I know that mind control is real having been subjected to it's power many many times,,, there have been many shootings of late, single shootings of black/white innocent teens in the wrong place at the wrong time.. Shootings have occurred and I do not believe them to be common. This stand your ground law has given many citizens the feeling they have the right to shoot others. The teens in both cases were unarmed. This is another step or nail in the coffin of gun control, is it mind controlled? I believe it is, why? because gov't wants to confiscate as many guns as it can. They want to relentlessly confiscate every gun they can in the nation. basically making us like Canada, UK, and Australia. We as Americans depend on our Constitution to protect that right "to bear arms" many have interpreted that in their own way, Our forefathers knew the power of gov't, how oppressive it can be,,we today see how oppressive it can be with this NSA intrusion in our lives. The gov't can access everything about you, everything,
From medical, financial, sexual, legal, job history. Before all this technology one could hide some of life's mistakes as we all make them, but now the mistakes are all there for anyone with access to see and use against you. Whether you like it or not.
Our gov't knows it is doing wrong with this intrusion, and fears this well armed domestic militia, for one other thing I realized about DC,,they are all nuts,,real nuts,,, paranoid as hell. Everyone is out to get them and they are right, everyone is out to get them, not only those in DC, but they think we out here in the real world, (which is not real ,,not really) are out to get them too and they might be right about that as well.
So all these shootings are to promote and give justification for gun control manipulated by gov't using mind control as the device to carry out this legislation/ manipulation, to tighten it all up. So to speak. I know the power of these devices in the wrong hands and even the power of these devices in the right hands if that is possible to be able to access the mind of another and direct them to do exactly what you want , with or against their will. This is the power of these devices, The pulse itself is a weapon, as well as the dropping of ideas within your unconscious that are commands , that make you carry the idea out, despite your feelings about it.
The brain does not have a firewall to these devices and technology.
Our constitution is the only thing that can save us, but one other thing I learned about DC , is that many laws are on the books, as you know that is their job, make laws and laws control the flow of money, many laws are enacted that are not funded. They sound good but if not enacted with funding many laws never get off the ground.
We the people have to get mad at gov't, make sure it does not overreach it's bounds, change the law via the supreme court , that corporations will not , cannot have the same rights as a person,,that would be a good place to start. The supreme court fucked us over on that one, I would like to read the briefs on that decision. I wonder if they were paid off and if so by whom? Who benefited? Always follow the Benjamins.
My recommendation,,have gov't back off, otherwise a confrontation will ensue and I do not know who will win, the military is not to be allowed on our domestic soil, for any reason. ANY REASON. that is why I went into Boston and handed out my paper after 9/11 and basically told the military to get to fuck off our soil, they had no right to be in Boston during our fourth of July celebration. MILITARY IS FOR FOREIGN USE ONLY. They are a killing machine, the police are not, supposedly. Though the attitude amongst police lately is to kill first and ask questions later. This is another point of oppression to instill fear from the security, (whom now are armed) and police depts. within the people. This I believe is nationwide.
Religion, as in the Mideast and Patriotism as in Germany will make the universality of a nation, in other words, make a nation's people , her thoughts go in one direction, I add fear to the list. All 3 are for control, nothing but control. deTocqueville.
He also stated despots will always court the military, when their policies go wrong they need protection from the populace.
I was also told" you want guns? Well then you shall have them". V2K.
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