I will start and end with this paragraph for this post, for it bears repeating, till it sinks in and the thought and knowledge of what we are up against is always in our minds.
I will leave you with this one thought,,,these devices exist for one reason and one reason alone and that is to control another human being. For no other reason. We escalate, we subjugate, we destroy and rebuild, but in what form. This is much worse than anything George Orwell could of thought of , but he knew the true nature of man and he feared it , as we all should.
Today is my birthday and a sad one it is, for the state of our country and our world,, it has taken off and has become this crazy place of the controllers and the controlled. All in the short space of a few years and I have lived to see it happen. Most of it unknowingly. I think for those who come after me, this documentation will be important. to recognize a despotic state in the making. The attitude of gov't and it's treatment of it's people as benchmarks for what is to come.
I listened to four YouTube interviews of John Hall and Robert Duncan,,, Some things they got right and some things they got wrong, but this interview was done in 2011, and they said that this program we are on will be nationwide and well be used on all peoples. It will spread, so far this is true , it has spread we have seen the numbers of TI's increase. This means the program has increased and spread even within my purview, as I stated in another post, all my neighbors now know about the pulsing, the harassment. The harassment has moved unto my family and would of continued onto Amy Bellarose if not for her mother.
I will leave you with this one thought,,,these devices exist for one reason and one reason alone and that is to control another human being. For no other reason. We escalate, we subjugate, we destroy and rebuild, but in what form. This is much worse than anything George Orwell could of thought of , but he knew the true nature of man and he feared it , as we all should.
Today is my birthday and a sad one it is, for the state of our country and our world,, it has taken off and has become this crazy place of the controllers and the controlled. All in the short space of a few years and I have lived to see it happen. Most of it unknowingly. I think for those who come after me, this documentation will be important. to recognize a despotic state in the making. The attitude of gov't and it's treatment of it's people as benchmarks for what is to come.
I listened to four YouTube interviews of John Hall and Robert Duncan,,, Some things they got right and some things they got wrong, but this interview was done in 2011, and they said that this program we are on will be nationwide and well be used on all peoples. It will spread, so far this is true , it has spread we have seen the numbers of TI's increase. This means the program has increased and spread even within my purview, as I stated in another post, all my neighbors now know about the pulsing, the harassment. The harassment has moved unto my family and would of continued onto Amy Bellarose if not for her mother.
They said that driving a person to suicide is not the goal, well I have been there a few times, death looked good and that seemed the only way up for me. I came close,, when these devices are used on you it is horrific, and I wish it on my perps.
They also said they felt it was satellite in genesis and that I do not believe, all my harassment is boots on the ground , my neighbors and maintenance from city hall. I believe this is just like the military, chain of command.
1. The feds, a federal program, I believe HUD may have been the beta testing, with "Operation Safe Home" 2. the governors were also part of OSH and 3. the mayors also part of OSH, then it goes the chain of command to the actual employees of city hall who can move about in a unobserved manner, whom you would not notice on the street, not really, who is in the halls of hospitals all the time or any other building, and you would not notice and that is the maintenance people.
You should watch the move , Fight Club", with Edward Norton,,same principle.
You should watch the move , Fight Club", with Edward Norton,,same principle.
Maintenance people come and go wherever they want to, in my apt. our windows were broken,,,I mean really broken and if the maintenance were inside when they should not of been, well their excuse we were measuring the windows, or we were fixing the windows,,even in the hospital outside my room and my examining room, in Boston the maintenance pulsed me. When I had my MRI in Peabody I was pulsed as I lay on the table.
Control is the name of the game.
Control is the name of the game.
These devices only have one purpose and that is control, and yes they can be used commercially as I saw in the Museum of Art in Boston for a Fashion exhibit, you step in , one music , you step out another. It really was a play thing for me to experience this, a fun thing if I did not know what else these devices could do.
DENIABILITY is a biggie, to deny these weapons exist, to deny what they can do, to deny the use of them on the population, and that use on the population is expanding as we speak. To have storage for all this information for every person, (so said William Binney,) on the entire globe for 100 years, now that is testosterone on super steroids. Male aggression gone out of complete control of themselves,,,These guys got it all over HITLER...They make him look like he's playing with toys, but Hitler showed the way with his psychic Tibetan far viewing slaves.
Far Viewing is a reality, you are in a pin point beam and it is focused on your optic nerve they can see what you see and it gives you different focus out of your eyes , one controlled by the handler , the other by you for perception, They can read what you are reading and they had me write a letter,, something to do with the Irish problem and I know this was under Clinton. It was only used while I wrote this one letter, so far viewing is not a common thing, or used commonly.
Now back to Hall and Duncan, they felt these devices are used to incite or calm populations and I can see that. I think that is why many Americans are so complacent. I believe the 80 million $ Embassy built in the Green Zone is full of this type of technology,,,Kennedy tried to get close to the Soveits and china with his missiles in Turkey. He failed but this embassy has all the latest technology in Iraq. We are there to stay. Snuggled up close to our so called competitive enemies.
Hall and Duncan spoke of the Jared Lee Loughner: case and I am not familiar with that,,a programmed assassin and I know they can do this as they had me in this situation several times willing and able to assassinate anyone they wished,, I remember it, so to me it was not long lasting. Nor removed from my memory. I am non violent and violence is hard for me to call up or keep, I never ever spanked my kids, I was not a good disciplinarian. I think it was my worst fault as a parent and my children suffered for it.
Hall and Duncan said this Loughner kid was weird in his own right and stood out, they felt he would of been ripe for control, so you got to be weird or stand out for control. You got to get their attention, poke your head above the herd of sheep so to speak. Like the hunter always is in tune with the different or injured animal. Many Ti's have gotten the attention of someone who put their name on the list.
That could be true, mental illness, military affiliation is one, dissident, activist are others, they considered him weak , I am not weak never have been, that would not apply to me.
Duncan and Hall stated our minds have no firewall and that is true, many ti's have stated they would know if they were being programmed and I do not believe that, most of this is subliminal, and done while we sleep, and we cannot fight this. We in truth do not have a firewall to our subconscious, they have the key, the pulse so to speak.
Sex plays a big part in this,,,why am I not surprised after all, it is the sexual tension from the testosterone that emanates control, and sex plays a big part of it as usual , the boys are driven by their gonads and have no clue who is driving the ship, they think they are, but they are not, they are driven by ancient desires, that their conscious has long forgotten in our modern world , but the subconscious has not,,survival is numero uno to the subconscious, they are still controlled by those two little balls of flesh between their legs.
Joseph Campbell a wonderful insightful man who wrote about our myths,the myths of heros, etc. and he also spoke of chakras, our different levels of consciousness, and he said we had seven,,, they start at the head and work down, woman's level of consciousness is at the level of the heart, and man's level of consciousness is at the level of the crotch,,not my words guys, but oh so true, know thyself, but I think this was from Buddha.
Many women have been raped, one of my first experiences with the power of HSS was to be raped by a goat man, a faun, a dream more real, than real and I woke up with my ass in the air. I was stunned but the experience was not within my realm of reality , so I did not know what to think. But the very first experience was ,,,I was down cellar doing laundry and heard my name being called by Kelly Dixon a neighbors kid and Danny McKenna's sister. Clear as a bell, I responded and went upstairs to see who was there and I was the only one home. That was my first inkling of HSS or V2K, whichever you wish to call it.
Duncan and Hall feel it is a falsehood that this assault comes from the neighbors ,,sorry guys your wrong on that, this is definitely boots on the ground, chain of command, and drive bys. No chips, that may have been in the past but the technology is way beyond that capability now.
They think the focus for the population is one confirmed thinking pattern, like a herd of sheep, they felt in 2011 it was in the beta stage and would go mainstream. They said the leaders are seduced by the sheer power of these weapons and will refuse to give up that power, so the technology will stay and be in use. Lucky us huh?
They spoke of Terry Schiavo, the women who was in a coma for many years and this technology could of been used on her to see if she had a thought, to keep her on the machines or take her off, was a big controversy a few years ago. I think it should of been used on her to see if her husband really did do this to her. I think if I was in that state I would not want to live, she was curled up in a a horrible position and no one was home, and machines kept her alive. Who would want to live like that,,tell me?
They do not think suicide is a goal of all this, but it is all a behavioral study. How about murder?
They do not think suicide is a goal of all this, but it is all a behavioral study. How about murder?
They also believe that the powers that be want to know what kind of cancers can be created by these weapons and cell phones,,,many of the kids listen to music when not talking on the phone, we shall see many tumors in the future. The EMP of a cell is 5 to 10 feet. They spoke of an independent study from Europe that said cancer is viable and one by the cell phone companies here in the U.S. said no cancer is not viable.. we shall see.
Religion plays a big part of this, the voice of god program, intensifies the idea you are a chosen one of god, to carry our and preach his word.. It grabs these selected Ti's and turns them into god machines.
The ending of their talk spoke of a spiritual war,, good against evil.
I believe it is just man doing what man has been primitively programmed to do. Control of women, land, food, sex, and his environment. You want to see man where he belongs, go to the forest and study the gorillas you will see man of today and where he belongs.
I will leave you with this one thought,,,these devices exist for one reason and one reason alone and that is to control another human being. For no other reason. We escalate, we subjugate, we destroy and rebuild, but in what form. This is much worse than anything George Orwell could of thought of , but he knew the true nature of man and he feared it , as we all should.
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