PUTTING THE TARGET IN THE GRINDER is a phrase another Ti, gave to me about her involvement with the police. .
She and I compared notes and what it seems to be is that the DS,,(death squads) will force the targets to write letters or call the local police, pissing them off. We become the enemy to the local police through manipulation.
I wrote a letter to the paper about my local police and their bid for a paid holiday for 9/11, I protested the holiday pay when so many were losing their homes to foreclosure, I posted this letter here in my blog. It is in the beginning of my posts.
Well the cops went postal on me and did much damage to me, physical damage in many ways. So putting the target in the grinder is a good way to describe what has and is happening to targeted individuals. It is amazing that so many ignore what we (TI's) say,, many do not realize that what can happen and is happening to me , CAN HAPPEN TO THEM AS WELL. Many times I have laughed when those who do not believe me, get their asses kicked,, I love it, They all deserve it.. I love the term because that is what you feel like. You've been GRINDED.
Dear friend, In an email this week to ACLU supporters about Edward Snowden's recent disclosures about the NSA spying programs, Daniel Ellsberg noted: "I’ve seen firsthand how the consequences of [this] kind of government abuse threaten our most fundamental liberties…we may find ourselves in a dangerous situation in which average citizens, along with Congress persons, journalists and their sources, even judges, are watched around the clock and afraid to dissent. The core fixtures of our democracy—the right to protest, the right to live freely in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness without government intrusion—could be weakened beyond repair." We can't wait. We have to push the president to call for the repeal of the surveillance state sections of the Patriot Act and FISA. Join the strong public outcry against this program: https://www.aclu.org/secure/stop-spying?Ms=taf_acluaction_ellsbergspying_130619 Thanks.
i wrote to Daniel Ellsberg many years ago when my targeting began.I just sent him a recent email ,,below.
from a whistleblower who has paid dearly
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