Zappers as they call themselves,, you know the guys and gals who drive by your house and zap you or follow your kid in the grocery store and zap her..
well these fuckers from hell, if they think you are fighting them , they will kill you.
That is why a few years ago the littlest shortest Peabody cop stopped me and took the magnetic sheet off my van,,, it said "kill zappers",, he muttered "they will kill you for doing that. "
So basically he saved my life,thank you for that,,,couple of the state troopers helped me a few times as well,, thank you dear dear police officers,,,for the help you gave me...
But Sousa who is a big nasty brute lives up the street, he pulsed my house like a shot from hell,,, big loud,, went through everything,,,,hockey puck noise hitting the house..
,,, because I put his name on the internet and what he did,, has notified the other zapper network of what I have done,,, I think this is why the harassment has increased..with Ti's in general,,, so I think they will/want to kill me.
You see these thugs,,, these stupid hunters of people,, these security people imposing a police state on us , think they are doing the right thing,,, but in reality they are bringing about a totalitarian state..for the rich,,, the poor are being used against the poor.
The zappers on some level must know what they are doing, but on another level they only see what is in front of their eyes.. I am the enemy...They don't know or do not care what their actions are carrying out,, they are their own/our best enemy.
These zappers on the local level are our enemy and the people have to know what and who they work for,, they work for oppression, a totalitarian state controlled by the is a technique the white man has used for centuries,,, black against black and indian against indian, and this goes way beyond the white man,,, it is every man...
Except the French they got together and wiped the rich off the planet,,, From the king on down, Guillotined them all. I'm supposed to be related to the man who invented the guillotine...
Maybe that is not a bad idea,, just a
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