I think Nelson and her nazi company was working on that. I know she was,,Danielle had to take james off her lease, because of the pill they found on him, He said dan threw the paper away that day and he asked her to go get it and she said she would..
we shall see....she is still be evicted. because of scott burns and ann marie burns he worked for Eastman Gelatin and she works for Peabody Housing. He is the one who harassed me out of my apt. and followed me to Ca.he is a perp.
I do not know Nelson's first name I will try to locate that today.
I have applied for growing pot certification. I have been refused but they do not know the whole story. I told them
I also wrote to Elizabeth Warren about drugs,,,I think not only is the drug cartels here to destroy white young lives, but *** told me the drug cartels sit outside rehab and wait for the kids to come out, so they can tempt them at their weakest point and hook them again. I think it is a concentrated effort on the cartels part to destroy white young lives.
I have heard they have moved into the country and are everywhere.....everywhere. below is a comment cherie left on my blog...fuck you Cherie, a veiled threat at best....
I also wrote to Elizabeth warren about the drug cartels,,,and my feelings about the kids of the nation and the cheap heroin going around.. hook them and make them your slave, then increase the price and then give them a high grade heroin and kill them off.** told me lots of kids are being killed with this stuff, lots of kids,,, just yesterday one of James's friends overdosed but they caught her in time,,if the kids are dead to long this new medication will not work. but she passed out on the way to give james his license and his wallet. I guess she pulled over into a parking lot and the fire dept was there to administer the recovery drug..james had to use his birth certificate to get in..and I txt dan to find his paper saying he was on that drug. so he can get out of the court issue.....I do not think she will do it, she told him she threw it away.....we shall see.
After I sent the blog about drug cartels to Warren,, I got pulsed in the lower left side, so intense it was awful,,, they hit the muscle, it seemed, because I had no problem going to the bathroom this morning, but the muscle still very much hurts...
Bud also snuck in my apt. when james was asleep and I was outside,,,I did not lock the door and he broke my computer rotor, looks like with a screw driver,, he does not want me on the net...he tried to break it in two. He told me to stay off the computer and he told me not to shit in my own bed.. "shit in my own bed" is one of my terms so he was reading my blog...fuck you bud,, He sides with nelson and he is a perp..The neighborhood Nazi watch group,, I think kelly was drinking yesterday, she talked incessantly and was slurry, later she was sleeping it off and had a headache..
Oh Barbie doll this hurts my heart so when god handed out sane hard working. Neighbors who really know how to contribute to society and instill good values to our off springs, you won first place in my eyes. I do not know how I will go on without seeing you but I hope I can xoxoxo on cherie1
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