Thursday, March 21, 2013

 Continuation from page 1.

" Watch the movie ," The Madness of King George" how he was punished for displaying his madness and how it effected him.  Here is an easy test to see if you are  being harassed by DEW,, rent borrow, beg or steal a dog,, they will alert to frequency's, beams or pulses.   They will always point the way to the direction of assault, now this will not tell you if you are mad, it will only tell you what's going on and from what direction the assault is coming from,, 

You have to figure out if you are mad for yourself..

I can give you a hint,, If  your beliefs are not mainstream like lizards, or aliens, or inter-dimensional beings or super soldiers, though the last may be true,, I heard the gov't tried to do this, only all the soldiers turned on each other and tried to kill each other through over stimulation. One wonders. Then I would wonder about myself.. I know many think these devices ,DEW (directed energy weapons) that are used on us are from demonic roots, from spirits from the illuminati, but it is all technology.

 I do not care what motivated these people who invented this shit, I think it was scientists who believe they are not responsible for the use of what they invent. The military for using it wrongly domestically and programs like HUD's "Operation Safe Home" . This program was used to clean out large housing projects, of criminals, drug dealers, and murderers, but my local people in power  in my city of Peabody used it to destroy those they considered troublemakers,, you know dissidents, activist. Those that go against the status quo. Peter Torigian our mayor at the time,now deceased used it to shut up anyone he wished, anyone who went against him, and I heard he felt anyone who told him NO, in any way shape or form was considered enemy and to be gotten rid of, I told him no and look what happened to me. 

Those who speak out against deep wrongs, like William Binney, former NSA whistleblower, who is speaking out against NSA for developing this super duper global data mining technology,,, he said it could gather info on everyone on the planet for 100 years. Buried out west somewhere.

I told Torigian NO, because I felt the golf course to be built was a bad idea, every surrounding town had one, we already had another, golf course iin our town , it was private, but soooo. Rich man's game, a stick and a ball. Big deal. I did not know this at that time but found out that Eastman Gelatine our local corporation subsidiary of KODAk owned 1/3 of the land and under that land was a buried toxic dump, I spoke to the man who buried it. The city of Peabody just bought this land a few years ago asking EG if they could find out what was buried below, EG told the city they could go below but if anything happened it would be the city's responsibility. That was under Mayor Bonfanti, The city refused and bought the land anyway. The dump is still there, my harassment is still here, the golf course was built, saving the corp millions if not billions if a superfund site and ,,,and I wonder if there was a kickback involved somewhere in that creation. A nice thank you for building the golf course over our toxic dump,, alleged. I also know there was a cancer cluster at the end of the streets next to the course , before it was built. 
Today unfortunately I live down the street from one of  Torigian's  daughters, he had five. The son in law owes his job to his father in law,, he is deputy fire chief and boasts he makes more money than anyone who lives on my street. Of course he does have one of the nicest houses on the street. 
One other daughters husband worked as head of maintenance, he left though, he was caught stealing railroad tracks or ties, never found out which and was selling them in Boston for scrap. He quit his job and went to Iraq setting up mash units. I do not know if he is still married to Jean (Torigian)Carnavale, a few years later with this new mayor, Bettoncourt , whose brother by the way is a cop, she took the job of head treasurer. I don't know about the other children , this is just from what I read in the paper, but she had a good education , Merrimac College. Expensive and Torigian the one who started all this, started out as postman and ended up wearing Armani. Not bad huh?

first blog post

TODAY IS MY FIRST BLOG, sorry about the caps,,, as always I am home. I am kept home as many TI's are forced to do.. I don't know why, I think it is cheaper to watch and control and we eat and no excercise leads to  poor health. So I can see many reasons for keeping us home and isolated.  
We die naturally but not..
One wonders how others react to statements made. I have found people do not like what I say in general. Those that like me understand that there is no malice intended,,I do not have any malice toward anyone except perps. Why perps,,,well they are being used and seems stupid enough to go along with the program, maybe it is the feelings of power over others, maybe it is the pay, for I know they are paid. I know this is a business. I saw several things over my 15 years of this life to make me believe that this is a business,,, similar to the drones. 

The perps network is a network, they are paid and perps will do anything required as long as you have the money, as long as you can tap into this network,,everyone uses it, not only to get around the law and carry out things you wish, like harassing people, but other illegal things as well,,,,from murder to roses delivered. Everything has a price. The perps call themselves "zappers."

 This war machine we have created has come back upon us.. in drones,, license plate readers, and cameras everywhere.  "What goes around comes around. "

So now we do not have a major war, what do we do with our huge war machine, well it seems we turn it on ourselves.

Pure Paranoia.

The drones are part of this , a very visible part of this  , we as TI's (targeted individuals, mine is a vendetta, a vendetta seems to be until you are dead ) can point to these drones and say,, see this is real,, same with the other aspects of our technology,,  as in  license plate readers and cameras everywhere, I love it, maybe the public will come out of their malaise. 

I just wrote to my local police dept. via their tip line and told them that I thought all this technology will do them out of jobs,,like our manufacturing base is now in other countries, how Blackwater took over the military.  I wonder how many cops will lose their jobs, to a man sitting at a desk watching everything via a drone, or cameras or license plate readers, no longer needed on the street except when called out from the main base. How many boots on the ground do we need with our eyes in the sky?

We TI's ,,, true TI's and we have a lot of mentally ill we are lumped in with , to make things confusing, and these devices,,DEW (directed energy weapons) are used on all of us. Those that know about the use and those that don't. As I sat on the bus and moved my seat, further back, I watched a few seconds later as a pulse came through the bus and hit the two women who sat near me where I had been. To my surprise they did not react. I think one shot will be ignored,, but that is why all this is done in the begining, to get your attention. One cannot be harassed if one is ignorant of the fact..Mine at first was obvious, my car was dented on the rear drivers side, so I would notice it..I had to walk past it to get into my car. Done on purpose by Danny Mckenna who parked his ratty old truck late every day beside my car. He was staying in the empty apt. over mine. Later when I moved out and moved in with my daughter he moved in with his parents, who lived two houses from my daughter. He parked this truck outside his parents house and I noticed it,, only he had taken off the ladder racks just to change it a little so I would have that doubt,,,but Danny there was no doubt here, I knew who you were and where you were staying. I got a good look at your ugly face as well.

Danny McKenna was hired by EG and Torigian, this is how it all started for me. Danny was ensconced in the apt. above me,Scott Burns already worked for EG, Danny drilled a hole in the floor and I believe he lowered a hose over my face and pumped some sort of gas in my bedroom as I slept.  They woke me up with a pulse and I could not breath, I turned to get up and fell out of bed on the floor, I had lost control of my legs. I crawled to the door and lay at the threshold and breathed for a few minutes, I regained some semblence of control and walked and banged downstairs like a drunken person , banging into walls my coodination was so off. I was not scared but concerned this gas whatever it was would blow the place up. I went out to the hall and summoned the two security guards into my apt. to smell the gas which one did , the other had a cold. I asked him to log it in his security firm and the housing security log, when I took HUD to court for this I requested both logs and was ignored.
So that is how it started for me,, they certainly got my attention. This gas was heavy but sweet smelling , if it is sweet  smelling  you do not think it is dangerous. So began my decent into this world I did not know existed. I was in for many many surprises.