David Shurter sent me this link,Thank you David,, I can add a couple of names to the list,,,
Theresa Mello, who lived next door to me our bedrooms were back to back our beds on the same wall. A duplex.
One night I was trying to sleep and a frequency hit me,,, constant and it suppressed my breathing. I have some other documentation that this can happen which I will add here at a later date
Mrs Mello was older and not of ill health, but older.. she was taken out that night in an ambulance and she died in the hospital. I , being younger and stronger fought off the suppression and lived. I wonder who was lucky.
My former husband Donald was hit in the head with a laser, it gave the appearance of a stroke. He died. I was told what happened HSS. communicator.
This link is quite telling,,, a not uncommon occurrence in all of our history.
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