Monday, January 8, 2018

chris ryder

Dear Chris 

I thought I would let you know what is going on. 

Last month I had breakfast at Tasty Foods next to the fire station on my way out all of your firemen were gathered by the closed door gesturing and talking and very agitated as they looked at me as I walked past. Rick Nelson was amongst them. I did not know Rick Nelson worked there, but I do now.  You know about the controversy between him , his wife Laura and me. That they both consider me an enemy because I tell my story of what Torigian did to me with Eastman Gelatin, and Stuart Cumins of HUD. 
I  am still being attacked with directed energy weapons wherever I go but after walking by the fire dept where Rick worked it got much worse. I have moved to 65 Main St. not that Rick drove me out of St. Annes, I left to stop the harassment that they were doing against my daughter, her  husband and my grandchildren. 
I moved out because of the harassment from Laura, David Diachision, Rick and others in the neighborhood that they had convinced I was the enemy. So now I live on Main St and because of seeing Rick at the station the harassment has gotten much much worse and has followed me to an intense degree as you know Rick and Laura because of Peter still feel they own this town and still have many people in this town who will act against me manipulatedwith any lies told them about me. The reason I am writing this is to ask you to tell Rick to Stop the harassment.

Did you know he is blaming me for the Fire at the Water Treatment plant? Instead of bird poop and high intensity Halogen lights. They feel that because I told my story about what that thug Peter did, someone somehow started that intense fire. Instead of poor planning of that light which was installed so that it would keep the local teenagers from  using that area as a hang out in the summer as they liked to do. I was in bed for 11 days very ill during that time 

 He is telling all his local thugs that that fire is my fault. The fire dept has been down here several times working on the prevented fire system in my building making it appear that I should be watched and feared,, then this stupid reward sign at the Knight of Columbus is supposed to be because of me also. Someone lit some newspapers in the sink on fire. Seems to me if you want to put out a fire that is where you light them, in the sink, not to start a fire. That is the information I was told. Then one of your firemen drove by and I can still see his face using V2k you know the silent communicator threatened me and told me if anything happened to Laura Torigian I would be blamed and I told them if anything happened to my family they will be blamed. 

These devices and this program is becoming more and more public and the public is now starting to believe us and not the cover story of being mentally ill despite the federal bullshit that they came out with. and I have a long and well documented story  of abuse. I have a well documented story of what Torigian did to my life and several incidences as time went on and now  here on Main St. I continue to collect evidence . It may not come out tomorrow nor even next week but this will come out and all of the names I have collected will be on that court case. Those whom have been physically active , those who know about this and refused to do anything about it, will all be there. Right now your boy Rick and his program he is tapped into have made my life miserable by hitting others who live in my building and flipping them against me to force me to move. I have asked you before to use your influence to get this to stop to no avail and that is noted. As well as Rick Nelson's actions and those others who will do Rick's bidding. All noted and in a safe place. 

I have put all this information away and many know about this, I again ask you to use your influence to get this stopped and make sure your firemen keep a professional demeanor instead of the thugs they can be. I do not want to move, though your firemen have made it difficult for me to stay here, You know I will not shut up until I get justice, not only from the Mengele Morons in DC but from all the locals who have acted as if they were born Nazi. 

This program according to Aldous Huxley and his speech The ultimate revolution is all about control of the individual through MIND CONTROL. I have included a link to educate you. You will read it. 

Aldous huxleyAldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, rated number one in the List Muse Top 100 Fiction books list, here discusses influence, controlling the public mind and government.

I told you long ago to join forces with me to try to stop what was going on, that your son will live in this totalitarian state and so he will. Snowden stated everyone will be profiled. Everyone will be mind controlled in one way or another. You didn't think it would just be me did you? I'm slowly being cooked. 

I still speak out and will continue till my dying day and especially against that Nazi thug Rick and Laura who I believe are to stupid to realize what they do, that their actions follow the Nazi playbook. This is going on all over the country and more and more people are waking up to the tactics and that all first responders are being used as "Boots on the Ground". Police, Fire,, and EMT's whom I have been harassed by all of them to an intense degree. Here it is 2018 and I am still surprised I am alive. My body has suffered immense abuse from these weapons. 

As you might not know it is a depopulation program as well, the rich feel the roads and country is to crowded, you might read about Agenda 21, people's property being manipulated and taken away from them and moved to mega cities well on it's way. Did you also know that DC is using Peter Torigian's playbook to help them in their actions against the people . Many consider Peabody ground zero.  I hope you find this information useful and are able to speak to your firemen to get them to  back off and to tell them, to tell my landlord that I am not a dangerous or revengeful person , I just want justice and someday dead or alive it will come. It gets closer as we speak.

I hope the holidays for you and Ted were joyous, Mine were very lonely as my family knows all about this and they know if they get to close to me bad things like mind controlled smashed car windows, sabotaged vehicles, Manipulation of all kind happens in a definite pattern something else the Torigian's owe me. 
Again I hope your holidays were happy mine were very isolated. You take care and think of your son's and other children's future because this world is going to be a very different place for them. I hope you keep the electronic toys away from them as it effects male sperm DNA. and female children's eggs. Again take care and do read the above , wonderful Huxley piece. 

I hope yo do speak to that worm ,Rick The Dick Head and Laura the bitch. They have installed their followers in my building as well . I know they will dearly regret their actions someday. It will come. 

I know landlords are told certain things about me, the constant pulsing of the building,  Rick has used many actions against me and  I am beat the night before ,if I use the elderly bus to go shopping, and using directed energy weapons to force tenants out of their domiciles, once those laws that were passed  giving people more power to fight evictions. Rick will be blamed and his name and Lauras will be right up there for what he did... He and his  will not be forgotten. EVER.
Barbara Guillette

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