The president who decided to invade Iraq and kill saddam was Bush Jr. ,, so you can chalk up one more Faux Pas,,,,Saddam was our guy, we put him in power,,, he attacked Kuwait because Kuwait stole from him,,,Iran was attacking everyone, so all the Arabs got together including kuwait.
Saddam said he would fight Iran for everyone if they all chipped in to pay for it, so they said
yeah, that was lasted 9 years I believe, when Saddam asked Kuwait the wealthiest state in the mideast for payment,,, they refused,
So Saddam attacked and before he did he told Bush senior about it, and bush senior did not say anything because he was not paying attention to what was going on in the Mideast so saddam took his silence as a yes,, that is why he totally TRASHED Kuwait..
he was pretty pissed. A deal is a deal .
Then he comes back,,, and later we invade his country...I don't know why,,, I don't think anyone in DC knows was under Bush Jr. ,, that kind of answers why?
.so later we attack again, and this time kill Saddam and he was a secularist,, he hated the islamic fundamentalist he was secular, so he killed the religous fundamentalists he felt they could be a threat to his control,, , which was good for us he kept them under control for the US,,also,,I never understood why they targeted, hunted and killed Saddam. He was our guy!!!
.. Isn't this what and who we are fighting? The religious Fundementalist.
45 suicide bombings a month (or day?) they said both...on C span 3 forum "Al Qaeda in Iraq. "
Now Iraq is being taken over by Al Quada again,they have 45 suicide bombing A DAY????,,, NOT A MONTH OR SIX MONTHS , BUT A DAY,, THIS IS MIND CONTROL BY RELIGION ON THE HIGHEST SCALE,, This is why they are decreed to pray 5 times a day it keeps the eye on the banana,,,,it keeps them focused on god, everything they say and do involves god,,, that is major mind control..
Hitler had Patriotism and hatred of the Jews as his mind control.
Our gov't uses it all plus,, TV, games, good life, good food, hate welfare mother and food stamps,,, repress the poor and steal from the middle class...hunt the people you feel are threats, like activist, dissidents and whistleblowers,,, call them crazy and link them always with guns and shootings,,, blame game,,,control
bombing is on the rise,,, killings,,,executions.. ISIL is a new group and more violent than Al Quada.. so now we are going to war again,.. ISIL is also in Syria.
Brett McGurk deputy assistant secretary of state for iraq and iran.
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