These devices,,, this technology of electric energy that I have been reading much about lately,,,I have realized what an effect these have on us,,, our personalities.. We become deeply angry,,,when you are angry,, you can be easily manipulated into actions that can have you murdered by the police and it will be called self defense on their part,,, it will be a set up,,, you will be attacked with weapons that turn you into a raving angry looney,,the police called and they shoot you dead and blame you,,, that is major perping.... They don't mind shooting you either,,, they hate us,,, the police have become an " US AND THEM" situation.. enemy...
The difference is,, in 1984, Winston who worked for the gov't in their censorship office and yes we have one of those two,,,
Winston he was manipulated, but without anger, they turned him into a vegetable,,, they didn't want to kill him,,, they just wanted to nullify him,,,
hasn't anyone noticed that txting is like doublespeak,,,, in Orwell's 1984
Again these devices cause deep anger,,,outrage,,, in other words,,, you are more in rage than rage? Is that what outrage means? ,,well it is the appropriate word for what they have done to us..If so..I am outraged, and it spills over in my relationships with others,, I hate everybody. I am suspicious of everybody,, because you never know who is going to perp you next,,, anyone can be a perp...Anyone.
Arron Alexis,,, was outraged but he knew who,,, and he knew where,, this is why he went where he did, he went to the people he felt were responsible...
I wonder if the report on this incident has been released yet..I have not heard yet if it has been released.
So when I sat here and realized what I had been through, the anger,,so much anger came like this big hard brick in my chest... like a big brick,,, solid hard and ugly,,, we are their tools called out whenever "they" want,, "they" who use these weapons...against the public,,, no matter what reason they give for rational,,,, it is still wrong and illegal and I am outraged.. bjg
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