Monday, April 6, 2015

susan fendell, mental health attorney, anthony, lorraine,, JANE CLIFT, just some thougths

life is interesting  and I hate it when the perps fuck up my stuff which they do all the time they come into my apt and go through everything, this time they went everywhere, Jillian probably mentioned to her mother that there was a paper on my table that looked legal,,, so they came down probably looking for that, .. its an application for an apt.
so they can rent this apt out for much more... Bud wants more money,,, Devin is working at Spuds and going to school that makes me happy, he is out and about and making money and he has decided to appreciate school, that makes me happy. Jillian is doing well this is why I paid for her trip. she gets good grades. I do not mind going out of my way for her.. Fuck Devin you gonna be dumb,, oh well not on my dime.  They isolated him, they felt he had to many distractions.....just him and his computer, he hated it and started working in school, we tried everything, paying him, cajoling, threatened. taken away stuff. it didn't work. Isolation did. yeah we are a tribal people in nature, this is why big housing does not work,,,clusters are better though terratorial..
Ive been reading about the demise of our gov't, im not worried about that , they are well armed to the teeth with all kinds of super dooper weapons. others fear govts demise and chaos ensue,,, that can happen I guess but all the police depts have become militarized, so this is nationwide an armed population deserves a armed police dept? Is that how escalations work?

I also found a good article on Microwave pulsed  radar,,, i sent that to Tony he really liked it,,,He had a hard time last week and we talked, I convinced him to put more time into our call, keep it going and he is also bleeding information from Neals call, I wonder if it is a two way street with either of them.

Suan Fendell is attorney for the mental health organization in Boston, I have asked for her help, and gave her information about John Scheumaker, State Trooper now retired who knew I was being stalked, I told him about it, and evidently he had me followed and knew i was being stalked. He stated I was being followed by TWO cars, and that is true and I was surprised because he never told me , that he was going to investigate , which was good,,, I had no knowledge he was gonna do this, I didn't even hope , whenever someone does something I do not get excited to much failure.
So he mentioned in  conversation and I do repeat what he said ,  that I had TWO cars follow me, boy was I surprised he knew that, I knew that but never mentioned it to him , not thinking it important, he listened to me,,,later he told me I could sleep in the back of the parking lot and I did a couple of times, the second time , they had a new boss and asked me who I was and what was I doing there.. I told him that Schuemaker said I could sleep there, nothing sexual, look at all the dirty minds out there, it never entered my head, he was protecting me, he knew, because I had told him sometimes it got real bad.So he said come park here and sleep in the back,, I know men, they always think of sex, but I choose not to believe that of him, I was getting blasted and falling apart because of it....I think he realized that. At first he had an attraction for me, yes I knew this, but I don't think it stayed with him, I was in to bad  a shape.. You gotta realize this is when things first started. , they had me on the run 24/7.
Jane Clift , a UK target went to court and beat them under this covert program,,she made it overt. It sure sounded like ganitgstalking and that is whay they called it, her name was put on the list, by a employee of the local govt who took her complaint and blamed her, for a neighborhood kid pulling up all her plants in HER yard, they blacklisted her and I found out there is something called a Gray list, who knew. would be nice if it was real it would send precedence. I sent the article to a lot of people.....I hope someone can use it...I wonder, anyway
Johen is retired aso I don't think my exposing him would hurt him,  I hope he knows the letter about the Peabody raises was not my inception, it came from higher ups, they wanted to block you raise for a paid holiday for 9/11 for that is what it is for the older guys probably,,,no for everyone a pasid holiday is for everone, swampscott soon followed. must be nice to have money I also sent part of the weapons list fo Bob Croce, they so worry about taxes well you want weapons so pay for them. 658,000 k for a under bomb proof vehicle , 6000 for night vision goggles at ten pair, so pay for it your gonna be military heavy just like the Feds. Totalitarian state, precrime and the thought police.
Below is website about jane Clift

Is Gang Stalking Real? Ask Jane Clift.

Jane Clift
Jane Clift
“It is the sort of behaviour that we would have condemned if it came from China or Russia.“
A 2010 case in England exposes one facet of the worldwide “gang stalking” network. Jane Clift was slanderously placed on a violent offenders list and her details were circulated to community businesses in Slough – doctors, dentists, opticians, libraries, clinics, schools, and more.
Jane Cliff was turned into a social outcast, and because of that was forced to leave her residence in Slough. Mrs Clift sued the Sough Council for defamation and won, “I am not and never have been violent  –  as the jury have found.”
The case started in August 2005 when Mrs Clift complained to a Slough authority about a youth trampling a public flower bed. At her trial, she testified that the boy “was in the middle of one of the big flower beds, uprooting plants, pulling the heads off flowers, generally squashing everything.”
She complained about the vandalism incident to Slough Anti-Social Behaviour Coordinator Fozia Rashid.
At the time, the town was encouraging citizens to report anti-social behaviour. But Rashid dismissed Clift’s report of vandalism, and instead suggested that Mrs Clift was at fault. Clift wrote a letter about the incident with Rashid that angered someone on the Council enough to get Clift on the town’s violent offenders list.
Mrs Clift said “What is terrifying is that there is almost no proof required and no hearing to determine the truth of the allegation. It could happen to anybody who gets into even the most minor disagreement with their council.”
‘This just shows the megalomania of these local authorities. This poor woman was subjected to a Kafkaesque ordeal because of an incorrect allegation made by one official. It is the sort of behavior that we would have condemned if it came from China or Russia. Our councils seem to be out of control.’ remarked Simon Davies of Privacy International.
Jane Clift was forced to move away from Slough because of being placed on the list, and now lives in Birmingham.
Gang stalking victims worldwide know about the social Pariah networks like the one that abused and tormented Jane Clift.
Yes, gang stalking is real. Ask Jane Clift.

Top Comments for this post:
It simply sounds like this woman angered someone and was put on a list,slandered and then the gossip happened in …(2)
I can only speak for myself. I do not endure the harsher forms of gangstalking; I do not get v2k …(2)
I am being followed and organized stalked on a daily basis. Why is this happening to me. I …(2)
"A 2010 case in England exposes one facet of the worldwide “gang stalking” network. Jane Clift was slanderously placed on …(1)
I believe what you are saying about a “cell phone network” used for social stigmatization like Jane Clift experienced is …(1)

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  1. Anonymous
    “A 2010 case in England exposes one facet of the worldwide “gang stalking” network. Jane Clift was slanderously placed on a violent offenders list and her details were circulated to community businesses in Slough – doctors, dentists, opticians, libraries, clinics, schools, and more.” …
    I remember reading about this woman back in 2010. The only thing I’d correct is the statement that was made about “circulating” information. In reality, they use a real-time automatic sort of communication nexus, designed as part of the cell phone network the stalkers use. There is no need to consciously “circulate” anything. They just put it into the system, and out it goes to the cell phone hordes …
    • I believe what you are saying about a “cell phone network” used for social stigmatization like Jane Clift experienced is essentially correct.
      Although I don’t have insider knowledge of this cell phone network or whether it actually exists, I believe that I’ve witnessed it’s use on numerous occasions.
      • Anonymous
        The “cell phone network” IS the gang stalking system. It’s pretty much … one half of it, in the nutshell. The other half is the surveillance system which, all by itself, is a valid reason to leave western society. The new technology (cell system + surveillance system) is the most effective slave maker ever devised by mankind. The funny thing is that the new technology enslaves ALL of society, and not just the convenient marks it supposedly preys upon …
        I would say that the society of the so-called first world has been hopelessly (and maybe irreversibly) stripped of the freedom, individuality, and real liberty which in the not so distant past was taken for granted. The new society will leave no person with so much as a small remnant of the human dignity once deemed inalienable and bestowed by God.
  2. Anonymous
    For three years running, I’ve had all of my encrypted web mail (https) read back to me by baristas at coffee shops. Recently, I’ve gotten a home connection, but I understand they are no more secure. Apparently, the gubmint forced businesses to put certificate spoofing boxes in all the cafes, in order to spy on everyone. They never removed the boxes, so now the baristas all have a ball reading everybodies mail. Who the hell would live in this place anymore?
  3. Anonymous
    “The new society will leave no person with so much as a small remnant of the human dignity once deemed inalienable and bestowed by God…..”
    Who would promote such a world? The answer is to be found at
    The inferences in the documents found on that site are profound. Majorly, the idea promoted is that humanity contains, as a result of genetic mutation, a four percent population of psychopaths. A further inference taken is that these psychopaths have usurped complete control of the western world, that they seek and recognize each other, and that they collaborate to further the goals of their psychopathy.
    Some have decribed the affliction of psychopathy as being the result of a so-called Satan gene. However; the theory espoused at http://www.newworldwar.orgassociates the malady with the lack of a normally inherited genetic characteristic ,,,
    We need to take care when we characterize these people. To base prejudice upon a genetic trait is something that is in line with the philosophies of the Hitlers, the Stalins, and the Pol Pots. This very dangerous mind set is one of the only reservations I have concerning the tone of the work being done at
    In any case, the western world will not recover until the general population recognizes the essence of these ideas …
    • Anonymous
      As society has improved its technology borne toys, it has fallen backwards in terms of sophistication of mind and thought. People are not easily subtracted from the new, closed mindsets imparted to them by clever psychological entrainment procedures. We have fallen back to the days of Jim Crow. We will continue this recession until the feudal state has been reached. A return to the feudal state appears to be the goal of the psychopaths who have wormed their way into the control of the machine. I see no path away from this scenario, given that the vast majority of the populations, particularly of the western world, have been entrained to accept it. My suggestion is simply to flee to world parts yet unaffected. In the face of a hopeless situation, flight is not a selfish thing to contemplate. Some parts of the world will require another twenty or thirty years to “catch up” in the “falling behind.” Life could yet be lived in those places. Smart people will consider the places of the southern hemisphere, mainly.
  4. Anonymous
    Dr. Robert Duncan has acknowledged that any American citizen can be
    identified by their unique EMF signatures: specficially, a brainwave print, heart beat signature of specific EMF resonances of different parts of their bodies.
    The mere fact that the U.S. Federal Government has secretly catalogued this information into its computer databases for the express purpose of
    destroying the Constitutional rights of each American citizen, makes this government’s leadership complicit in the highest crimes of treason ever documented.
  5. The opposite. They care not for scores of us.
    • Anonymous
      I am currently having problems with the local council. I have already commented on this forum, it’s the one printed right at the bottom.
      I am not Jane Clift but if you want to contact me you can use my online email:
  6. Tim
    Can someone please ask Jane to contact me. I have also been terrorised by the council and a community groups for 14 years. I was also put on the dangerous contact register “for upsetting an officer of the council” And I quote, “the caller did not swear, he did not raise his voice, he did not threaten, but the officer was upset”!
    my email is
  7. Probably the best full explanation of the creepy phenomenon of gang stalking is at this website:
  8. Anonymous
    Beautiful welldone. What bothers me is it’s all behind a mask.
  9. wildcat
    It simply sounds like this woman angered someone and was put on a list,slandered and then the gossip happened in her community. This does not sound like the stories I have read by “targeted individuals” or being “stalked” by “gang stalkers”. This kind of stuff that happened to Ms Clift can happen all too commonly, there is nothing mysterious going on here, a community can go against an individual, especially in a small town for any number of unknown reasons ( probably by being targeted by a sociopath ) and then hysteria is created through misinformation, lies and resulting gossip that most folks only too well delight in indulging in.
    • Good point. There are many kinds of “gang stalking”, and this story exemplifies organized community stalking, where the members of a community become unpaid “gang stalkers”. This type of “gang stalking” occurs around the world. Often used for political or other motives.
      There are many other types of “gang stalking” that “targeted individuals” have written about. Some of those types include private contractors and private paid stalking crews.
      Many more forms of “gang stalking” exist, but they all seem to share similar methods of neutralizing their victims.
      • Susan Conley
        Here inNC they text All available actors needed in Asheville NC on the city bus kids wew saying Asheville why Asheville? Cars from Jacksonville Fl come up Knoxville Tn. If I go to any chain store like family dollar I am stalked ,harassed and attacked by cars,customers too not all just ones who are paid ,some have gambling debts. I have heard a woman say I got her in the bathrm,she used a weapon felt pike a heart attack she was in a large truck and said her old man owed a lot on a game. These are not govt workers. Some classes pop up here and Knoxville when a target goes shopping. Managers and tent a cops are sold the weapons even in public libraries. Hong Kong I saw arrests .Not here.
  10. Mark Veil
    This is true.
  11. Mark Veil
    Psychological torture is the new torture. It seems invisible to the uninformed. Community stalking torture is the new, low-cost holocaust.
    what is the objective? Agenda 21 –the take-over of all property in North America, a slave society worldwide and mass genocide.
  12. I can only speak for myself. I do not endure the harsher forms of gangstalking; I do not get v2k (hearing voices) or electronic harassment (bee stings). I have had only one instance where I felt a piece of clothing had been exchanged overnight. However, I think we can agree there is a media-propagated “death culture” out there, in that violence is trivialized, individual human life seen as worthless.
  13. Anonymous
    I was first harassed by mobbing, lies, slander, stalking and street theatre in my local community. That stopped only to be replaced by a new problem; quite suddenly council waste collectors are not emptying my bins properly. I am the only one in the neighbourhood, as far as I can see, this is happening to.
    I have complained repeatedly to the local council, but now they are no longer responding and my letters to them remain un-answered. I don’t know what is going on, but it certainly looks very strange and I cannot be sure if the two are connected.
    However, there seems to be an attempt to get me to act violently or lose the plot. Maybe ‘they’ want a conviction against me for violence; that seems to be the aim of many gang stalkers, to get the victim to a situation where they will react emotionally and perhaps even end up breaking the law. At this stage I do not know whether someone in the local authority is responsible or not. This shite has been going on for years with me. I don’t think they are likely to stop.
  14. Sophie
    Those assisting in torturing innocent people would do well to stop, out of self-preservation, if no nobler objective. The people who are being targeted FIRST are the FEW who are best able to serve as leaders and advocates for the MAJORITY. These are the best and the brightest. Once, they are destroyed, the beast will not be satisfied, but will be more ravenous. It will be able to gobble up the majority and there will be no one left with enough idealism, strength and sense of concern for others to stand up for them.
    We are at risk of the greatest perils ever faced by mankind and we do not have much time for everyone to fully clue in. See Dave Hodges” The Common Sense Show” on the internet. It may be stressful reading at first, because you will never have seen any of his information and it is all backed up fully. However, there is still hope for us if enough people begin to understand the path we are on.
  15. OrganizedStalking ChennaiCity
    This is a crime that is designed not to leave evidence. It is a miracle that Jane even managed to win her law suit.
    If you want to learn more about this crime please visit my YouTube Channel ‘OrganizedStalking ChennaiCity’ and click on the PLAYLISTS section to see Playlist OSInformers and Playlist Dr John Hall interviews (16 interviews).
    Organized Stalking / Gang Stalking in Chennai, India starts as Cyberstalking
  16. Pearlie Crayton
    I am being followed and organized stalked on a daily basis. Why is this happening to me. I am an old lady well over 60. This started to happen to me in 2005. I live in Jacksonville florida at this time and I am thinking about moving back to Mississippi.
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