my oldest grandson is being perped,,,one of the common denominators I believe, is a flat rear of the skull,,,they take off the back of the skull, not the brain, I hope. just the skull,/bone part and they take it down a lot.....till it hurts you, it feels raw,,,,,
As time goes on the body heals and rebuilds itself,,,so they , the perps have to shave it off again, they use that static like pulse of electricity to do it with, every snap is a destruction of bone.
The perps cannot access the subconscious if there is to much bone..
The bone blocks reception, and they want quick fast access......and solid transmission,,, I wonder if handlers are needed in all cases,,, I think handlers are used when a big act or action is needed....Like the time they threw me through the air and slammed me on the ground,
They had a nurse available, called EMT.'s who were concerned about my head...
they pulsed the shit out of me,till I almost passed out,,,I came real close..
that was for writing the police letter,,they punished me by almost killing me.....
this shit is all accumulative,,,,,,as you are subjected to this, you wear out , they keep retarding the repair mode of the body, and you eventually die....this is in truth slow kill and we and you are marked. Tagged, just like a commodity in a grocery store......
So you all better get to fuck going and find a way out ......Many will be dead before this happens and maybe all of us, the gov't waits fifty years before telling it's secrets,,,if it tells them at all.
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