The top picture is my backyard and those two houses you see are my perps, the far house is Francisco Sousa's house, number 3 perp,,,he is the one who hit me with laser and his car is parked facing my house and he pulses my bedroom from that car when he is told too,, that is how close they are and directly below this camera is my bedroom. I put the camera on a tall pole as my son in law does not want it attached, so I put it on a pole and stuck it in the ground and there it is.
The perps houses are just a short lob away. The house behind the bare tree limbs is David Diachision's house number two perp on my street he is responsible for almost all of my harassment and the negative narrative. He is the meter reader,, stupid but he seems effective as a perp.
I,, in the next post shall attempt to d/l my pic of a pulse coming through the fence.
The second picture below is of a tree to show how much snow we have and that sits in front of Paul's house , his house is to the left of the tree, a new member of the perp organization on this street, the house you see behind the tree is the house of Babe Johansson ,, David Diachision lives in the house nearest me in the photo, he used to sit in the back of her yard and lob pulses in my house at night, until I want looking for him with a flashlight and he ran like a rabbit, but Babe knew what he was doing and she and her daughter have been very aggressive toward me. David put a lounge chair against her fence while he pulsed my bedroom, right over Paul's house, lobbed into my bedroom as I slept.. Hot hard pulses of energy hitting you.
As you can see the street curves, that is because this is a circle and the third picture is again the tree, sorry the top was washed out, the sun was in my eyes as I walked up the street.
Paul's tree,, and the house is a perp house also Babe Johanson lives there. Paul's house is to the left of the tree , you can't see it in this photo..
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