i went grocery shopping , first time I went out in a long time of course someone entered my apt, I believe it to be Devin, these words are hard for me to write, he's pulsed me many many times, I think he wants my apt . For him and elizabeth. He likes to inflict pain but does not want to feel pain.
I was angry with Jillian , I left my apt was entered , my stuff messed with, and she and devin and cody we're the only ones home, if a stranger had entered cody who is a good watchdog would of alerted them to someone's presence, I didn't hear anything from them so I would think no one entered the house. This morning I was woken with a terrifying loud bang only I could hear, HHSS, hypersonic silent sound. So I went upstairs and asked kelly if she heard s bang, she said no then she started yelling at me to get out and I was invading her privacy , so I asked if the pellet stove was ok , she did not ask me not seem concerned about the bang. I even called Bud about it he was at work. So that is when I went up stairs. They knew who did the bang it was devin. Jillian denies knowing about it, she said she would never do anything like that and norther would devin. Jill has led to me before and devin feels he can hurt anyone and get away with it, he zaps jill then she dcreams and he stops only when his parents speak up, many times I wonder what this electromagnetic field will do to their fertility . Cows don't produce milk under power lines.
I put my camera in my window over my head to see what is coming my way and want to put it out in the celler to see what is going on there . Bjg
The story of Barbara Guillette in real time of Directed Energy attacks on innocent people the sustainability=depopulation,Agenda 30 pre-aging imposed murder /suicide, silent holocaust program using community based agents out of the Fusion centers. The silent standing army of directed energy weapons ready at a moments notice paid by tax payers money to carry out the assaults ..you're next.I am going public others have to be aware of what govt is really doing secretly to citizens.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Barbara Guillette
What is AARP doing about this GOP steamroller? What about people on disability? What about SS , you seem very silent? The govt has gone after many people using DEW, (directed energy weapons) microwave, laser, radio frequency they all exist , the difference is that now they are DIRECTED, through walls, radio does go through walls that is why you can hear it in your home, long distance, radio waves cross the universe, down the street is a piece of cake, silent and deadly, but our govt wanted to know how these devices could be used on people so they picked out whistleblowers , activists, dissidents and practiced on them to see how these weapons could be used, I have been a target for a long time, how do you suppress a nation, you keep them poor so they can't fight back , label them as enemy, and work out of city hall using maintenance and others as your thugs. They go after the targets infrastructure , money, job, and throw the person on the state, disability. Many lost good careers to this targeting from upper echelon in DC forced to retire like bill bonner, diane roark, Drake and wiebe to the lowest of the low, now those forced on disability will be forced off. Will this increase our homeless. How about sticking a million dollar drone up their ass. Thanks I hope someone in your organization reads and believes this , many because of DEW are living on the edge. Not because they chose it but govt forced them , ask me about operation safe home.HUDS program about dealing with dissidents, HUD considers vermin, if you do read this and DO understand what is going on please drop me a note. Memoir100@hotma il.com
Barbara guillette
I just thought I would continue here just on some memories, I lived in NH for a while I bought this most wonderful insulating underwear, I put it in the trunk and I guess I kept my bleach and laundry there, the cap was loose and ruined the expensive pants I still wear the shirt to this day, was it my fault , that is how perps do it , they do things that make you wonder if you did it or not, all of a sudden you turn into this careless, clumsy , person with their help, they destroyed much. The list is so long not only what they did but had others do for them after awhile you begin to recognize what they do and how they do it. I was told to lose everything makes you able to do anything because you have nothing to lose. Bjg
Barbara guillette
I just thought I would continue here just on some memories, I lived in NH for a while I bought this most wonderful insulating underwear, I put it in the trunk and I guess I kept my bleach and laundry there, the cap was loose and ruined the expensive pants I still wear the shirt to this day, was it my fault , that is how perps do it , they do things that make you wonder if you did it or not, all of a sudden you turn into this careless, clumsy , person with their help, they destroyed much. The list is so long not only what they did but had others do for them after awhile you begin to recognize what they do and how they do it. I was told to lose everything makes you able to do anything because you have nothing to lose. Bjg
I think their gonna kill us all off
I think we're all gonna be killed off, not only to reduce the population, by whom? Various groups who have access to Directed energy. David Schriner warned congress about this in 1997, the committee before congress. I think it has morphed into something else though Going from a wildcat attitude to neighborhood watch groups, security companies, all intensified. Lots and lots of people involved. From what I have seen half this town knows about it. I think dave McGeney who read my blog certainly gossiped around I hope this is not why jullian was uncomfortable with me going to her school, because of his big mouth.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Jillians trip with her school
Jillian is going to NYC in May with her eight grade, Kelly didn't go neither did Danielle , but Jill is going I put 200 down on her trip today money I could hardly afford. I bought a cheap security system one camera already blew, someone twisted the cameras so I ordered another , I hope the night vision on the other one is better this is very very dark, anyway I hope nothing goes wrong with this trip for JillianI'm sure someone at the school knows about Dave McGeney and his opposing view , we never spoke so I wonder what he was thinking of my blog someday I will publish this again , maybe when Cherie moves away. She is and I heard from several sources she is selling her house. Can't imagine why this is such a marvelous neighborhood with such wonderful people why ever would she want to move.
Today when I passed the police station I got zapped saw a red tube off the back door and a white pickup in the back lot I don't know who was doing it but lots of DEW coming from the police station as I walked by on my way to Higgins to partial pay for Jill's trip, I hope nothing goes wrong and this does not get screwed up. Nice town
7 jan 14 , 06:45 in the morning jeffrey schietroff started the pulsing off , then Jerimiah, then david as each arises and leaves they hit the house it happens every morning and it is jeffrey who hits me in the face it has intensified because I went and signed Jillian up for the NYC trip seems like the perps object. It was funny though when I signed the check headon told me to sign it to the tour company , sunshine tours , something like that , but when I signed in with the secret wry she had me sign it in to the city of peabody. That means Torigian's daughter who heads the treasury will handle the money!
Today when I passed the police station I got zapped saw a red tube off the back door and a white pickup in the back lot I don't know who was doing it but lots of DEW coming from the police station as I walked by on my way to Higgins to partial pay for Jill's trip, I hope nothing goes wrong and this does not get screwed up. Nice town
7 jan 14 , 06:45 in the morning jeffrey schietroff started the pulsing off , then Jerimiah, then david as each arises and leaves they hit the house it happens every morning and it is jeffrey who hits me in the face it has intensified because I went and signed Jillian up for the NYC trip seems like the perps object. It was funny though when I signed the check headon told me to sign it to the tour company , sunshine tours , something like that , but when I signed in with the secret wry she had me sign it in to the city of peabody. That means Torigian's daughter who heads the treasury will handle the money!
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