I just wanted to list some symptoms here for physical evidence of targeting, Cold, it seems you get cold and cannot get warm or your instantly hot, like a hot flash only it's not, because you just got pulsed. A pulse can make you weirdly feel hungry, not a normal hunger feeling at all, but it can be intense, Wicked bad headaches, some burn other do not, they can be intensely painful, like a shooting pain through your head but very specific to that area. You've been pulsed.
Right now Chris Yaikus, my totally perp neighbor seems to be working on my left side,,, this is where higher intelligence thinking is supposed to be located and when I feel my skull it is quite misshapen, the back is flat. Boy was he mad when I found out his name. He has his oldest step son involved as well.
I know every once in a while my skull is reduced, in the rear,,why?,,, all the better to access your primitive brain, my dear, it sits on top of your brain stem, your spine, for eons ago this is all you had.
This is where the ID is located, and your flight or fight survival mechanism. This part of the brain tries to ensure your survival.
This controls and overrides all other brains and you have 2 other brains , that sit above the primitive brain. But the primitive brain is programmed by mother nature and now by man, for this is where the mind control device HSS does it's work. You are pulsed usually from behind, easier ensured access and the pulse usually has a command attached, audio (sometimes video) subliminal so only your primitive brain can hear or respond to it.
This is why I think my skull is periodically thinned in the rear, easier access to my programmed primitive brain, now programmed by whomever has access to these devices.
When this all first started Scott Burns , Burns used to drive by when ever I was walking and pulsed my calves, I have pictures of huge black bruises. half dollar size, on the back of my calves, and he would pulse my Achilles heel making them swell and hard to walk. Try it ,,no fun.
Strange bruises on the arms. Pin point almost blind pimple like, I was hit behind the left eye, I showed my Doctor Lee and he said it was a pimple and I knew it was not. This was years ago before he left town, I think he was offered a better position. All the people that you had relations with, docs, dentists, professionals all leave for one reason or another. They want no interference and total control. Isolation. This left eye shot was done as I drove by Peabody Housing authority where Burn's wife works , I was shot from a side street as I drove by. Almost caused an accident. I say Burns because this was when he was the most active in my harassment. He worked for Eastman Gelatine who was affiliated with Mayor Torigian over the building of the golf course over the toxic dump.
They cause accidents to add to your financial burden, they want you poor so you cannot fight back. Confusion, outrage, puzzlement, suicidal thoughts because everyone rejects you, everyone is unreasonably angry with you. From the emergency room doc who is told you are the enemy, the violent one, the pedophile, to the shop clerk who is told you are a thief. To your doc who is told you are crazy. To your neighbors who believe you to be a busy body, because the perps who have ahold of you make it so, they set you up.
Speaking of being set up, just an aside here, I believe the Boston Bombing Marathon Boys, one was killed the other is in hospital and will be in jail for life, were set up..To many things trigger me, and point that way.
I have seen myself set up, time and time and time again, and I cannot fight it, the brain does not have a firewall , you or others are set up not only for short duration, but for long duration, they plan well for the future , your future and how they can manipulate and discredit you, have your carry out their tasks, their agenda.
I have seen this over and over and over again. I do not believe they even see us as human beings but as tools for their agenda what ever that is and once that agenda is accomplished then we are destroyed , expendable. As cattle are.
Other symptoms of targeting, everything always goes wrong, no matter how you try , my life went from an intelligent up and down, you know nothing off the charts , to everything off the chart in the failure dept. to one of constant mistakes, no matter what I did. My perps did not hide what they were doing to me either, they feel they are well protected and they are, for all my "boots on the ground" perps can all be traced in one respect straight back to city hall. All of them.
I'm trying here to outline the not so obvious signs of targeting, gang stalking is obvious.
Constant obsession to get the word out, to letter write and tell the gov't about this when the gov't already knows about all of this for they are behind it all as well as industry.
You are forced into a state of high stress and anxiety, which I call "howling at the moon" because this is what this stress and anxiety makes you feel like it is just so intense it cannot be contained.
Others will try to manipulate you and take the last of your moneys, even other TI's to charlatans.
To be continued at a later date.
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