I got a freee pass for the 20 of june 2018,, it was free day anyway but that's ok it was a bad time altogether. I was hit all the imp causing confusion ad and deep unwellness feeling , it was imposed by directed energy devices. I also found out they can pulse me on the top of the head on the left side to make my head slam that way, they have hurt me so much in the back of my neck with this twisting of the head the muscle at the top of my head contracts pulling the head always to the left. Thats fucking fun... and very very painful I wish it on them,, ,I fucking wish it's done to all of them.
Last night went for a walk and saw a drone, it was over the neighborhood. as one was over my back door at Kelly's,,, I think they monitored the neighborhood they can see through buildings..
I went to the museum of fine arts wednesday felt ill, good lemonade.. the clerks who did the cloak room were upset I was concerned about all I own,, and leaving it out of my care the clerks thought it was because I blamed them , that is not so... I will write an explanation to the museum about this to tell the clerks what happened.
I felt so sick that I called James up to come get me at Salem instead of Lynn and getting the bus to Peabody, he picked me up and took me home stopping for a Pistachio drink... As I entered the building on the forth step ,,always the forth step...I got blasted and passed out,,, peeing my pants to the knees and dropping my drink with all the ice cubes on the floor,,, (I took pictures of my pants and the van I bought episode, will speak of that later. ) I passed out,, first time I think I ever lost consciousness and peed my pants. I hit a car that was parked with the an I bought and that was a set up,,, I can park and drive Im very very careful driving exce[t when the perps want to fuck with me. and they do. they caused the accident in front of the building and i never reported it,,, because it was a fucking perp... one of the son of a bitches who planed it and the license plate said 54,, and that is the year I became a target and that is code,, also the pictures I took of the van and the car,,, that I supposedly hit, and the peed pants have all disappeared,,, erased off my iPod. my neck from the back of my head to the spine over the shoulder blade, scapula , is one constricted mess, causing much pain, thats how electricity works it constricts the muscle and the perps use this to their advantage.. to torture you as just because they are major mean pricks. just cause they can do it,
The mFA did a fashion show for me from Paris, it was the first time I noticed the audiospotlight was used,,, I cannot remember the year and that show was done for me, unknown to the MFA,,,I'm sure their was a request from someone to do it for my benefit,,, and they also did a small display for deTocqueville,, they had his original books which Margaret Warner (Lehrernewshour)could read them in French... and they showed his picture and his clothes they even had his top hat,, how funny fashion for our ancestors was so contrived it, was who you were, it showed what you were.
The Lehrer Newshour did not know about this program, through HUD, they had no idea who was doing what,when I was gassed and told them about it they were "what to hell is going on with barbara" They also found out Eastman Gelatin was involved.. how I will never tell but they knew , they weren't investigative journalist for nothing. the best of the best. They had to be.. being in dC... I was blamed for