
NowThis Politics
May 4
President Trump’s latest executive order shatters the separation between church and state
Barbara Guillette Barbara Guillette We shall pay for that in blood, what fools , he thinks he can do better than our forefathers, that's ego for you and payback for electing him. We are indeed in deeper shit than we thought . This fool has no idea of history .

Reply14 hrs
Barbara Guillette nor do those who support him. stupid fucks

Reply14 hrs
Karen Melton-Stewart First of all, the America Revolution was born in the churches. Second, the restrictions on talking about politics in church were put in place by LYNDON JOHNSON, hardly a Founding Father. He was reacting to the fact that Texas churches knew him to be a vile criminal and were speaking out against him. He had democrat colleagues push legislation saying if churches voiced political views they would lose their tax exempt status. So churches sold out. You are welcome to your opinion but get your facts straight. - Karen “Stupid F*ck” Stewart.

Reply13 hrs
Barbara Guillette The reason Johnson was hated because he carried on Kennedy's policies and I liked Johnson. The churches were corrupted by govt. I agree if churches are involved in gov't they should pay taxes. no one gets a free ride. Yeah I bet the churches hated Johnson he hit them in the wallet greedy fucks, like i said never trust a fat friar

Reply26 minsEdited
Barbara Guillette make sure you do not delete my opinion and I would be glad to go toe to toe with anyone on this subject. to bad Hitchens isn't alive to see this.. He is probably spinning in his grave as is Jefferson.

Reply11 hrs
Barbara Guillette Johnson freed the blacks and Texans couldn't abide that.

Reply11 hrs
Barbara Guillette Jefferson brought up separation of church and state, and before that the churches themselves brought up separation of church and state, This was the catholic church who first initiated and set up schools in the US. You don't get it, gov't is corrupt as you have first hand knowledge of that, being a target, whatever gov't touches becomes corrupt this includes the church which will be at the bidding of gov't , the gov't will move into the churches and use the pastors for their own use, So you can throw the ten commandments out the window...Govt readily without qualm had ordered many, murders even within our lifetime if the church is affiliated with govt. they are COMPLICIT. ,, is this what you want for your church.? In Democracy in America and obviously you have not read the book, it is stated the churches wanted seperationof church and state, they did not want to be corrupted by gov't. they demanded separation and no you and this stupid fuck are not wise enough obviously to appreciate that we for the last 400 years have not had religious wars IN THIS COUNTRY you are blinded by your faith ion your religion, and the destruction of this policy will see that. mark my words...Maybe not tomorrow, nor the day after but it will come. so do yourself a favor and read Democracy in America by deTocquiville, the uncensored edition, Bush jr censored it when he came in office,, he courted the military and did not want anyone to call him a despot.. as DeTocquieville stated. Despots always court the military, You people are so stupid,,, you think your religion in power will solve all, it won't it will only cause more trouble,,, wait and see.

Reply11 hrsEdited
Barbara Guillette if you wish to call yourself stupid fuck well so be it, and this is a perfect example of what I am saying , I considered us friends and now religion and it's power has come between us and so it begins, you stupid fuck......

Reply11 hrsEdited
Barbara Guillette One more thing our forefathers came from the Uk, they saw hundreds of years of war over religion and you want that here as well? You think this will not break out in active war? are you that simplistic , we shall see , we shall see. I already hate sessions and his tight assed attitude , his do gooder religious attitude,,, I think they're all idiots, Pence too . this is pay back from Trump for getting him elected... corruption of church and state. Has your targeting stopped?

Reply11 hrs
Barbara Guillette one other thing the Lutherans stated the catholic church worshipped idols by having images and statues in church,, this was adult show and tell, no one could read! the church was doing show and tell peasants couldn't readdddddd

Reply33 mins
Barbara Guillette stupid fucks indeed                                                                                           
Reply29 mins