I know Obama said he was going to get them and he got bin laden so I do not doubt it. We shall see.
Here is a link to a symposium in Ca. within the menu you shall see a part that states they are working on blocking DEW, directed energy weapons, if anyone knows military or anyone who can go to the symposium ,,please do and specifically see if you can go into that blocking DEW section they have listed.
I am going to try to get a ticket to go..so far away for me though,,may not happen.
Email me at memoir65@yahoo.com and put symposium in the subject matter so it will catch my attention.
All kinds of interesting things with this symposium. check it out... I wish and hope I can attend,, I also sent a email to William Binney,,former NSA person who blew the whistle on the NSA and their global data mining program,,Stellerwind. See if he knows someone to go.
I also sent an email to Derrrick Robbinson of FFCHS to make himself useful and go to this symposium or find someone who can go..no response.
Testosterone on steroids,, it's all about control, how to fuck can they control us when they can't even control their own testosterone? Anyway to anyone who wanders by check this out.
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