I have named this The Silent Holocaust,,,no one hears us,,, no one can hear the devices, no one can see the deaths created by these devices.
A holocaust yes,,,, silent, most certainly.
Silent but deadly
I sit in my living room on my computer trying to figure this all out, As I sit, I am hit with this spark of energy,,, I believe it is the same device modified that the orthopedic surgeons use to heal football players hairline fractures they get from play.I am constantly hit in the left side of the head,this is where my perp no. 2 resided,,,David Diachision. 28 St annes ave..Peabody , ma..0190 just to make sure you know who he is, for someday soon I will republish my blog..
this frequency is just a spark, but my face is swollen on that side and now my tooth is loose, the last one on the bottom,,the bone has been dissolved. So this frequency can heal as well as harm..under constant assault. Las tnight and this morning,,,I was hit with sonic pulses,,,with vibration to follow.
.Another frequency will break up bone spurs on a heel of a foot, another is used to break up kidney stones..All ducks in the same pond only modified.
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