistic things seem,. your neighbours and family ARE not involved in these crimes and this is the clever part, you start rejecting family and friends on purpose so you become isolated and thats part of the latter torture.

They put you in mental hospitals so you lose your human rights and so nobody believes you and more so that they have then more power to kill you at anytime they want because what happens is your vulnerable to death and for these agencies to get away with murder. so when you die, the police will just say he or she had mental health problem.

Some people are targeted for sueing police or for other reasons and i know for a fact they have murdered and put a man in a mental hospital just 6 months before they killed him which was suspicious and they cannot do suspicion at all.

Targets are then sleep deprived from the word go and normally your aloud to sleep just two hours and thats most targets, they dont ease off or take a break as the software is manned by just one police officer and he has the power to put voices in your head using that programme and a simple microphone as WITNESSED ACCIDENTALLY BY ME many many years ago as been targeted since 2002 by uk goverment. an agency, police n council

They then start knicking your items, entering your house through the front door even when your out, my friend tested this and put a dictaphone in a cupboard and went out, she came back n replayed what happened and found at least three men enter her house through the front door, searching her house and then left by the front door.

These are just some basic things targets go through and then they torture you severe to age you more than to kill you as you ask many targets and they may say, i thought i was a gonna last night but no its done to age you fast, so that you look terroble makes it more comfortable for police in their quest to murder you as every day is rape and attempted murder, they rape you using these weapons by sexuall things done even your arse bleeds from the horrific torture and i know some ladies bleeding from their privates too

Anything they do is to cause paranoia, make your life so bad, you cant live it anymore hence tortured to kill yourself, they murder thousands each week in the uk and so the figure of 500.000 targets is a little way off what it actually is.

If you believe your targeted
dont start getting too involved in goverment issues that may lead to you being detained

try not to think too much, set your mind in a place your happy regardless of torture

Try and make money and as weird as targets will say thats impossible well not if you remove the i and m, its possible to do cos you can claim TWO lots of disability even if its severe, you can get help with a personal disability too and anyone who needs information, please get in touch and i will gladly help you

go out different roiutes and times, that to any target is a must cos it costs them even more money, so everytime you go out especially early stage of targeting, then make sure you do this everyday

Try and go on holiday abroad as then it will determine wether they invested enough in you to let you go,i know a lady who the police stopped at the airport n dragged her into a mental hospital for section 3 which means six months but it also means SHE can never ever leave the country because of this

If your put in a mental hospital, the first thing you need to do is tell the drs you want to file for tribunal and what ever you do DO NOT TALK ABOUT TARGETING as that will keep you in there for a long time

If the police harrass you in public or any suspicious behaviour, then make sure you take your phone even though they can hear you through just taking your phone outside, they will know where you are, but its important to VIDEO as much as you can as your job is what they did to you, do it back to them.,the more information you have, the better it becomes in the long run , photos are ok but not real evidence as much as a video would be

try and stay with people friends or family and try not to talk about targeting

your family and friends ARE NOT targeting you and this is done by police to isolate you, so staying in a group would be beneficial

Drs again i would advice to not tell them.,if you have signs of torture and its bad, just take pics videos and show your drs

The torture is simply stopped even the heat or cooking they do, steam and heat stops the torture fully so anything that resembles heat would be benefical like bath shower, steam even,sauna would be awesome and even the opposite what is freezing or cold also stops it as the torture can be used for cooking or even to have you frozen even your house CAN BE THAT COLD THAT YOU NEED BLANKETS N LAYERS OF CLOTHES

yes, they, the lab rats have discovered how to heat or cool the body,,, through walls,

25 Oct 15 Kelly and Bud

well I had an argument with Kelly the other day,,, she wants to throw James on the street, jBud feels threatened by him,,,James is bigger and probably stronger...Bud has gotten a weight set with all kinds of weights and is working out,, legs and arms,,, I used it for a bench press just to bring back memories of Gold's Gym in San Diego..
The argument with Kelly ended with her challenging me with her fists up and ready.. I did not threaten her,, just upped my own fists in self defense if it came to that.I might get a punching bag and install it here, just for a good work out, if they attack me I want to be ready and it seems like they are getting ready.
James has been spanned time with Jess in Lynn, and she was getting loopy from to much weed,, so James and Jess have quit and are quitting cigerettes as well,,,whatever happened to her , seems like it really scared her,,,
The other day during the above argument,,, I told Kelly i knew this argument and malice and hostility came from Bud,, he sat at the computer and kept saying ,, Prove it,,,,,Prove over and over,,, I don't have to prove nothing Bud,,, I know what you did,,,,all the shit you stole from my apt. I wondered where it went,,,,its not in your house,,, you fucking gave my stuff away..For example the canning jars you told and gave to your buddy who grows weed,,,he put his weed in them and wheeled them around in his little suitcase... those were mine I went downstairs and checked all my jars were gone. Most of them anyway stored in the dish washer, because I never used the dishwasher. The pointed tips on my knives,,, the stuff you stole from me , my chipped good pieces of china,, the butter dish, the small Italian bowl,,, all the missing stuff you even let your kids,,,do it,,,
One day I left my door unlocked to take the trash out,, I came back and heard someone rush up the stairs,,,the lock on my door was swinging wildly,,,and as I entered my apt. I smelled Devon's aftershave.....
See Bud can't go after me with James here.
James also saw some pulses I heard his exclamation when I was being hit from devons direction. The xbox has been converted to a pulsed device,,just like Cherie and Jerimiah converted the Wii into a pulsed device.
Im going to repeat the story of Cheries son Jebidiah? on the back enclosed porch with big windows.I was in my kitchen closest room to cherie house,, if I remember correctly, it was a Sunday...Making coffee and getting my ass toasted..this video below is this technology ,,,, or part of it,,,,Her oldest son,,, name escapes me , was on her back enclosed porch,,, I left my house and walked across the street following the sharp, white, high intensity pulse, saw it coming from Cherie's house.So I walked over and it appeared to come from around the corner,, so I walked around the garage and saw her oldest boy playing Wii,,at the end of the porch nearest my house was an old big TV,,, every time the boy pulsed at the game he was playing,,, the spark would go through the TV and fly across the street into my house....Why was it attracted to my kitchen...I bet it was my iron bed,,, one day I came home from being out and the back of the bed had been taken off and turned around and was loose, it is held at the bottom by screws,,, I put that bed together myself,,, I knew it was tight,,,and the back was put on correctly, so I knew someone was here and modified my bed,,, I wonder if they put something inside of it that attracted these pulses from the Wii... From what I understand they work on microwave or laser,,,, goes through walls, and they are blue pinpoint to inches , balls in some respect which goes through walls,,,and blue is highest level of laser,, red does not go through walls, but blue does.So I have read.Anyway I stood and watched the kid from the dirt road,,for a while, quite a few it was not hurried.  I stood maybe ten minutes and watched.. the kid pulse the TV and the spark leave the TV and take a 90 degree angle for my house,,, for my fucking  house..I told Cherie about it,, and never saw the shades up again,, ever.....So we have 3 choices for this phenomenon ,, this device here in the video,,, a good chance that,,,,,,or microwave or laser...I should get the specs on Wii and xbox.

Pasted Graphic 2 copy.tiff
Im going to send this again to bill binney,  kirk Wiebe, Jennifer with my thoughts,,, I do not know if it is a mind link,,, it could be,, I know that they can reach out and actually grab you,,wether they can mind link with this,,,well your guess is as good as mine,, it remains to be seen, but I know they can take a electromagnetic field and form it to grab you…they tried reaching out to grab me and I felt it and avoided it,,,but this was also how they threw me down the cellar stairs and I landed without out a scratch except they snapped my ankle in midair…so I know from experience they have this,,,can they grab each other and do a mind link,,, well I know they can put thoughts in my head,,, I know in DC they used this for a covert, person to person communication device,,,no paper or electronic trail, so I was told.I know my daughter Danielle and I both got hit at the same time with a message pulse from a perp , from Danny Luz house,, I believe it was Tony, and we both turned toward the direction and said the exact same words to each other…Start the car,, the perps had fixed my car that night., why I do not know, They did stuff like this all the time,,,
This I believe is Woody Norris’s device,, HSS, hypersonicsilent sound device.23 march 03,, NYT MAGAZINE archive,,,THE SOUND OF THINGS TO COME,,,  it was used at the MFA in Boston for a display and you stepped into the beam and heard one music,,, stepped out of the beam and heard another,,,so if they can send music,, they can send words,,, to your head,,, only you heard it,,, anyway this may help with the puzzle of what HZ goes where and what it does, I tend to believe that because the frequency of our body is very low,,, we are not a GHZ endowed animal,, no matter what we do…higher could be for other uses,,, like killing cancer cells or any cell really,, as long as you know its resonance… Resonance is what makes up the universe,,, Soo god is a vibration,,,,lol

25 Oct 15 black education

Comments I made on Facebook,,25 Oct 15,
Herman Winston and Mark Perry like this.
Barbara Guillette well Nigel that is kinda true,,, education is what makes white people ,,white,,,and whites realize you can't go much of anywhere without it,,, you agree? We see little value in the black community for education,,, discipline is a big issue,,, single parents like me, were not good disciplinarians, I was terrible... I admit it,,, I never harmed my children but they got away with everything,,,they just didn't tell me and no one else did either.
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Barbara Guillette this started after WW1 when we started to manufacture,,, then we discovered it was cheaper to send to Japan for our manufacturing base after WW2, so many black people ,,,men were left without jobs,,, the women to survive went on welfare,,,,,welfare demanded the men leave,,,so the families got split up...under single women, the kids ran wild,, I know mine did and I had a fairly stable household....we pay for this today,,,,foresees circumstances I think its called.......

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

7 Oct 15

a strange morning, I woke to a full stuffed nose with burnng of the nose and eyes,,, it was not the dust james unsettled,, but I was hit in the head with the snapper,,, device small tiny bright white sparks really of energy that go right through you and it will burn the nose and body parts,,,
Today james was V2Kd out in the cellar,,, someone called his name,, James and then he said it sounded like whispers,,,, it could of been Bud, or Devon,, anyone upstairs really,,, Kelly and Bud have this technology I think it goes with the xbox,,,,I am going to buy one and experiment.. I think James was scared,, and he did not talk to me about it,, he just told me about it and described what he heard,

and went back to what he was doing,,,

now that I remember being hit with the Wii from cherie back porch,, that from what I understand is microwave,, in short intense pulses,,,went right through her old TV took a dramatic left hand 90 degree turn and pulsed across the street,, cherie's kid was playing Wii on the back porch...I think it ws Jacob,,,the sparks did not hit me as I stood and watched him from the back road.. I had followed the sparks to their source.... I knew what to look for so I followed them and sure enough they were coming through the old TV..
 he has two jobs now,, detailing,,, one for Michaels,, the other on Foster street, Tuesday and Thursday,,, I hope the local fucks don't interfere in this he needs the jobs,, he wants to start his own business... of detailing,,, and when we get a truck we are going to go into the recycle business,,, he is already there... lets see,,, I asked him what he was on,,, he said his suboxone,,,, he gets hyper,, and goes round like a madman,, then he has trouble sleeping at  night,, it might be because he was not working,,, he seems to gear up for work,,, do drugs,,, no heroin,,,, he's seems clean of that,,, then he collapses over being burnt out,,, and then things fall apart... he craves weed,,, I think to focus, it helps him focus...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Today 10 sept 15

I think its the 10  of sept, I was doing dishes and got pulsed from yaikus's house two cars parked out front a white one , and the 16 year old .  I know I got pulsed from them , it was so severe In the chest I coughed for 15 minutes and peed my pants, severely , James got fired from his job at the recycle place. The pulses have been coming from schietroff house as well   The young guy on the motorcycle has been active psi g the house when he leaves and comes home on his motorcycle.
James got fired something  about the vest was not on properly but he threw his hard hat at his bosses truck window and broke it, you have to push him to find out the truth, he's impossible to live with, I asked him to leave, I so he's banned from the  dump, and lost his job, you can't tell me Nelson was not involved one phone call, I know how that scum bag works huh Ricky dicky. ??
Yaikus has this big huge tent with a cafeteria style layout I wonder if it's a 9/11 party, peabody pice first in the nation as paid holiday they feel they are Heros because of the police that got killed so they wear the uniform so they think they deserve a paid holiday on the day. I think it is war profiteering myself to enrich yourself at the expense of others during a war time, is that war profiteering?

Sunday, September 6, 2015

6 sept. 15

Comment on Chloe Violet Rose's post

Chloe Violet Rose

To be honest I think I am chipped or tagged there which attracts the emf to that area. I'll tell you why. Back in 2004 I woke up one morning and my entire abdominal region was black and blue. Totally bruised. Not just a little spot here or a little spot there, I mean my whole abdomen was bruised. It was the weirdest thing. In hindsight I think it was remote surgery because that is the very area that attracts the frequencies.
LikeMore2 hours ago

Barbara Guillette

You never know with these morons,,, I have decided to call them morons,, a much better title I think,,, I too have this area on me that seems to suck up the energy , the moron across the street, Jeffrey was out picking his device up, he hides it in the leaves along the lake leaf infested chain link fence,, straight shot into my living room, they seem to go through windows,,to cut down energy absorption I imagine and then through sheet rock and hit me,, they set it on a timer and it would go for hours.. just hitting the same spot in the skull,,, I was triggered to sit there and watch my favorite programs... anyway as I walked around the short fence,, Jeff was walking up his walk and this spark flew out of his hand,,backwards and hit me in the face, 2 feet behind me was a grounded chain link fence.Why didn't it hit that fence instead of me?.
A few years ago I was pulsed severely driving,, the pulse from the pick up behind me , hit my sternum, bounced off my clavicle and hit the back of my throat,I thought I was dead,,,i mean really dead,,,I looked for blood,,,these kids with the computer games are deadly shots, but I think these were older huntsmen,,probably NH. i have believed and still do that that was the mark of some kind,, a positive or negative charged,, nano whatever or just a tiny thing,,, I know they experimented with fiber optics on my forehead,,, it gave me headaches and destroyed thinking,,,it took me a while to find them,, they were no more than 2-3 mm, above the tissue but they would drive by and hit it with this strong pulse and all that energy would be pumped into my body via the fiber optics,,,I finally took them out with a pen knife and the harassment stopped. They knocked me out in a motel,, I used to go every once in a while to give my family a break from the pulsing, so they knocked me out,, they also put this real shiny black dot glued to my cheek,, and of course your gonna try to scrap it off, and of course the impetigo covered my face,,,so they have used gas, chemical, biological warfare on me,,, this is from locals,, and people have to understand what these guys can do because this is a police and totalitarian state.

,, I think they must mark us and of course experimentation ,something with a negative or positive charge on it,,,,,these morons can get away with it and I'm sure their gonna share it with the five sisters. The UK, PROGRAM CONTROL ORDERS IS OVERT, THEY HAD TO PULL IT BACK BECAUSE OF PUBLIC OUTCRY, ,, same as ours, only our gov't has kept ours covert,,, they want to be able to do and experiment as they will, after all they think of us as cattle and they feel anyone who lives here is gov't have what you have because of they own everything and will take it at will and if they want to use a cattle prod on you ,, so be it..

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

1 sept 15

today I got pulsed from Chris Yaikus's house and of course endured it,,, but he didn't leave at his usual time of 4:30ish,,, he left when James left... so that worries me,,, he may follow him, seeing he leaves every morning and follows him to his job.
this night I will walk around the block late and take pictures of the cars that belong here,,, it will give me some idea, of who and who does not belong here.
My bike lock is gone as well as my coffee mug,, james says it is in his work truck but we shall see tonight.
Bill Binney also suggested in one of his talks on the Wheel of Freedom youtube program to document everythink so I will continue with that task...
this is what I wrote on my timeline today on Facebook.

Here is another cute trick the zappers( for that is what they call themselves) do,,,,they keep you awake,, sometimes for days till you are so exhausted you could fall asleep standing up and I have. Then they enter your apt. while your in a grateful deep sleep, they chip your china,,,steal your small stuff,, like a bike lock,, and of course mess with stuff you have not discovered yet.....You are triggered to leave your door( which you never do) unlocked. Its a cute trick,,,also I can always tell who is zapping me from position and time of morning,,, as the zappers leave I refuse to call these morons , men,, yeah moron will do...thats what I think of you a moron, because you, with your little federal guys in DC, you know the ones who let you do this, because their stupid too, because it is a covert experimental program on the public,, a totalitarian state, a police state, you are opening the door to this state for your kids and I think that's wonderful. why do you think your kids would be exempt. HUH? Chris,,David, Paul, Jeff, Blair, Jerimiah, Babe, Frank, Rick, Lynda!! Your children will be subjected to your legacy and your grandchildren as well ,, I think that is a fitting Karma for you Zappers. I only hope I live long enough to see you regret it.

My mouth above my right lateral incisor is being pulsed again and I am so tired I am yawning all the time,,, all day and cannot get out of my way,,, stimulated at night and pulsed in the morning....
Bud told me the neighbors no longer talk to him ever since the weed growing pulling fiasco,, heaven forbid that someone in their neighborhood should do that,,,just how fuckiing funny is that,,, they can hunt someone, destroy their lives,, but if you grow a pot plant well,,, we won't talk to you...lolll.
that is certainly a skewed way of looking at the world,,, oh yeah,, they can drink and be drunk thats ok,,,

I wrote this is Facebook

The govt has not used DEW , that the whistleblowers know of , on the five of them , the NSA whistleblowers. I asked Bill Binney. And he said no, when questioned by me and others. I know the pulse that has the vibratory effect is very dangerous and destructive. It can bore holes in your muscles. Vibrate you to diarrhea, and beyond. This is why I told bill and everyone else why I thought this was a police and totalitarian state because I know what the fuckers have and can do with these DEW devices, I can only say this, I fear for us all and I pity us all, HITLER was only the prelude to the monsters that were to come.

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  • Jed Monty likes this.
  • Barbara Guillette i think the birth of many of our ideas comes from the Nazi era,,, we poisoned ourselves when we opened the door to them, I know our space program was helped by their scientists good thing I guess,, without them we would be far behind,but also much destructive science comes from them also,,,,I hope it was all worth it? I hope we survive as a nation, a democracy.As Bill Binney said ,he feels this is the biggest threat to our democracy since the "civil war',,, the splitting apart of our nation. I agree, as it is right now it is a slave state,,, different degrees of slavery, I know about it,, I am now on the bottom. yes , yes, yes, and many do not know about the control...Many are unconscious, many are stupid, many ignore.,,,,,