David Diachision is a meter reader who works for the city of Peabody.50,000 thousand a year with excellent bennies but our water and other taxes are going up as well..
He has been employed by them for a long long time. Not to bright,his wife has the brains in the family, he was and is a loyal dog to the Torigian Family. Rick Nelson responsible for much of the genesis of my harassment lives on the other curve of the circle we all live on..Rick is married to one of Peter Torigian's daughters. Peter started all this. It is said by the Torigian family I started all this, but they do n ot understand...This town was owned by Peter , he did what he liked and he was called Napoleon in the press throughout his last years in office. Especially after I told them what he did to me..He with Eastman Gelatin pretty much trashed my life. It still continues to this day.
He has been employed by them for a long long time. Not to bright,his wife has the brains in the family, he was and is a loyal dog to the Torigian Family. Rick Nelson responsible for much of the genesis of my harassment lives on the other curve of the circle we all live on..Rick is married to one of Peter Torigian's daughters. Peter started all this. It is said by the Torigian family I started all this, but they do n ot understand...This town was owned by Peter , he did what he liked and he was called Napoleon in the press throughout his last years in office. Especially after I told them what he did to me..He with Eastman Gelatin pretty much trashed my life. It still continues to this day.
David has been on vacation, at least he has been away for a few days, things were relatively quiet and he came back yesterday, since then my house has been incessantly pulsed.. My privacy invaded with his thru the wall camera. My sleep disturbed and I have been pulsed beaten almost unconscious. That is why I was mind controlled to sleep in my bed, easier for him to reach. My bedroom is on his side of the house. It began this morning with a intense pulse through the whole house. and then after smaller specific pulses to me. At 1:19 am. , 3, 46 and so on incrementally until I finally got up and it is now 7:17..I have to go out on the lawn some piece of something is red on the lawn to make sure the pulse is precise..Rick Nelson also drove by early yesterday morning to let me know who this was coming from.
David's father was a LT.on the police dept, not a very good one I heard but his job assured because of his loyalty, just like David. I guess stupid people can be used as tools as well. Seems to be a policy of gov't. and the media,,,use people as tools for whatever you need, and these mind control devices,HSS assures that they can do this. Use people as Tools.
David has long been my constant harasser, his son and daughter are also involved as well as Stephanie his wife. Rick is the one who pulses me if I ride the elderly bus to the market he feels his father in law started that , but in reality Dukakis started that throughout Ma. Peter started out as a postman , this is why my mail was accessed and he ended up wearing Armani and his daughters went to private colleges,one went to Merrimac college in Andover,,pretty pricey. Hie other son in law Richard Carnavale was let go by Bonfanti,,Not a trial or anything of matter, Bonfanti was mayor after Peter died. He was caught stealing railroad ties or tracks and selling them in Boston ,recycled. He was manager for maintenance. He then went to Iraq to set up mash units for the army. Ted Bettoncourt is now mayor he was groomed since he was on the city council, he hired Jean Carnavale to manage the treasury. I thought that was funny, I wonder if Richard is at home trying to figure out how to steal money from the treasury without being caught and I wonder if they are still married.
Now Rick up the street uses these pulse devices all the time as he leaves for work in his van, He has added much to the misery of my life. He has also gotten many other young men on this circle to take part in this harassment, Frank Anderson and son, Matt LaPeirre and his father. Blari Schietroff and his son Jeffrey , The Rathbones are also involved as well as Chris Yaikus and his oldest son. Francisco Sousa and many others.. Its easy to push that button and put these devices on timers... I wish them all miserable deaths.
I also want to add another name,, his name is Patrick Floyd,, he grew up with my second daughter.. his truck was parked in front of Danny Lutz's apt. we all lived in duplexes,,,Patrick was visiting Danny,,two houses from mine,,,, I walked to the end of the Cul de sac to wait for my ride and I stood facing the street , as I stood there, I was watching the runners it was a race held in Peabody for some reason or other.
I was pulsed/hit very hard from behind it went through the body and out the heart,,,through the middle of my chest. I sat down in a controlled collapse for my heart started to palpitate and I thought this was it, before I sat down I turned my head quickly because I could tell the direction from which the pulse came from and saw Patrick Floyd's face,,,he was in Danny Lutz's apt. and he slammed the door shut. Danny is ex military.Patrick is his friend.. Danny grew up in the courts,, Patrick did not.
I also want to add another name,, his name is Patrick Floyd,, he grew up with my second daughter.. his truck was parked in front of Danny Lutz's apt. we all lived in duplexes,,,Patrick was visiting Danny,,two houses from mine,,,, I walked to the end of the Cul de sac to wait for my ride and I stood facing the street , as I stood there, I was watching the runners it was a race held in Peabody for some reason or other.
I was pulsed/hit very hard from behind it went through the body and out the heart,,,through the middle of my chest. I sat down in a controlled collapse for my heart started to palpitate and I thought this was it, before I sat down I turned my head quickly because I could tell the direction from which the pulse came from and saw Patrick Floyd's face,,,he was in Danny Lutz's apt. and he slammed the door shut. Danny is ex military.Patrick is his friend.. Danny grew up in the courts,, Patrick did not.
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