Well for goodness sake the psychiatrists have known that electrical impulses administered to the brain can change thought patterns for decades now. ECT changed the lives of many, many Americans including the greatest U.S. author, Ernest Hemingway. And psychosurgery is making a comeback these days, so including a "chip" would be a natural course of action. But as I recall some of the more potent antipsychotic drugs were touted as "not for everyone" only the most severe cases (e.g. risperdal). But then again the profits for Big Pharma are the only real driving factor in psychiatry and psychology. As is the case with chiropractors theirs is a pseudoscience. Alas, poor Tom Cruise was crucified when he told Matt Lauer the truth, and now we move onto chips. By the way did those monkeys volunteer for these studies? Sounds kind of painful and final. Someone once said that psychiatrists missed psychosurgery and ECT all those years. Both of those treatments made them feel more like "real" doctors.
I do not/do believe in chips,,,I think they are old hat, except for heart stuff,,,and epilepsy, so I guess they are using them and as all press releases go are made out to be beneficial. ,,they do this to create confusion.. When all technology seems to have a dark side,,,I believe this author believes she was "chipped"..and she could be,,,
I know I had a implant of sort they used fiber optics,,till I figured it out and took them out..they put them in my forehead about one half inch in from the hairline direct center..
they drove behind in a pick up truck and hit me with high energy LED lights, this traveled down the fiber optic for ultra wide band is fiber optic, that is responsible for it's high speed....it does not lose energy as it travels ,,so they hit these two tiny 3mm long fiber optic about 1 mm or so were sticking up, never grew, stiffer than a hair, and the discomfort always always came from this area,,,
and this is where all my pain and confusion came from..they radiated and I was pumped full of the energy from the LED light,,,....of course.,caused a lot of function problems,,,confusion, I was electrocuted once , by a pick up, I left line to enter the airport because I got hit from behind with the fiber optics in my head,,,I had not figured it out yet,, what was going on,,,,,high intensity light and I was just about electrocuted,,,I vibrated,,stick you finger in a socket and that is how I felt..
I did a U turn, I was almost gone on that one,,,,,,I shook so bad,,then a cop came behind me and asked what I was doing, I told him I was changing my shoes.....I was stalling for time so I could recover....
I finally saw the pick up behind me with the light,,,,and figured it out , it was difficult to designate position. as the pain always came from the front,,, I thought they had put something in my car, I even tore out the covering of the ceiling,,never thinking it came from behind, and was picked up like UWB and pumped into my body..who to fuck would think of this,,, they,,I think it was Scott Burns who put in the implants, he was active at this time,
I went to a motel/hotel on Rt one it is still there, I wonder if they have records from that year...I was knocked out with frequencies and they had carte blanch to do whatever they wished. That was when they implanted the implants..They have to isolate you for complete control....
remember doubt and isolation creates insanity ,,,
we rely on others to make sure we are normal,,, we ask,,am I too fat, do you like this dress are all questions, do I fit in the tribe , am I normal.
Isolation cuts this out,,,and we begin to do
ubt ,,
when you doubt ,, it can be put on real things, especially when they steal and sabotage and fuck with your stuff and have others fuck with what you own and what is real..change it's color, position, cracks,,,anything will do,, the Ti is made to be hypervigilent and are triggered to notice, what was done...stress..anger frustration, sadness.
like sand running through your fingers,, you can't see them, hear them, or know who they are, but you know they are there. Like Hastings just before they killed him, he thought it was the FBI,, I don't think so,,, if anyone went after him it was military. After all he told secrets on the military, he took out a general by publishing comments made to a trusted member. The general lost his career, his whole life long career over one journalist..
If they wanted us dead they would do it,,,many Ti's have died...we are lab rats,, an experiment to see long and short term effects of DEW and other devices. Also the road to total control over a population. Not bad,,,but you know big things like this tend to go astray,,,like Hitler.. To big ,,to many people, to much chaos,,chaos theory,,,if something goes wrong it will.
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