The ukraine , like others in the world have been unstable for many periods of time...Now it is either a coup or a revolution,,,,a coup ,,could be done by a far right wing group, a revolution would or could be the same, but a revolution can be" by the people, for the people, for a democratic state", which is it.?
We do not know,,,,having studied some revolutions,, France really, and not having gone into deep detail,,just what it is all about. But the following ideas are interesting.
Reading Proudhons The General Idea of the Revolution, I think the most major fact to some wars (and this statement caught my attention, it was later censored,) gov't doesn't want people to know the deep dark secrets that could be behind some wars, but here are a few.
Proudhon's philosophy.
Yes our govt does do 1984, with censorship. They take out phrases,,they censored my book and every other copy I could get my hands on,,, all censored ala Orwell's 1984,
I was reading, Democracy in America (,also censored by our gov't under Bush jr.),,written by deTocqueville, they have this book in the original French in DC , the Library of Congress. and they read it in the French. deTocqueville wrote cool stuff, like
1."Despots always court the military , when their policies fuck up they need the support of the military to stay in power,
2. Who rules the schools rules the nation.
3. Rule a man's habits and you rule the man.
Ask yourself what are habits and how could ruling them, rule the man,,?
deTocqueville also was responsible for the term and a reminder to DC of a philosophy , deTocqueville wrote about the rule of law and how important that is to us as a democratic state,,,we decide who rules," THE RULE OF LAW" the theory, is that that law is for everyone under that law,,,rich and poor alike. How funny though, you hardly EVER see the rich called to task for the bad shit they do, and they do bad shit!.
And please do not believe that they will be punished for their crimes in heaven, it ain't gonna happen, that was written long ago to appease disgruntled poor men who wanted to revolt against the thieving rich men who stole everything the poor owned to support their rich asses. The priests went along with it. Heaven was justice,not here on earth but somewhere in plasma states. I believe in justice here on this earth. You pay before you leave. I am not depending on some plasma ethereal place to do it for me. I want my justice here and now.
Not the rule of one man,,,the rule of man,, the many to be ruled by that one man,,, singular rule . He rules.
like N.Korea. Or Hitler.Pinochet, Pol Pot, Stalin, Koch brothers, and others, it always seems when one guy is in power, lots of people get killed. Or one idea, like patriotism, or religion, or fear, again, one idea and lots of people get killed.
To control the masses of man. Why would anyone bother
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