I thought this interesting,,,seems like the gov't has all these lists.. How can they keep track of them all. I wonder where our list is.. The Ti list. I wonder if we are on the violent gangs and terrorist watch list mentioned in the video?
"With hundreds of thousands of people now on the government’s terrorist watch lists, a closely watched trial begins today in San Francisco. Stanford University Ph.D student Rahinah Ibrahim is suing the U.S. government after she was barred from flying from Malaysia back to the United States in 2005 to complete her studies at Stanford after her name was placed on the list. The New York Times reports that the federal government’s terrorist watch list, officially called the "Terrorist Screening Database," has grown to at least 700,000 people and those on the list are often subjected to extra scrutiny, prohibited from flying, and interrogated while attempting to cross borders. The government refuses to divulge who is on the list, how one can get off the list, and what criteria is used to place someone on the list in the first place. Often times, people have no idea their name’s in the database until they attempt to board a flight."
We speak with Anya Bernstein, associate professor at the SUNY Buffalo Law School and author of the article, "The Hidden Costs of Terrorist Watch Lists."
I went back and listened to this video again and one thing I was interested in is the mention of the list for violent gangs and terrorist file, FBI,, started and consolidated in the 90's ,this ties in with my case ,,I was interviewed by Walcott, a shrink who flew around the country evaluating patients for propensity of violence at the Mass General Hospital,,,Peter Smallwood my doc at MGH would not let me out of his clinic until this shrink came and interviewed me..his evaluation was,,,,,,that I had a propensity for low violence.
The doc was wrong,,I am non violent,,never been mean or violent in my life, many Ti's are similar,, but,,,but,,, if one is subjected to mind control and DEW (directed energy weapons,), we can be made to do anything,,ANYTHING,, MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE HAS NOTHING ON US.. WE CAN BE MANIPULATED TO BE OUR OWN WORST ENEMY, SET US UP FOR JAIL, INCARCERATION, DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, COMMIT CRIMES, SUICIDE AND MANY OTHER THINGS CAN BE MANIPULATED THROUGH MIND CONTROL...We are as puppets.
USING V2k technology or called synthetic telepathy...using this technology and it works all to well.
I repeat, The FBI has this list, and this was started in the 90's when I became involved with HUD's Operation Safe Home, so the time frame would be correct.. my targeting started in Dec. of 96. You have to be nominated to these lists, these lists were developed in a haphazard way,,they were consolidated in 2000 and you cannot get your name off this list once on.(.covert,,hence it does not exist at least that is what I have been told... bjg)
you can lodge a complaint. LISTEN TO TAPE TO FIND OUT WHERE. BJG