I want to discuss perp tactics when it comes to these high tech Manchurian Candidate devices and techniques,, I will add to this as I go along, and have just added reminders, so that I can explain and expand on scenarios at a later time, and as I think of them. I have been subjected to this treatment for on to 16 years , so I guess I would know what I speak.
I have found no matter what you do it is all your fault, whatever it is. Perps will pick a fight with you then they will turn around and blame the fight on you. The whole thing will be your fault. That gives the perps an excuse to hit you, steal from you or damage something you own, it is debilitating to the target. Most of this is psychological, but a lot of it is physical boots on the ground. Police , Fire and EMT's are all part of this program and the hospitals are told you are violent. So you can be incarcerated for violent tendencies. Drugs are a big manipulative part of this program. Also frequencies/beams that can put you in a controlling trance state, many have lost minutes, hours, as well as days.
I do not believe in implants, nor satellites, non of my experience has been with either,, except the fiber optics implants I mention in an other post. I have not heard any other Ti mention fiber optics implants for behavior control.
What is a decoy, well they make you think it is an innocent bystander who is zapping you, when in reality is it the guy behind him or behind you. If you say or approach the person they pretend innocence anyway.
I always had two cars follow me, one as a decoy in case I attacked them and the other to confuse you. This was documented by a friend at the State Police in Danvers now retired John Sheaumaker,,he is the one who mentioned it to me, about it being two cars, I never told him this, so he certified what I knew.
They will attack you with pulsing, or chemicals, anything to disturb and hurt you and much of this can do bodily/health harm.
They use back scatter or millimeter wave cameras and monitor you 24/7, sometimes the pulsing is put on a timer, other pulsing is done by drive by vehicles. I live on a circle so this is perfect for them to just ride by and zap me. This is a job to perps.
I want to tell the story of the family in the grocery store in N.H. A monitoring program. I was at the end of the row of groceries buying eggs and on the other end of the row was a family, a woman, a man and two young children, the woman and older girl were toward me and the mother was zapping me, I knew it came from her and I looked at her with hate on my face and I heard her say,,, to the oldest girl who moved closer to the mother as she saw my face, "Oh it's ok it's therapy for her." This is what the TI's are told in order to have them carry out their harassment tasks. "It;s therapy."
The child knew I was angry, and moved closer to the mother , she knew what was on my face. The child not being stupid as the mother was. This was the first inkling I had that this is a program of sorts we Ti's are on. Any reason will do, and the perp's go around and have many TI's they service,,I saw one zap me and check me off his clipboard, then drive away in his car.
My neighbors all know about these assaults on my person and house. Most are responsible for them. This is not called GANG STALKING FOR NOTHING, THIS IS A GANG OF PEOPLE STALKING ANOTHER PERSON , I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO ANY OF THEM SCARCELY KNOWING THEIR NAMES OR WHO THEY ARE.
Some especially Paul our direct neighbor on our left has been hit many times.. One particular time I was outside in the yard by Paul's house. All of a sudden this huge hard pulse came through our house went through our backyard and through Paul's house, his dog started barking like crazy, I was inside our gate and opened it just as Rick Nelson drove by the house, what he used to do was wait till he just started to come around the curve to our house, this gave him a good shot right across my bed. This time for some reason usually in summer I will get up to watch the birds, or garden in the cool of the morning. Rick used to do this quite often and the people from 20 St. Annes Ave. street used to pulse our house all the way down the street sometimes missing and hitting Paul's house he went out a couple of times and yelled up the street at them and they stopped much to my relief. David Diachisin who is my main constant perp , who lives across the street and up on the left, used to walk across the street to Babe Johanson's back yard and lob pulses across Paul's house into my bedroom. I think this was when Paul's house was empty before he moved in, the fence was low on her side, I walked up the street after figuring out where these lobs came from and Diachisin had put a lawn chair next to Paul's house facing my house, a strange way for a lawn chair to be. I took a picture of it , somewhere amongst all my pics. David was friends with Babe. but mostly David had lobbed my house directly from his back yard and his far front window hidden behind a tree trunk.
Later Paul made friends with David and one morning I was in my yard taking pictures of David with his city hall truck parked in his yard, most of the city workers around here come and go at home when ever they want. I have seen many many times when they were goofing off and doing things on their salaried times. Now I have done this myself, everyone has at one time or another, but these guys were really out of hand, I know one of Rick Nelson's immediate neighbors used to time him and let him know because he used to come home for hours. After all Rick was married to the boss's daughter,Peter Torigian. That is where I got the idea of taking pics of these people abusing privilege. Matt LeGault did it also,he pulsed me from his back deck, now he gets dropped off instead of parking his truck outside his father's residence. All these guys do it.
One morning David had come home after punch in time and was home for quite a while, so I was in the yard and took a picture of his van, Paul my immediate neighbor saw me and walked across the street and told David I was there and what I was doing. Immediately I saw two bright white lights appear on my arm, not on my arm but float in the air, I think this was signature of back scatter camera, for it came right through the fence. i know that is how David has always targeted me using a through the wall camera.
Now I have to defend myself here. I would never of been this petty, I would of minded my own business, but if I can get back at these guys in any way I can I will. These men are arrogant killers. They know they can get away with destroying my life and listen,,,I fucking ain't gonna go down easy,, for anyone. Especially these stupid arrogant ignorant bunch of m*****f****s. No way. I fight back with anything I can.
Tony grew up with my daughters, he joined the military and got out and rumor has it not honorable, not sure about that though just rumor..
My car did not start and for some reason the perps wanted it to start , so they fixed it, unknown to me. My daughter and I went outside to see if we could fix it and figure out what was wrong with it, I was in the drivers seat with the door open, she was back and to my left and talking to me, we got pulsed from the back and to the left of us. We both got hit, for we said words at the same time,, START THE CAR" V2K, as I started the car, because you cannot refuse these commands we both turned and looked back over our shoulders from where the pulse came from , for she had been in the path of the pulse as well. I think Tony who has admitted knowing about all these weapons from military service was behind the pulse.
An other time Tony had a guest , I cannot remember his name at this time, but have seen him around once in a while. He also knew my daughters and I will ask for his name and put it here, he was visiting Tony on this day, I went out to the end of our street waiting for a ride, near Tony's front door, when I got hit in the heart so hard my heart quivered, as I turned to see where the pulse came from Tony's door slammed shut. The friends name was Patrick, he was a friend of my daughters and drove a huge white pickup truck, I had to sit down on the curb, for I was going to pass out. I never mentioned this to him, but will ask him about it if and when I see him again.
This is what the life of a target is like, you never know when or who will hit you next, how hard or with what.
**** I was lying on the couch watching TV when a pulse came out from under the hutch and curved up and hit me in the face, this was the first time I realized that these pulses could curve and they can, not 90 degrees but close to it. I have also been driving down the highway and thought I was alone , way up in N.H. and was getting hit in the head. Through the rear view mirror the perps were pulsing me out of their van's sunroof this was coming forward and hitting me in the head straight down through my cars roof, we were traveling at 60 mph, why do I relate this to you, It gave the appearance it was coming from above rather than from behind, lobbing as used with cannon is used extensively with these weapons, not only to increase distance but to confuse the target as to where the pulse is coming from.
I want you to understand the capabilities of these weapons.
One of the most difficult thing to figure out is where the pulse is coming from and here is why, evidently some of these pulses have feedback, the pulse will bounce back and it also will go through you with the bounce back, making you feel as if the pulse is coming from the opposite direction and it is not. I have noticed this many times and can now figure out from what direction most pulses are from and from who, usually now it is drive-bys,, this morning I got slammed, that usually happens after my birthday as I am given for some strange reason a breather because of my bday, but the perps activate harshly after it's over, I guess to catch up. This morning the day after my bday, I got slammed, Jeffrey Putney drove by and I got him driving by at the same time the pulses were hitting me ,and the pulses on camera separately,, I took a picture of him quite a while ago with the actual pulse coming from his vehicle, but no such luck today.
My neighbors all know about these assaults on my person and house. Most are responsible for them. This is not called GANG STALKING FOR NOTHING, THIS IS A GANG OF PEOPLE STALKING ANOTHER PERSON , I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO ANY OF THEM SCARCELY KNOWING THEIR NAMES OR WHO THEY ARE.
Some especially Paul our direct neighbor on our left has been hit many times.. One particular time I was outside in the yard by Paul's house. All of a sudden this huge hard pulse came through our house went through our backyard and through Paul's house, his dog started barking like crazy, I was inside our gate and opened it just as Rick Nelson drove by the house, what he used to do was wait till he just started to come around the curve to our house, this gave him a good shot right across my bed. This time for some reason usually in summer I will get up to watch the birds, or garden in the cool of the morning. Rick used to do this quite often and the people from 20 St. Annes Ave. street used to pulse our house all the way down the street sometimes missing and hitting Paul's house he went out a couple of times and yelled up the street at them and they stopped much to my relief. David Diachisin who is my main constant perp , who lives across the street and up on the left, used to walk across the street to Babe Johanson's back yard and lob pulses across Paul's house into my bedroom. I think this was when Paul's house was empty before he moved in, the fence was low on her side, I walked up the street after figuring out where these lobs came from and Diachisin had put a lawn chair next to Paul's house facing my house, a strange way for a lawn chair to be. I took a picture of it , somewhere amongst all my pics. David was friends with Babe. but mostly David had lobbed my house directly from his back yard and his far front window hidden behind a tree trunk.
Later Paul made friends with David and one morning I was in my yard taking pictures of David with his city hall truck parked in his yard, most of the city workers around here come and go at home when ever they want. I have seen many many times when they were goofing off and doing things on their salaried times. Now I have done this myself, everyone has at one time or another, but these guys were really out of hand, I know one of Rick Nelson's immediate neighbors used to time him and let him know because he used to come home for hours. After all Rick was married to the boss's daughter,Peter Torigian. That is where I got the idea of taking pics of these people abusing privilege. Matt LeGault did it also,he pulsed me from his back deck, now he gets dropped off instead of parking his truck outside his father's residence. All these guys do it.
One morning David had come home after punch in time and was home for quite a while, so I was in the yard and took a picture of his van, Paul my immediate neighbor saw me and walked across the street and told David I was there and what I was doing. Immediately I saw two bright white lights appear on my arm, not on my arm but float in the air, I think this was signature of back scatter camera, for it came right through the fence. i know that is how David has always targeted me using a through the wall camera.
Now I have to defend myself here. I would never of been this petty, I would of minded my own business, but if I can get back at these guys in any way I can I will. These men are arrogant killers. They know they can get away with destroying my life and listen,,,I fucking ain't gonna go down easy,, for anyone. Especially these stupid arrogant ignorant bunch of m*****f****s. No way. I fight back with anything I can.
Tony grew up with my daughters, he joined the military and got out and rumor has it not honorable, not sure about that though just rumor..
My car did not start and for some reason the perps wanted it to start , so they fixed it, unknown to me. My daughter and I went outside to see if we could fix it and figure out what was wrong with it, I was in the drivers seat with the door open, she was back and to my left and talking to me, we got pulsed from the back and to the left of us. We both got hit, for we said words at the same time,, START THE CAR" V2K, as I started the car, because you cannot refuse these commands we both turned and looked back over our shoulders from where the pulse came from , for she had been in the path of the pulse as well. I think Tony who has admitted knowing about all these weapons from military service was behind the pulse.
An other time Tony had a guest , I cannot remember his name at this time, but have seen him around once in a while. He also knew my daughters and I will ask for his name and put it here, he was visiting Tony on this day, I went out to the end of our street waiting for a ride, near Tony's front door, when I got hit in the heart so hard my heart quivered, as I turned to see where the pulse came from Tony's door slammed shut. The friends name was Patrick, he was a friend of my daughters and drove a huge white pickup truck, I had to sit down on the curb, for I was going to pass out. I never mentioned this to him, but will ask him about it if and when I see him again.
This is what the life of a target is like, you never know when or who will hit you next, how hard or with what.
**** I was lying on the couch watching TV when a pulse came out from under the hutch and curved up and hit me in the face, this was the first time I realized that these pulses could curve and they can, not 90 degrees but close to it. I have also been driving down the highway and thought I was alone , way up in N.H. and was getting hit in the head. Through the rear view mirror the perps were pulsing me out of their van's sunroof this was coming forward and hitting me in the head straight down through my cars roof, we were traveling at 60 mph, why do I relate this to you, It gave the appearance it was coming from above rather than from behind, lobbing as used with cannon is used extensively with these weapons, not only to increase distance but to confuse the target as to where the pulse is coming from.
I want you to understand the capabilities of these weapons.
One of the most difficult thing to figure out is where the pulse is coming from and here is why, evidently some of these pulses have feedback, the pulse will bounce back and it also will go through you with the bounce back, making you feel as if the pulse is coming from the opposite direction and it is not. I have noticed this many times and can now figure out from what direction most pulses are from and from who, usually now it is drive-bys,, this morning I got slammed, that usually happens after my birthday as I am given for some strange reason a breather because of my bday, but the perps activate harshly after it's over, I guess to catch up. This morning the day after my bday, I got slammed, Jeffrey Putney drove by and I got him driving by at the same time the pulses were hitting me ,and the pulses on camera separately,, I took a picture of him quite a while ago with the actual pulse coming from his vehicle, but no such luck today.
Jeffrey Graystone worked at Costco he was with Scott Burns behind e as I drove to the Grand Canyon recognized him at Costco.
I also want to mention one of the devices I have seen, the perps are real careful to hide the devices, the small one that pulses through your head is hand held, same shape and size as a cell phone, but this different one I saw sitting on the table. I was staying in N.H. at a relatives camp and felt this real fine frequency on me, almost like a slight buzz, but after being hit and made aware of beams and frequencies,, I was aware. I turned slowly in a 360 degree circle several times till I figured out where it came from. I left and walked down the unlit, pitch black N.H. road following the feeling of the frequency getting stronger. I noticed this light spilling out from a neighbors window and it seemed the feeling came from there. I approached the window standing back in the dark dark shadows, there was no chance that anyone could see me. I was also dressed darkly, no light, no moon , no snow. black. In the window was a table with a box on it,,, 5 X8 inches,,maybe an inch and a half tall, black plastic with a green screen in the top 1/3 of it. lying on the table. I stood for a few seconds and the woman Victoria came out of the shadows of her room, took one look at the small screen , jumped up and slammed down the shade in a panic, and that was it. I turned and left, I thought this device was a harassment device but now after thinking about it for a long long time , believe it to be a locator. She was tracking me for someone else. After that whenever her 3 small children saw me they would run for their house in fear and they were no longer friendly as they had been in the past. They were very poor and I think they were approached to do this job for money and were caught out.
The other device was when I moved back with my daughter , after I gave her my apt. I never planned on moving back but after Torigian drove me from 50 Warren St. I needed a home base somewhere and moved my stuff in there. The fat kid who lived in the house to our left,, kitty corner, put this device that looked like the end of a blow dryer without the handle end from what I could see. Again it was a fine frequency , but it got my attention. The piece glowed red hot, I was at an angle so I did not see if he was in the window and later he did come and sit down and I could see part of him, when he shut it off after a half hour of so, The frequency stopped. I have no idea what it did and it seemed to be aimed at the apt. where Joyce used to live, directly across the court from him.
One of the perp tactics used from the beginning along with sleep deprivation is to invade your privacy. After they get done with you, you have no privacy. It is to let you know that you are totally controlled and surrounded.
They shred any privacy you think you have and it is done systematically, they surround you and subjugate you . No matter what you hide, no matter where, they watch and invade you. Your bedroom, while you sit on the toilet, in the shower, while you pick your nose, or scratch your crotch, any peccadilloes you might have, from sexual to eating habits, they collect and document. For what purpose, , you got me. Nosiest bastards to walk the planet. They walk in your skull, they walk in your body, They are like that worm that invades the grasshoppers body and takes over his behavior, or some animal does that, well these devices enable these creeps to do this same thing, take over your body and mind.. Perp tactic.
They manipulate you into giving away, stealing or losing all your money, so you can't run, and can't fight back. simple as that, it also takes all your savings and puts it back into the economy.
Triggers are another favorite perp tactic, the perps on the ground, will do it in a sarcastic , making fun of you way, but I do not think it is that way from the top. They just want the job done, mostly the triggers are installed at night while you sleep, for the next day. A reminder that you are controlled. Of the power that they have.
They will set up tasks to do or an idea that will give you the answer to much of what is going on and no matter what you do , it never ever comes our right. It never ever works the way you want it too, It is done that way to destroy your confidence in your ability to function. Part of the undermining of your mental capability. works too.
In the 60's in the movie theaters, subliminal suggestions were used via the video, microseconds of "go to the snack bar for soda and popcorn," with pictures of them were flashed on the screen, and the technology worked otherwise why would they ban them as they did, I have talked to others on the net and they said it is noted , this did not work. As I said; if it did not work why ban them.
Our HSS hypersonic silent sound is only audio, same idea works on the subconscious only pulsed straight through to the subconscious, the ear and eye is no longer needed, this goes directly to the mind, that is why it is called mind control. This device controls out mind, our thoughts and our desires, our feelings, our body functions, the mind controls everything, so if you control the mind you control the person. Basically a zombie..
How I lost all my savings, stocks and bonds, I had gone on the internet when all this first started, to try and find some answers there, I found the yahoo mind control forum and started to talk to this guy Steve, we still talk today after having lost track while I was on the road. He was the first person to tell me I was under electronic attack, and gave me some details about it, he also gave me the address for this website, called "Underground Unlimited Electronics," on this site , it had many devices, some of them were attack devices, he had software that would put a virus on your computer, a vortex gun and several other devices, some simple other not.
I contacted these two men and asked them if they could help me and they said yes, they could stop whatever was happening to me, so I paid for their flights from Ca. to Ma. and they stayed at a local motel. They came to my house and walked around, put tin foil on the wall and gave me a script for vitamins. I was in a hypnotic daze and easily gave them all my funds I had taken out of the bank , several thousand dollars. That is one of the capabilities of mind control. I was controlled to give up my savings. If your broke you can't fight back.
There names are Marc Sausman and Ron Rhoades I have since spoke to Steve who updated me on these men, I guess they tried the same thing on a wealthy heiress Dorothy Lay of Lay Potato ship fame. That may be just a story the perps told me or the truth, I do not know. They cheated her out of several thousand as well or so the story goes. One of the men died in mysterious circumstances and the other has disappeared. I have tried to contact Dorothy Lay several times but she seems to be very well fire walled.
After these men left my house I realized what I had done and emailed them, accusing them of fraud and they sent a virus to my computer and friends let me know the virus was there. I deleted everything and took the computer to default. I also went to the town where they were located and found their post office box, no luck as I waited outside.
I also made a report in Ventura, Ca. at the police station, I am not sure of the name of the town, Ventura Ca. strikes a memory and also made a report on this in Peabody,, No one could do anything in Ventura because the crime happened here in Ma. and for some stupid reason I cannot remember why, it could not be worked on here in Ma. .
I lost all my savings. I hope they are both dead and buried and they suffered for what they did, I took a catalog of their web site to the FBI, and the woman agent seemed interested and soon after their web site was shut down. I'm sure they opened another one but still. Happiness is.
The following statements are just reminders to me to expand on and tell the stories of what happened to me.
I also want to mention one of the devices I have seen, the perps are real careful to hide the devices, the small one that pulses through your head is hand held, same shape and size as a cell phone, but this different one I saw sitting on the table. I was staying in N.H. at a relatives camp and felt this real fine frequency on me, almost like a slight buzz, but after being hit and made aware of beams and frequencies,, I was aware. I turned slowly in a 360 degree circle several times till I figured out where it came from. I left and walked down the unlit, pitch black N.H. road following the feeling of the frequency getting stronger. I noticed this light spilling out from a neighbors window and it seemed the feeling came from there. I approached the window standing back in the dark dark shadows, there was no chance that anyone could see me. I was also dressed darkly, no light, no moon , no snow. black. In the window was a table with a box on it,,, 5 X8 inches,,maybe an inch and a half tall, black plastic with a green screen in the top 1/3 of it. lying on the table. I stood for a few seconds and the woman Victoria came out of the shadows of her room, took one look at the small screen , jumped up and slammed down the shade in a panic, and that was it. I turned and left, I thought this device was a harassment device but now after thinking about it for a long long time , believe it to be a locator. She was tracking me for someone else. After that whenever her 3 small children saw me they would run for their house in fear and they were no longer friendly as they had been in the past. They were very poor and I think they were approached to do this job for money and were caught out.
The other device was when I moved back with my daughter , after I gave her my apt. I never planned on moving back but after Torigian drove me from 50 Warren St. I needed a home base somewhere and moved my stuff in there. The fat kid who lived in the house to our left,, kitty corner, put this device that looked like the end of a blow dryer without the handle end from what I could see. Again it was a fine frequency , but it got my attention. The piece glowed red hot, I was at an angle so I did not see if he was in the window and later he did come and sit down and I could see part of him, when he shut it off after a half hour of so, The frequency stopped. I have no idea what it did and it seemed to be aimed at the apt. where Joyce used to live, directly across the court from him.
One of the perp tactics used from the beginning along with sleep deprivation is to invade your privacy. After they get done with you, you have no privacy. It is to let you know that you are totally controlled and surrounded.
They shred any privacy you think you have and it is done systematically, they surround you and subjugate you . No matter what you hide, no matter where, they watch and invade you. Your bedroom, while you sit on the toilet, in the shower, while you pick your nose, or scratch your crotch, any peccadilloes you might have, from sexual to eating habits, they collect and document. For what purpose, , you got me. Nosiest bastards to walk the planet. They walk in your skull, they walk in your body, They are like that worm that invades the grasshoppers body and takes over his behavior, or some animal does that, well these devices enable these creeps to do this same thing, take over your body and mind.. Perp tactic.
They manipulate you into giving away, stealing or losing all your money, so you can't run, and can't fight back. simple as that, it also takes all your savings and puts it back into the economy.
Triggers are another favorite perp tactic, the perps on the ground, will do it in a sarcastic , making fun of you way, but I do not think it is that way from the top. They just want the job done, mostly the triggers are installed at night while you sleep, for the next day. A reminder that you are controlled. Of the power that they have.
They will set up tasks to do or an idea that will give you the answer to much of what is going on and no matter what you do , it never ever comes our right. It never ever works the way you want it too, It is done that way to destroy your confidence in your ability to function. Part of the undermining of your mental capability. works too.
In the 60's in the movie theaters, subliminal suggestions were used via the video, microseconds of "go to the snack bar for soda and popcorn," with pictures of them were flashed on the screen, and the technology worked otherwise why would they ban them as they did, I have talked to others on the net and they said it is noted , this did not work. As I said; if it did not work why ban them.
Our HSS hypersonic silent sound is only audio, same idea works on the subconscious only pulsed straight through to the subconscious, the ear and eye is no longer needed, this goes directly to the mind, that is why it is called mind control. This device controls out mind, our thoughts and our desires, our feelings, our body functions, the mind controls everything, so if you control the mind you control the person. Basically a zombie..
How I lost all my savings, stocks and bonds, I had gone on the internet when all this first started, to try and find some answers there, I found the yahoo mind control forum and started to talk to this guy Steve, we still talk today after having lost track while I was on the road. He was the first person to tell me I was under electronic attack, and gave me some details about it, he also gave me the address for this website, called "Underground Unlimited Electronics," on this site , it had many devices, some of them were attack devices, he had software that would put a virus on your computer, a vortex gun and several other devices, some simple other not.
I contacted these two men and asked them if they could help me and they said yes, they could stop whatever was happening to me, so I paid for their flights from Ca. to Ma. and they stayed at a local motel. They came to my house and walked around, put tin foil on the wall and gave me a script for vitamins. I was in a hypnotic daze and easily gave them all my funds I had taken out of the bank , several thousand dollars. That is one of the capabilities of mind control. I was controlled to give up my savings. If your broke you can't fight back.
There names are Marc Sausman and Ron Rhoades I have since spoke to Steve who updated me on these men, I guess they tried the same thing on a wealthy heiress Dorothy Lay of Lay Potato ship fame. That may be just a story the perps told me or the truth, I do not know. They cheated her out of several thousand as well or so the story goes. One of the men died in mysterious circumstances and the other has disappeared. I have tried to contact Dorothy Lay several times but she seems to be very well fire walled.
After these men left my house I realized what I had done and emailed them, accusing them of fraud and they sent a virus to my computer and friends let me know the virus was there. I deleted everything and took the computer to default. I also went to the town where they were located and found their post office box, no luck as I waited outside.
I also made a report in Ventura, Ca. at the police station, I am not sure of the name of the town, Ventura Ca. strikes a memory and also made a report on this in Peabody,, No one could do anything in Ventura because the crime happened here in Ma. and for some stupid reason I cannot remember why, it could not be worked on here in Ma. .
I lost all my savings. I hope they are both dead and buried and they suffered for what they did, I took a catalog of their web site to the FBI, and the woman agent seemed interested and soon after their web site was shut down. I'm sure they opened another one but still. Happiness is.
The following statements are just reminders to me to expand on and tell the stories of what happened to me.
driving by the peabody housing and shot in the left temple, this one left a deep dent.
gassed in my apt. this forced me out.
thrown down the stairs
and the broken ankle/ force fields and magnets
rotator cuff
david the park and Kelly's broken nose
torigian and the campsite
destruction of vehicles,, being a modell and the bus
The two men from Ca. and how they stole all my funds/savings
A negative narrative is used, you are a bad person in some respects, I was called violent by Torigian he died of throat cancer and I danced on his grave. most of the TI's I have spoken with have never done a bad thing and they wonder why they are targeted.A negative narrative is your a busy body, activist, dissident, whistleblower, pedophile, prostitute. thief, crazy,,oh yes mentally ill is used extensively, as is religion, I'm an atheist, that is used. Children are used , I know all the teen age boys in my neighborhood have been indoctrinated by their fathers. Anderson, Yaikus, Chris, Diachisin, Rathbone, and some senior citizens have been used. As I wrote here in "The Formula of Destruction " post of mine,, your money is targeted, how to manipulate you from any funds , property you might own, relationships are destroyed. We targets are used as experiments .
William Binny's former NSA computer wizz who became a whistleblower on the NSA program he helped invent, he had his life threatened and this is the link http://www.privacysos.org/node/888 to his MIT lecture at MIT about the computer program he invented, this is the formula to find out about those who are connected to you. This is the description of his program. Your in the middle and for everyone you know, they go out two people to investigate, keeping all info pertinent to you, and from those people they go out two more, until they know all about you and your sources and who you are. Discarding all insignificant information and keeping all the rest. Is basically how it works, and he also states that the gov't has room under this mountain in the west, that can store enough info on every person on the planet for 100 years. I thought that astounding. Talk about being paranoid, it seems like Cheney and Bush's paranoia has invaded our gov't to a deep degree.
Sleep deprivation is a huge part of this,, that is one of the first tactics used, it does effect your mental stability and they want you crazy looking and acting, all the better to call you crazy with and to cover up their actions with, for people only see you, not what the perps do, unless you document, take pics and make sure you hide it well, for they want all the evidence and will make great effort to erase, Scott Burns erased the video I had of him at my work, in an Eastman Gelatin, six pack company owned unmarked, distinctive color, during the day, pick up truck, as he harassed me there, also described of in another post. This sleep deprivation continues to this day from 97 to 2013, a long long time..This program has been ongoing for a long time.
When they want you to do something, they will continually hit you with pulsing to drive you insane, they can make you angry and full of hate with a frequency or put you totally out as in a coma with a frequency. They can turn you into a Manchurian candidate and if they want access to your laptop or home they can make everyone leave or access your laptop via the Internet, I had a picture I took of a relative taken off my laptop as a "person of interest" as I WATCHED, they told me via HSS, hypersonic silent sound that's what they were doing.
No warrant, no nothing, just did it, so be careful what you post and put on the net. It is to late for me, but maybe not for you. If I had known what I know now, I would of gone underground.
I know some of this may be hard to believe,, and I understand that, at first I was not believing at all ,,,until it happened to me,,, but everything here has happened to me, I have not made anything up. I want to tell the story of my ankle that was broken and my right knee and my right shoulder. I also suggest you read the post about" The sound of things to Come" because one sentence in there is most important, these devices can mock any medical malady you have. ANY MEDICAL MALADY FROM CANCER TO MENTAL ILLNESS TO HIGH BOOD PRESSURE TO ANY MALADY. I WISH I COULD SAY THAT ONE HUNDRED TIMES TILL YOU REALLY UNDERSTOOD WHAT THAT MEANS IN REALITY.
The psychiatrists are a big part of this and the DSM will be out this month of April, with all the new mental health issues they invented,, everything will be a mental health problem, they make money that way as does the drug companies, and some good advice , do not take any meds unless it is life threatening, like diabetes or such. Because the side effects are more dangerous and when you add one drug on top of another, well it will kill you quick , which is what is wanted. The shrinks will also medicate your ass until you are a zombie as I have seen quite a few lately. Zombies. Do not take any psychotronic drugs , nor any drugs in hospital if you can help it.
These devices can make you say words that are detrimental to your freedom and your health. Such as kill kill kill, the shrinks see this as warning that that is what you are going to do, the perps know this and will make you say it over and over.
I know people are afraid to speak out any more and are very careful with their words. I know mine are controlled and used against me.
As I said above I have a lot to add to this blog and have put in reminders and as I go along will expand and add to this post.
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