MIND CONTROL what it really means
I think most people do not look at the big picture, they only see the NSA looking at their phone numbers, they are reassured that that is all that is being done.,,, at this time.
Ok what about our medical records, all digital and can be entered through the back door without a warrant. My computer was entered without a warrant, took the picture right off my laptop , then the HSS told me it was "A person of interest" it was a relative. Like I said who am I going to complain too, the local police,, how funny is that, for they were the one's who did it and how can I prove it when they hide their tracks using the HSS. American Technology Corp,, 23 March 03 NYT magazine, The Sound of Things to Come, communication system.
Or how about a Ti I know who had her bank accounts messed with while in Italy, alone, far from home, panic sets in, a language barrier. They can erase you electronically as if you did not exist.
Oh yes lets talk about the drones,,, our flying robots,, we all know they can deliver a precise missile, I wonder if they use beam or frequency devices as well, start fires, fry you in your bed, or on the street. They don't need missiles and I think the big boys realize that, if they can use DEW (directed energy weapons ) on the ground , you know they can use them from the air..
Or with through the wall cameras, my perps have them I see the signature of them all the time, the high hiss and the spots of light, that blink off when you look in their direction. The acoustic pulses, infra sound that can make you sick as a dog wishing for death, or the ultrasound that does the same.
So when you guys go public with these telephone numbers that have been collected, you kinda make me laugh because this is only the frosting,,, the cake is where this is all at. How about doing some homework and finding out just what the capabilities of our weapons are,, ,, our DEW and report on that.
If you have no idea of what I am talking about , well get to work and dig up and report on what you can find. We need you to do this, to save our democracy from the military Industrial complex, for that is our real enemy. They are not saving us from the Muslims. They are oppressing us for themselves and don't fool yourself into thinking they aren't.
And what about the HSS device that can pulse ideas, suggestions and commands to your subconscious, you think there your ideas,but there not. This turns you into a zombie,, with drugs pulsed into your body,, your a living walking talking zombie, You don' t think, they have taken over your ability to do that, for that has all been put on hold. What about the data mining weapon, well stealing your phone number is no biggie to me, that's kind of a joke to me really after all I have seen. Complete Slavery is the biggie and don't you forget it.
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