David Diachisin and his wife Stephanie are stupid fucks,,,they do not really think beyond the level of their nose. They take orders that is all. Their one redeeming quality is loyalty, loyalty to the Torigian family because this is why David has a job and this will explain why being disloyal in their world is the worst thing..
David and his father are loyal dogs,,both owe their jobs to Former mayor Torigian and they have been harassing me since I move in several years ago...That is why Torigian really hated me,, because I said the word NO to me about the golf course he wanted to build for his legacy,,now you gotta remember legacy is everything to politicians for after they died how many things they put their name on means a lot..So when I said NO,,,to him about the golf course I was disloyal to him and considered enemy..This is how this old fuck thought, of course his attitude is of the old country..
If you look downtown with all the bricks with names on them of contributors, under the bandstand you will see Diachisin underneath and close to that of Torigians..
David is a meter reader and lives 3 houses up on my left but he is closer because we live on a circle.. He has access to highly powerful pulsed devices and uses them on me all the time, he also has through the wall radar to find me where ever I go in my sub basement apt.. Today and for several days I have been pulsed severely,, my skin burns and my head hurts,,, several areas on my body have been tetanized, and when you wake,, you stretch and immediately the muscle goes into spasm. And other burning effects, not only the noise as the pulse goes through your head but the disturbance to my family for this time I was told we are to all be evicted..In one way or another. As I get up to do things I am pulsed to knock me down, I can feel the pressure of the beam and it has force, so to walk is tortuous and extremely careful for you never know when they are going to knock you over.
David and Stephanie do not have a clue that their actions go way beyond what they are and where they live and their lives,,, They would never dream that they are enslaving others, or starting the decline of our country or instruments of boots on the ground, or destroying democracy, destroying freedom of everything.
They would have no concept of this because they are loyal stupid people who do not think beyond their noses..and this is why they are chosen, They are stupid and do not think of what they are doing. They just see the button they push and their loyalty is their main motive,they have no concept of the bigger picture and the harm it does ,not only to me, and my family but with others who follow their blind orders do great damage to the country and the rule of law as well for they are part of the perp network..Death Squads all.
I wonder if my neighbors who are aware of what he is doing, really know the damage he is doing to all of us..I don't thinks so..Well David and Stephanie your names as boots on the ground, those who started and blindly acted in the name of those in power and yes I understand this does come from city hall. Your names will be noted and put down here for history , for your legacy and your children's legacy for all time. For you are part of the Drones and data mining that is going on in the country now..You will not be forgotten., just like the brown shirts with the Nazis for that is what you are.
Below is a picture of my leg,,not the most beautiful as when I was young, and it does appear big but my leg is not,,, it is swollen, a lot,,,but that is not the point,,the point is that those two slashes across my leg were done with pulses. The lower pulse has a dark bruise on it..I was immediately woken up when this was done.. Much pain and I am always rubbing it... I will add other pics here,,I hope I can capture and publish the actual pulses coming from my perps house, it will take a while as he has become aware of what I am doing and shuts down when he sees my camera in my hand using through the wall radar, and I will have to go back to some of the very first pics, maybe find it there.
Below is a picture of my leg,,not the most beautiful as when I was young, and it does appear big but my leg is not,,, it is swollen, a lot,,,but that is not the point,,the point is that those two slashes across my leg were done with pulses. The lower pulse has a dark bruise on it..I was immediately woken up when this was done.. Much pain and I am always rubbing it... I will add other pics here,,I hope I can capture and publish the actual pulses coming from my perps house, it will take a while as he has become aware of what I am doing and shuts down when he sees my camera in my hand using through the wall radar, and I will have to go back to some of the very first pics, maybe find it there.
This is also my achilles heel that was pulsed and swollen making it very painful and difficult to walk, the pants are worn every year with a red shirt for the 4th of July I did not want you to think they were prison pants.lol
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