it was very good and to the point,,,he spoke of how family is used to abuse and go after the targeted and I can attest to that..
A few days ago,,, Bud was pulsed,,, I heard him call out Fuck! then he hit me, with pulses
then the next time he hit me again,,, for quite a while and constant,,,He said "There Fuck you"
thats how y perps work it,,, they hit the family first,,,then the family goes after me,,, bud and Kelly are working out,,, I wonder why ,,,what are they preparing for?
that is the technique they are using with me anyway,
This is a good rendition of what and how it started
5 hrs ·
My soul purpose is to expose uk goverment, agencies used by goverment and the police force for Targeting citizens who are on a kill list organized by the uk goverment and councils and police force, the police force use homeland security who as you should know are criminals themselves and play a big part in targeting individuals , its like a viscious loop.
Wether you want to hear it or not, i am going to keep exposing what they are not telling you as its all uk secrets.
The police when targeting individuals use alot of resources, man power and money in gangstalking as the police and councils up and down the country do this on a daily basis and at first the uk police force will follow you everywhere you go,your on a database list and you will never be set free either.
The first six months to a year, you will notice the police more and notice them acting very suspiciously towards you, even harrass you outside BUT with no one ever present to witness it, they will talk to you like a piece of shit and they will call you even a criminal to wind you up, stress etc the police are very good at, anyways the first year is designed to gangstalk you , so they write down, what times this and that, even to and from work, followed by undercover police and councils, they even use Black cabs to gangstalk to and this all is information the police will use to know where you go, what times and ways back, you will see thls of police at times and then the magic of the police force begins, it goes from gangstalking to harrassment, police outside , sirens on n off past house lots and you will be set up by police to basically go into a second mind, like as if your mind is not your own.
They use these tactics on purpose to set you up for the slaughter of electronic harrassment to torture you to death by means of, Cancer, Heart attack and to MAKE YOU commit suicide,is this possible? yes it is using a very simple programme they own and use daily, they have the power to control you at all times, you cant sleep when you want, they torture you to stay in or vice versa go out.these simple basic police n councils programme is designed to make you lose it in a very big way.
They have a tendency to use your neighbours at ALL TIMES at first and your neighbours you believe are gangstalking you, voice to skull technology is then implimented by police to either harrass you so severe that they have you put in a mental hospital as part of the start of the programme, you then become so cloned into these thoughts all day everyday and what once was your life, has dissapeared before your eyes without you knowing it as you never experienced it before, thats where they turn up the good cop bad cop roiutine and this is the simple but clever effect you will ever experience and that goes on for first two years, your perps will play with you alot
Your neighbours could be for harrassment or gangstalking or to have you set up by police to go in to a mental hospital but one thing, even though no mattwe how realistic things seem,. your neighbours and family ARE not involved in these crimes and this is the clever part, you start rejecting family and friends on purpose so you become isolated and thats part of the latter torture.
They put you in mental hospitals so you lose your human rights and so nobody believes you and more so that they have then more power to kill you at anytime they want because what happens is your vulnerable to death and for these agencies to get away with murder. so when you die, the police will just say he or she had mental health problem.
Some people are targeted for sueing police or for other reasons and i know for a fact they have murdered and put a man in a mental hospital just 6 months before they killed him which was suspicious and they cannot do suspicion at all.
Targets are then sleep deprived from the word go and normally your aloud to sleep just two hours and thats most targets, they dont ease off or take a break as the software is manned by just one police officer and he has the power to put voices in your head using that programme and a simple microphone as WITNESSED ACCIDENTALLY BY ME many many years ago as been targeted since 2002 by uk goverment. an agency, police n council
They then start knicking your items, entering your house through the front door even when your out, my friend tested this and put a dictaphone in a cupboard and went out, she came back n replayed what happened and found at least three men enter her house through the front door, searching her house and then left by the front door.
These are just some basic things targets go through and then they torture you severe to age you more than to kill you as you ask many targets and they may say, i thought i was a gonna last night but no its done to age you fast, so that you look terroble makes it more comfortable for police in their quest to murder you as every day is rape and attempted murder, they rape you using these weapons by sexuall things done even your arse bleeds from the horrific torture and i know some ladies bleeding from their privates too
Anything they do is to cause paranoia, make your life so bad, you cant live it anymore hence tortured to kill yourself, they murder thousands each week in the uk and so the figure of 500.000 targets is a little way off what it actually is.
If you believe your targeted
dont start getting too involved in goverment issues that may lead to you being detained
try not to think too much, set your mind in a place your happy regardless of torture
Try and make money and as weird as targets will say thats impossible well not if you remove the i and m, its possible to do cos you can claim TWO lots of disability even if its severe, you can get help with a personal disability too and anyone who needs information, please get in touch and i will gladly help you
go out different roiutes and times, that to any target is a must cos it costs them even more money, so everytime you go out especially early stage of targeting, then make sure you do this everyday
Try and go on holiday abroad as then it will determine wether they invested enough in you to let you go,i know a lady who the police stopped at the airport n dragged her into a mental hospital for section 3 which means six months but it also means SHE can never ever leave the country because of this
If your put in a mental hospital, the first thing you need to do is tell the drs you want to file for tribunal and what ever you do DO NOT TALK ABOUT TARGETING as that will keep you in there for a long time
If the police harrass you in public or any suspicious behaviour, then make sure you take your phone even though they can hear you through just taking your phone outside, they will know where you are, but its important to VIDEO as much as you can as your job is what they did to you, do it back to them.,the more information you have, the better it becomes in the long run , photos are ok but not real evidence as much as a video would be
try and stay with people friends or family and try not to talk about targeting
your family and friends ARE NOT targeting you and this is done by police to isolate you, so staying in a group would be beneficial
Drs again i would advice to not tell them.,if you have signs of torture and its bad, just take pics videos and show your drs
The torture is simply stopped even the heat or cooking they do, steam and heat stops the torture fully so anything that resembles heat would be benefical like bath shower, steam even,sauna would be awesome and even the opposite what is freezing or cold also stops it as the torture can be used for cooking or even to have you frozen even your house CAN BE THAT COLD THAT YOU NEED BLANKETS N LAYERS OF CLOTHES
yes, they, the lab rats have discovered how to heat or cool the body,,, through walls,
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