When we have young people who act like the German Stazi,,, spying and reporting on their elders and they think this attitude of theirs is normal and ok.
This NSA attitude, this Nazi state had to start somewhere,, some one was a modell, a trend setter, the first, I wonder who it was,,
I think it was Reagan because the scandal with him was he gave all his cronies big tax breaks, he funneled funds to them all. He was the first with Star Wars you know,,,
Star is light,,, wars is killing so it is light that kills. Star wars,, that is what we are in as Targeted Individuals..
The idea has to start at the top,, the feds,,, someone,, then it is spoken to others.. and so on,,, then the idea comes down the chain of command,,state ,orders are given, then to the local level,, now who is in charge on the local level. ? The mayors of course with the police, and our police are being militarized , fire, EMT's , maintenance, yeah who watches maintenance? NO one,,
and neighborhood watch groups or in my case the neighborhood and their sons all KKK with the support of security and any specialist they might need to come out with special weapons to do what ever job was needed...
You know the fancy stuff, these people are pretty busy,,, Project mobility, and The Ride is another group watch,,, and others..so that is how it is done on the local level
The psychiatrists are the ones the gov't had profile us per personality traits.
Petitions, dissident, activist,, in the old days it was the same story,, to keep those down that challenged,,, Now every one challenging gov't,, just like I challenged Torigian years ago,,
I kept telling people I am a modell, a trendsetter, ahead of my time,, another event that my actions foretold. No I'm not a prophet,,,just a trendsetter. a thinker.
Tired of religion especially the religion Kieth and lonnie espouse..
I'm evil and should be destroyed.. I hope they go to heaven,,, they deserve it now.. bury them now.. lol.
Last night I got my ass kicked,, I went into joe's call, he is 89899 and is the one who supported Greg Gamache who wanted people to send him money for his supposed laywer...Joe supported him and attacked those who questioned Greg's motives.
Last night riding the wind opposed my presence in the chat on this call, I listened to this woman with a british accent,,, to spiritual but she understood,, no dummy,, we got along well and she even learned something from me,,,so ridiing the wind got very upset,,, and emailed joe,, I have long thought joe was a perp and I got a v2k which I never do,, it said ,, DONE, to scare me,, I do not know if it was Joe or the second email I sent to the FCC. Could of been either. I have long thought joe was a perp,, I got the shit beat out of me the last time I opposed him as well.
He's not to bright..
bjg.. more later. tired....
I wanted to mention Tony, Rick Nelson's friend he lives in Peabody and knows Torigian and family,,and I told him last time I saw him I got the shit kicked out of me from Nelson and asked him if he spoke to him and mentioned our conversation, he said no, but just after I asked the question , he went sheeeesh,,,,I thought that strange reaction, he said what we say is private,,no one talks to others even other drivers,,, I said good I am reassured and left it at that..
So last night I am not sure if it is FCC or Joe ,, they always do this to confuse the target.. I hate you... I hope you get your someday...in spades.
Today big snowstorm, the market was crowded,,, because of the storm everyone will stay home and cook and eat and hang out and have sex if it's real bad...bjg.
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