Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Sunday, August 12, 2018



13 August 2018 the state of my life

my head is screaming, constant pulsing behind my left ear, not just a pulse but a needle pulse and it feels just as bad as it sounds,,,I took a picture of this round circle of skin discoloration where they hit me in the left arm, that  has been crippled, I have to use my right arm sometimes to lift the left arm up. and of course if I try to do it with just the arm it is breathless pain, The drive-bys are up and down sometimes I get hit or realize I get hit,, if I sit in my chair, and feel these pains it usually is because I am being hit with that bright blue light,, they have maimed my neck, forcing it to go alway to  the left and if I go out for a walk somewhere however short the perps are there, hitting mainly the muscle above the shoulder blade.. or in the neck itself. Pulling the head to the left,,,I have holes where they have hit me in the left arm joint. Matter of fact I have holes in all my major and minor muscles…my skull has been reshaped.. yeah the Nelsons cute couple.  
Then the perps  constantly threaten my family, they want me to be homeless,, again, been there done that,,, and even though it was ok because I had a car I could feel safe in, now I do not have a vehicle, I have been looking and see several but I can’t get to them to look at them to buy.  Besides my head is banging with this constant pulsed headache to the point it is difficult to think.  If they want to hurt me that is ok but I want them to leave my family alone. strictly alone, because when I die and if any of these cases go to court I want to ask for the death penalty for those who have abused me and my family.. I am trying to get the  name of the guy who stays in the number 316 apt he wears the ball cap and works for Northfield reality, I want his life on the line . like he has put mine on the line. blowback is a bitch, I want Rick and laura Nelson to be tarred and feathered so everyone knows how and what they have done to their innocent fellow citizens. I wish  there was a hell and I wish them in it, I know why hell was  invented  it is for justice in the otherworld. It gave hope to those who lived under past tyranny  that justice would be served.. I want to see justice now while I am alive. but I doubt that will happen this will take quite a few more years to be turned around and burnt out , now my biggest worry besides my family is the constitution convention that  the devil Koch brothers are behind, their bid to change the constitution. imagine that,, I knew when I first heard this issue on the talk shoe, that it was squirrely it was made to sound like a good thing,  but I didn’t know just how bad it was going to be or the danger of this constitution convention. this was a couple of  years ago. so they have been working on this a long time. I bet they fooled a lot of people into supporting this but with the Koch brothers you can bet a lot of this is money involved. that is their motive money. 

this says it all.13 August 2018



In conjunction with Renee Pittman Books, the Mind Control Technology Blog takes an in depth look into historic, research, covert ongoing testing, and development programs combined with today's use of highly advanced beamed psycho-physical, psychological electronic mind invasive technology. The technology uses extremely low electromagnetic frequency radio waves, microwaves, Scalar Waves, Ultrasound, Directed Energy Weapons, Active Denial System, infrared, Parametric Speaker, etc., designed EXPERTLY for covert, mass and social population control, and undetectable manipulation and influence. Little known to the public, these advancements are reported to have been used for DECADES and also reported to be focused on individuals, groups, communities and large populations. Today a global system has officially unfolded through legalization which legitimized nonconsensual human experimentation for military and law enforcement agencies for research activity testing Post 9/11. The reality, victim's report is that this program has become a high-tech subjugation effort, which opened the door for massive, inhumane, VICIOUS violations of Constitution, Civil and basic Human Rights. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

letter to the mayor

6 August 2018

Dear Ted

How are you I hope yesterday was a success. I wish I could of been there but since I’m targeted and my sleep is highly disturbed I am exhausted all the time. I just thought I would drop you a line to mention a few things I know you are not familiar with. I know we had some water problems this year and I know your stupid cops blame me for the destruction of the water treatment plant, this gives them an excuse to ask for more money for terrorism actions when in reality it was high intensity halogen lights and bird poop, imagine that. 

Now I’m living downtown and the drive-by signals/pulsing is horrendous causing much grief for me and my neighbors. I’m never given a break. But the point of this letter is thus, I know you had some algae effect the quality of the water and I was wondering, one of the reasons Cherie Rathbun hated me is because she felt  she was a home owner and lived next to the lake she could do whatever she wanted with it. I objected. Her and her husband Jeremiah, with David Diachision city employee, cut down these huge trees to make way for Jeremiah’s fishing site. I mean cut down a lot of the trees, big big trees,  and David arranged to have them cut up and taken away, I believe by the city, one minute the tree is there and the next it is gone.  Jeremiah also felt that fishing site belonged to him, As his son wanted to tell  me to leave as we, my granddaughter and I joined them, she could cast better than any of them.  I told them this is public and Jeremiah shut his kid up.

So began my troubles with Cherie, she had Steve Majur from up the street, come down and break up her old walkway, old toxic cement and to get rid of it he threw it in the lake,,, I saw it and made her take it out, much of it is still in the lake as he threw it far out. The pieces he recovered he brought back and buried in back of and behind her big white garage. The cement is still there today, twenty feet from the edge if that, from the lake. I often wondered if the toxins from that cement is leaking into the water to help destroy it’s integrity. As you know my targeting started with Torigian and my concern for our water condition at that time, brown foamy and frothy. 

The organized surveillance and staking continues to this day, I know within the past month a police car has been parked outside my building and each time I have seen it my pulsed abuse has increased. I communicated with Chief Griffin and things got worse. They are  using ELF extra low frequency, very harmful to health and livelihood. I know the cops don’t like me,, I have never had a good relationship with the Peabody police., finding them arrogant and malicious. 

So I thought I would try to communicate with you directly and inform you of that cement and maybe that could be part of the problem that Peabody’s water  suffers from.  

I know Torigian was the one who put my name on this list and caused much destruction of my life, but I have found over time that many have suffered because of these devices. 

One night I was younger then when this first started , I was trying to sleep and this was in Tanners court, Danny McKenna lived nearby and was part of the harassment team, he hit me with a breath suppressing frequency signal and I could feel it, Theresa Mello and I shared a common wall she was older,,, and he kept the frequency on me for a while and stopped maybe 5-10 minutes, after he stopped an ambulance was called and she was taken to hospital and died that night. Many other people have been involved in this harassment and suffered from it. Tom Grelish who hated Torigian for the thug he was. Peter from what I understand  hated Tom because Tom told the truth about Peter, what a thug he was ,so Peter went after Tom and tried to ruin him, Tom took him to court and won. As I did with Steve Majur harassing me.I was happy to hear of Tom’s success. many like me were not so lucky.  I met Tom and he told me that everything Peter did to me he believed as did others. 

How about the Trovas brothers? That was a sad story all around. my harassment by all the neighbors on St. Annes Ave that also was and is a sad story, Jeffrey  Schietroff  got outed by Cherie but I got blamed for it, He’s gay and I found out quite by accident and Cherie gained access to my blog and outed him, of course I got blamed for it,,  but then if you have men prancing around in their underwear in front  of your windows well what can I say, he hated me for that instead of big mouth gossip Cherie, It was really amusing to see her walk around the neighborhood into each house spreading her bullshit, Queen of the May and in her gossip minded element. Never happier than when her malicious tongue was working. 

One other thing I discovered, that Laura Torigian and her husband Rick (the dick head) Nelson, the reason they hated me is not because of what her father did to me, that was ok , that in their world that was  all right, to have her malicious father destroy someone’s life because he could, that was the only reason, because he could, and the only reason she kept it going was because she was mad because I went public with what that old bastard did to me. Not what he did,, but because I spoke out. To bad for him he wrote his own history, not I. 

I was wondering if you could leash your police and maybe change their attitude towards me, and stop my targeting, I know the police can control the perps that drive by and pulse my apartment, it’s getting very detrimental to my health. I never meant to win in court against that Morin officer he was just so illegal he could not win. But that felt good and I am about to start another court case hopefully I win that one also,,, I know I came out even with David when I took him to court, and won with Steve Majur, so two wins and one even sounds pretty good to me. If not for the corruptness of Judge Barreto I would of won the case against David Diachision and the harassment I suffered at his hands for years,,

 Two wins and one even not bad for pro se. 

Anyway nice to chat at you, I thought I would hand deliver this as I am not sure you would receive it any other way. I know my mail is compromised as well as my email. Hope the baby is fine my great granddaughter is wonderful, someone mentioned at her birth , she wondered if all new borns were chipped , one never knows at this time what our gov’t is capable of doing, I never ever in my wildest dreams thought my mayor Peter Torigian capable or wanting to destroy my life. That taught me a different side of gov’t ,,that was well hidden but now many others are seeing the dark side which is good.  

And glad to see our water is back on track. 

Barbara Guillette