yesterday the temp was close to 70 and today it is the same, very very warm,,, to warm...
I planted in vases Basil, chives, tarragon, cilantro, poppy flowers and more cilantro and some jalapeño peppers. I still have tomatoes and cilantro,the jalapeño to plant must get some more planters.. I already had parsley and mint for lemonade..
.yesterday I went with ann shopping she is going camping with cait ryan and her group south of Ma... I do not like cait so do not plan on attending. I have been doing the Snowden papers and am sure I am missing a lot,, but I am trying,,,
A FIRE ENGINE JUST DROVE BY AND I COULD ACTUALLY FEEL THE BEAM OF THE SIREN AS IT DROVE BY,,and hear the sound pass as it passed in the beam,,, IT WENT THROUGH THE WALL, it came up from the wall /floor meeting, I live on the third floor, I could feel the beam as it passed. it was not large maybe a foot in diameter . this tells me several things , that the devices used for sirens on fire trucks are multitasked and used for harassment and probably crowd control. They go through walls, they are acoustic in nature. high intense pulsed sound and can be directed.
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